zhangxincheng / SEC4SR

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This repository contains the code for SEC4SR (SECurity for Speaker Recogntion), a Pytorch library for adversarial machine learning research on speaker recognition.

Main website: SEC4SR website

Paper: Anonymous Submission to a conference (Under Review Now)

Feel free to use SEC4SR for academic purpose 😄. For commercial purpose, please contact us 📫.

1. Usage

1.1 Requirements

pytorch=1.6.0, torchaudio=0.6.0, numpy=1.19.2, scipy=1.4.1, libkmcuda=6.2.3, torch-lfilter=0.0.3, pesq=0.0.2, pystoi=0.3.3

1.2 Dataset Preparation

We provide five datasets, namely, Spk10_enroll, Spk10_test, Spk10_imposter, Spk251_train and Spk_251_test. They cover all the recognition tasks (i.e., CSI-E, CSI-NE, SV and OSI). The code in ./dataset/Dataset.py will download them automatically when they are used. You can also manually download them using the follwing links:

Spk10_enroll, 18MB, MD5:0e90fb00b69989c0dde252a585cead85

Spk10_test, 114MB, MD5:b0f8eb0db3d2eca567810151acf13f16

Spk10_imposter, 212MB, MD5:42abd80e27b78983a13b74e44a67be65

Spk251_train, 10GB, MD5:02bee7caf460072a6fc22e3666ac2187

Spk251_test, 1GB, MD5:182dd6b17f8bcfed7a998e1597828ed6

After downloading, untar them inside ./data directory.

1.3 Model Preparation

1.3.1 Speaker Enroll (CSI-E/SV/OSI tasks)

  • Download iv_system, MD5:bfe90ec7782b54dc295e72b5bf789377 and xv_system, MD5:37cb3e7ca48c0da3ae72a35195aacf58, and untar them inside the reposity directory (i.e., ./). Iv_system and xv_system contain the pre-trained ivector-PLDA and xvector-PLDA background models.
  • Run python enroll.py iv and python enroll.py xv to enroll the speakers in Spk10_enroll for ivector and xvector systems. Multiple speaker models for CSI-E and OSI tasks are stored as speaker_model_iv and speaker_model_xv inside ./model_file. Single speaker models for SV task are stored as speaker_model_iv_{ID} and speaker_model_xv_{ID} inside ./model_file.
  • Run python set_threshold.py -task SV iv, python set_threshold.py -task OSI iv, python set_threshold.py -task SV xv and python set_threshold.py -task OSI xv to set the threshold of the system.

1.3.2 Natural Training (CSI-NE task)

  • Sole natural training:

    python natural_train.py -num_epoches 30 -batch_size 128 -model_ckpt ./model_file/natural-audionet -log ./model_file/natural-audionet-log

  • Natural training with QT (q=512)

    python adver_train.py -attacker PGD -epsilon 0.002 -max_iter 10 -defense QT -defense_param 512 -EOT_size 1 -EOT_batch_size 1 -model_ckpt ./model_file/QT-512-pgd-adver-audionet -log ./model_file/QT-512-pgd-adver-audionet-log

1.3.3 Adversarial Training (CSI-NE task)

  • Sole FGSM adversarial training:

    python adver_train.py -attacker FGSM -epsilon 0.002 -model_ckpt ./model_file/fgsm-adver-audionet -log ./model_file/fgsm-adver-audionet-log

  • Sole PGD adversarial training:

    python adver_train.py -attacker PGD -epsilon 0.002 -max_iter 10 -model_ckpt ./model_file/pgd-adver-audionet -log ./model_file/pgd-adver-audionet-log

  • Combining adversarial training with input transformation AT (randomized, should use EOT during training)

    python adver_train.py -attacker PGD -epsilon 0.002 -max_iter 10 -defense AT -defense_param 16 -EOT_size 10 -EOT_batch_size 5 -model_ckpt ./model_file/AT-pgd-adver-audionet -log ./model_file/AT-pgd-adver-audionet-log

1.4 Generate Adversarial Examples

  • Example 1: FAKEBOB attack on naturally-trained audionet model

    python attackMain.py -system_type audionet -model_file ./model_file/QT-512-natural-audionet -task CSI -root ./data -name Spk251_test -des ./adver-audio/QT-512-audionet-fakebob FAKEBOB -epsilon 0.002

  • Example 2: FGSM targeted attack on FC-defended ivector-plda model for OSI task. FC is randomized, using EOT

    python attackMain.py -system_type iv -model_file ./model_file/speaker_model_iv -threshold 2.51 -task OSI -defense FC -defense_param kmeans raw 0.2 L2 -root ./data -name Spk10_imposter -des ./adver-audio/iv-fgsm -EOT_size 6 -EOT_batch_size 2 -targeted FGSM -epsilon 0.002

1.5 Evaluate Adversarial Examples

  • Example 1: Testing for unadaptive attack

    python test_attack.py -system_type audionet -model_file ./model_file/QT-512-natural-audionet -root ./adver-audio -name QT-512-audionet-fakebob -defense QT -defense_param 512

  • Example 2: Testing for adaptive attack

    python test_attack.py -system_type iv -model_file ./model_file/speaker_model_iv -threshold 2.51 -defense FC -defense_param kmeans raw 0.2 L2 -root ./adver-audio -name iv-fgsm

In Example 1, the adversarial examples are generated on undefended audionet model, but tested on QT-defended audionet model, so it is non-adaptive attack.

In Example 2, the adversarial examples are generated on FC-defended iv-plda model using EOT (to overcome the randomness of FC), and also tested on FC-defended iv-plda model, so it is adaptive attack.

By default, targeted attack randomly selects the targeted label. If you want to control the targeted label, you can run specify_target_label.py and input the generated target label file to attackMain.py and test_attack.py.

test_attack.py can also be used to test the benign accuracy of systems. Just let -root and -name point to the benign dataset.

2. Extension

MC (Model Component)

MC contains three state-of-the-art embedding-based speaker recognition models, i.e., ivector-PLDA, xvector-PLDA and AudioNet. Xvector-PLDA and AudioNet are based on neural networks while ivector-PLDA on statistic model (i.e Gaussian Mixture Model).

The flexibility and extensibility of SEC4SR make it easy to add new models.

To add a new model, one can define a new subclass of the torch.nn.Module class and implement three methods: forward, score, and make_decision , then it can be evaluated using different attacks.

DAC (Dataset Component)

We provide five datasets, namely, Spk10_enroll, Spk10_test, Spk10_imposter, Spk251_train and Spk_251_test. They cover all the recognition tasks (i.e., CSI-E, CSI-NE, SV and OSI).

All our datasets are subclasses of the class torch.utils.data.Dataset. Hence, to add a new dataset, one just need to define a new subclass of torch.utils.data.Dataset and implement two methods: __len__ and __getitem__, which defines the length and loading sequence of the dataset.

AC (Attack Component)

SEC4SR currently incorporate four white-box attacks (FGSM, PGD, CW$_\infty$ and CW$_2$) and two black-box attacks (FAKEBOB and SirenAttack).

To add a new attack, one can define a new subclass of the abstract class Attack and implement the attack method. This design ensures that the attack methods in different concrete Attack classes have the same method signature, i.e., unified API.

DEC (Defense Component)

To secure SRSs from adversarial attack, SEC4SR provides 2 robust training methods (FGSM and PGD adversarial training) and 22 speech/speaker-dedicated input transformation methods, including our feature-level approach FEATURE COMPRESSION (FC).

Since all our defenses are standalone functions, adding a new defense is straightforward, one just needs to implement it as a python function accepting the input audios or features as one of its arguments.

ADAC (Adaptive Attack Component)

All these adaptive attack techniques are implemented as standalone wrappers so that they can be easily plugged into attacks to mount adaptive attacks.



Language:Python 100.0%