zhangyaming / oh-my-ubuntu


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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This is The Ubuntu Way

A software-install shell script for Ubuntu that is:



Easy to use

Make sure your ubuntu connect to the internet then run:

./oh-my-ubuntu.sh -f ./config/ubuntu_16.04.ini

It will ask you whether prompt or not,if you choose y,then all the software will install automatically.

If you choose n,then you can confirm every item before it start install.

It will install all my favorite softwares specified by .config/ubuntu_16.04.ini

You can modify ./config/ubuntu_16.04.ini according to your actual environment. see INI file formate


./oh-my-ubuntu.sh [-f <path of ini file>] [-a all|ppa|apt|download|build]"

-f:specified the path of ini file

-a:You can execute one of following function alone.

  1. ppa:add ppa
  2. apt:Install packags through apt-ght install
  3. download:Download deb file from internet then install.
  4. build:build and install software from source code (Currently only support get source code from git server like github or gitlab)

You can call ./oh-my-ubuntu.sh without any argument:

Default argument of -f option is config/ubuntu_16.04.ini

Default argument of -a option is all.

INI file format

I use git to read or write standard ini file.

For example

  • read :git config section.key
  • write :git config section.key value

In section repo,add your favorite ppa:

 ppa = ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable

In section apt,add your favorite packags separated by space

 packages = virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso vde2

In section download,add the deb file download url:

 url = http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_i386.deb

In section build,There are three string separated by comma that assigned to key gitsrc.

  • The url of software's in git server,
  • Dependence packags that can be installed by apt-get install. [optional]
  • Install command
 gitsrc=https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher.git , automake pkg-config libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev , ./build.sh && sudo make install

Best Partiton Scheme for Ubuntu

  1. 由于不可能是多系统/boot//usr,这三个目录将在同个分区中。

  2. 由于我是8GB内存,所以不准备开swap。

  3. /opt用原笔记本hdd的分区

  4. /home也用原笔记本的分区

  5. 删除原笔记本hdd的/usr和/和swap和/boot,这样共空出310GB的空间,将给windows使用。

  6. 4k对齐,我们直接用gparted分区按默认将整个分区格式化即可,默认前面留得空间是4k对齐的。

  7. 分区表类型我们选mbr,因为我的笔记本式支持的这种分区表支持的,而且gpt的优点对于这个硬盘来说和分区方案来说等于没有。

  8. 制作系统启动U盘,使用ubuntu自带的启动盘创建器

Things to do after installing Ubuntu

  1. 安装显卡驱动,本笔记本(y400)是nvidia gt650m直接在附加驱动里面更新即可。在次之前必须先执行sudo apt-get update



License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%