zhangzjn / ADer

ADer is an open source visual anomaly detection toolbox based on PyTorch, which supports multiple popular AD datasets and approaches.

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ADer is an open source visual anomaly detection toolbox based on PyTorch, which supports multiple popular AD datasets and approaches.
Full codes will be available soon


Getting Started


  • Clone this repo:

    git clone https://github.com/zhangzjn/ADer.git && cd ADer
  • Prepare general experimental environment

    pip3 install timm==0.8.15dev0 mmselfsup pandas transformers openpyxl imgaug numba numpy tensorboard fvcore accimage Ninja
    pip3 install mmdet==2.25.3
    pip3 install --upgrade protobuf==3.20.1 scikit-image faiss-cpu faiss-gpu
    pip3 install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
    pip3 install mmcv-full==1.7.0 -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu113/torch1.12/index.html

Dataset Preparation

Please refer to Datasets Description for preparing visual AD datasets.

Results on Popular Datasets

Red metrics are recommended for comprehensive evaluations.
Subscripts I, R, and P represent image-level, region-level, and pixel-level, respectively.


Method mAU-ROCI mAPI mF1-maxI mAU-PROR mAU-ROCP mAPP mF1-maxP mF1P/.2/.8 mAccP/.2/.8 mIoUP/.2/.8 mIoU-maxP mADI mADP mAD.2/.8 mAD Download
DRAEM 88.8 94.7 92.0 71.1 88.6 52.6 48.6 21.8 15.3 14.2 35.1 91.8 63.2 17.1 76.6 log & weight
RD 94.6 96.5 95.2 91.2 96.1 48.6 53.8 25.8 39.8 16.4 37.4 95.4 66.2 27.4 82.3 log & weight
UniAD 97.5 99.1 97.3 90.7 97.0 45.1 50.4 22.4 37.5 13.9 34.2 98.0 64.1 24.6 82.4 log & weight
DeSTSeg 89.2 95.5 91.6 64.8 93.1 54.3 50.9 29.7 22.7 18.8 35.3 92.1 66.1 23.7 77.1 -
SimpleNet 95.3 98.4 95.8 86.5 96.9 45.9 49.7 25.3 47.7 16.0 34.4 96.5 64.2 29.7 81.2 -
ViTAD 98.3 99.4 97.3 91.4 97.7 55.3 58.7 30.9 40.8 20.4 42.6 98.3 70.6 30.7 85.4 log & weight

MUAD on VisA

Method mAU-ROCI mAPI mF1-maxI mAU-PROR mAU-ROCP mAPP mF1-maxP mF1P/.2/.8 mAccP/.2/.8 mIoUP/.2/.8 mIoU-maxP mADI mADP mAD.2/.8 mAD Download
DRAEM 79.5 82.8 79.4 59.1 91.4 24.8 30.4 12.6 8.7 7.4 18.8 80.5 48.8 9.6 63.9 log & weight
RD 92.4 92.4 89.6 91.8 98.1 38.0 42.6 21.2 46.5 13.1 28.5 91.5 59.6 26.9 77.8 log & weight
UniAD 88.8 90.8 85.8 85.5 98.3 33.7 39.0 17.9 47.1 10.9 25.7 88.4 57.0 25.3 74.5 log & weight
DeSTSeg 88.9 89.0 85.2 67.4 96.1 39.6 43.4 27.4 41.0 17.3 26.9 87.7 59.7 28.6 72.8 -
SimpleNet 87.2 87.0 81.7 81.4 96.8 34.7 37.8 17.5 50.6 11.0 25.9 85.3 56.4 26.3 72.4 -
ViTAD 90.5 91.7 86.3 85.1 98.2 36.6 41.1 21.6 38.2 13.5 27.6 89.5 58.7 24.4 75.6 log & weight

Note: Each method trains 100 epochs.


Method mAU-ROCI mAPI mF1-maxI mAU-PROR mAU-ROCP mAPP mF1-maxP mF1P/.2/.8 mAccP/.2/.8 mIoUP/.2/.8 mIoU-maxP mADI mADP mAD.2/.8 mAD Download
DRAEM 63.2 86.1 89.2 55.0 93.2 16.8 20.2 4.3 2.5 2.4 11.9 79.5 43.4 3.0 60.5 log & weight
RD 77.9 92.4 91.4 93.5 98.4 29.8 36.4 16.0 53.1 9.4 22.8 87.2 54.9 26.2 74.3 log & weight
UniAD 78.9 93.4 91.4 88.1 96.5 21.2 28.0 12.2 43.6 7.0 16.8 87.9 48.6 20.9 71.1 log & weight
ViTAD 79.0 93.1 91.8 91.6 98.2 27.3 33.3 17.2 45.3 10.0 20.5 88.0 52.9 24.1 73.5 log & weight


  • Check data and model settings for the config file configs/METHOD/METHOD_CFG.py
  • Train with single GPU example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py -c configs/METHOD/METHOD_cfg.py -m train
  • Train with multiple GPUs (DDP) in one node:
    • export nproc_per_node=8
    • export nnodes=1
    • export node_rank=0
    • export master_addr=YOUR_MACHINE_ADDRESS
    • export master_port=12315
    • python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$nproc_per_node --nnodes=$nnodes --node_rank=$node_rank --master_addr=$master_addr --master_port=$master_port --use_env run.py -c configs/METHOD/METHOD_CFG.py -m train.
  • Modify trainer.resume_dir to resume training.


  • Modify trainer.resume_dir or model.kwargs['checkpoint_path']
  • Test with single GPU example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py -c configs/METHOD/METHOD_cfg.py -m test
  • Test with multiple GPUs (DDP) in one node: python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$nproc_per_node --nnodes=$nnodes --node_rank=$node_rank --master_addr=$master_addr --master_port=$master_port --use_env run.py -c configs/METHOD/METHOD_CFG.py -m test.


If you use this toolbox or benchmark in your research, please cite our related works.

  title={Exploring Plain ViT Reconstruction for Multi-class Unsupervised Anomaly Detection},
  author={Jiangning Zhang and Xuhai Chen and Yabiao Wang and Chengjie Wang and Yong Liu and Xiangtai Li and Ming-Hsuan Yang and Dacheng Tao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.07495},


ADer is an open source visual anomaly detection toolbox based on PyTorch, which supports multiple popular AD datasets and approaches.