zhaojh329 / rttys

Access your device's terminal from anywhere via the web.

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docker启动,过一会挂掉 makeslice: len out of range

jamespatriot opened this issue · comments

2020-10-29T12:18:32Z |ERRO| device.go:97 |Inactive device in long time, now kill it: ,
2020-10-29T12:18:33Z |INFO| device.go:118 |Device '' closed ,
panic: runtime error: makeslice: len out of range,
goroutine 7823 [running]:,
/home/zjh/go/src/github.com/zhaojh329/rttys/device.go:196 +0x49e,
created by main.listenDevice,
/home/zjh/go/src/github.com/zhaojh329/rttys/device.go:256 +0x3be,