zhao0 / astprinter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A command line tool that prints the expanded AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of a dart file.

Output example

The above image was created using ast <path> > output.txt, then opening output.txt in Sublime Text and adding Dart syntax highlighting.


dart pub get

To print the AST in the console, run dart run bin/ast.dart <"absolutePathToDartFile"> <Type(OPTIONAL)> <-n(OPTIONAL)>

dart run bin/ast.dart "C:\Path\web\main.dart" Declaration

The optional argument Type will print all AST nodes that are subtypes of Type. Multiple types can be entered as arguments. To print Types without their subtypes append -n.

For example

 dart run bin/ast.dart "C:\Path\web\main.dart" Token

will print all tokens, including StringToken, BeginToken, KeywordToken and Token. However,

 dart run bin/ast.dart "C:\Path\web\main.dart" Token -n

will only print Token nodes, such as @, =, ; etc.

