Seven Photons (zhchenseven)


Geek Repo

Company:Washington University in St. Louis


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Seven Photons's repositories


Thermal equilibrium states are ubiquitous in nature. Following the classical thermal dynamics, we can describe such states using the elliptical type of Laplace equation. Due to the advent of tremendous power of computers, we can, instead of the analytical solutions of the old-school style, alternatively using numerical methods to study the thermal dynamic systems in equilibrium. Here, I present our work using the finite difference numerical schemes to iteratively evolve the solutions to an arbitrarily given precision requirement. The code provides the object-oriented codes to solve the problem, visualize the results, and make animations of the iterative processes.



Wave propagation phenomena are widely present in the physical world, manifesting as various forms, acoustic wave, electromagnetic wave, quantum mechanical wave, and etc. In general, the wave phenomena can be described by hyperbolic differential equations. Here, we employ various finite difference schemes to simulate the propagating processes. The code is written using an object-oriented numerical framework in C++. We also attach the code to process, visualiza the data, and make animations using python packages.



Traffic phenomena occur every single day and is closely related to everyone. Physically, sudden changes for traffic problems (e.g., red ligh or green light turns on) can be described by the traffic equations. Here, we present our work to use the finite volume numerical approaches to simulate the traffic problems. The code is written using an object-oriented numerical framework in C++. We also attach the code to process, visualiza the data, and make animations using python packages.



Here, I present my codes for the computational fluid dynamics (MASE 5412) in Washington University in St. Louis. Specifically, I employ the finite difference and finite volume numerical approaches to solve the hyperbolic, elliptical partial differential equations. I exploit the object-oriented framework to initialize the set-up, evolve the dynamics, process, and store data. The data can be used to make animations using python, or visualized using MATLAB.
