zhangxiaohan123 / code_gridCell

Code for grid / place cells clustering project

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Clustering Spaces

Matlab code for grid / place cells modelling project

Software and toolboxes

Matlab (2017b used)

Matalb Toolboxes:

  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (bootci)
  • Signal processing toolbox?
  • Image processing toolbox (gaussian filter)

Additional tools/functions: Tools to compute grid scores: gridSCORE_packed (from Roddy Grieves, based on geom2D toolbox: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7844-geom2d) Plotting - unvariate scatterplots: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37105-plot-spread-points-beeswarm-plot

Set up directories and paths

Set up directories:

  1. Edit working directory path at the top of each of these scripts :
  • Note: the working directory (wd) should have directories code_gridCell and data_gridCell

For learning phase:

  • covering_map_batch_run.m
  • run_gridnessTestDataPerm.m
  • run_trapzKfrmSq_covering_map
  • square_splitInHalf_gridness.m

For plotting:

  • covering_map_batch_plot.m
  • covering_map_batch_plot_testSet_perm.m
  • covering_map_plot_simple_wOut_load
  • catLearn_batch_plot.m

e.g. for covering_map_batch_run.m, set to working directory by editing line 5: wd='/Users/robert.mok/Documents/Postdoc_ucl/Grid_cell_model';


  1. Move code directory (code_gridCell) to the working directory for the code

  2. Create an empty data directory in the working directory for data to live (data_gridCell)


NOTE: In most scripts, I run them cell by cell (section by section) using cmd+return (for mac) or ctrl+enter (windows) to run each cell. They will run if you run the whole script, but for some (e.g. plotting scripts), a lot of windows may pop up.

Simple example to test things are working

Script: covering_map_batch_run.m (to set up learning phase simulations)

  • Run one condition - Edit line 23 to only run one condition to e.g.: clus2run = 20
  • Run script (runs 1 iteration)
  • Plot using a simplified plotting script: covering_map_plot_simple_wOut_load.m
  • Run first 3 cells for plotting
  • (Note: commented out cells below require the 'muAll' variable which allows plotting some visualisations over time. To do this, edit script 'covering_map_batch_run' to output muAll - i.e. comment line 95 and uncomment line 97)

Full run through of learning plus testing and permutation stats


Learning (or 'training') phase - learning cluster positions Script: covering_map_batch_run.m

  • default (i.e. in the script now): circle (uncomment line 19 or 20 for square environment or category learning)
  • default: runs cluster conditions from 10 to 30 (set to fewer just to look at a few results, e.g. 10:12, or [10, 15, 20])
  • if running a large number of iterations, set actOverTime = 0 (this set to 1 gives activation plots over time; takes longer, creates huge files, might crash. In the paper this is set to 200 iterations)
  • edit number of iterations on line 70 - nIter = 1, but change to some larger number, e.g. 50 or 100, or 1000 as in the paper
  • save data - edit line 69 to: saveDat = 1;

Test phase (freeze cluster positions and compute activations and grid scores) Script: run_gridnessTestDataPerm.m

  • default environment/shape is circle. uncomment line 19 if you ran learning in the square environment (category learning no need to assess grid scores)
  • if you have run the learning script and saved it, you should be able to run this script and it will give you the activation maps and grid scores)
  • permutation testing (on/off)
    • To compute activation maps and grid scores after learning WITHOUT permutation tests, set nIter=1000
    • To compute activation maps, grid scores, and permutation tests, set nIter=200 (else takes long, and not necessary) (Note: gA is grid score that is reported in the manuscript (method from Perez-Escobar et al., 2016), gW is a more conservative method (from Wills et al., 2012).)
  • edit clus2run (nClus conditions) - line 27 - if only ran square on a few conditions and loading in those conditions


Plotting learning phase Script: covering_map_batch_plot.m

  • default: circle (uncomment line 18 for square)
  • set actOverTime (line 21). if this is set to 0, load up simulations where only the final activations maps and grid scores (after learning). Set to 1, load up simulation where activations and grid scores over time are saved, and can plot this - however, there are fewer simulations (iterations).
  • edit clus2run (nClus conditions) - line 33 - if only loading a few conditions. Script was made for 10:30 (default in script), so plotting might not be perfect if using different numbers.
  • cell 2 - univariate scatterplots of grid scores at the end of learning
  • cell 3 - plot univariate scatters over time (NOTE: needs actOverTime = 1) - default: plotSubPlots = 0 (line 249). this will plot a selection of nClus condition (edit 286 to plot different set). if plotSubPlots = 1, you'll get a subplot of all 10:30 nClus conditions, but very small
  • cell 4 - computes bootstrapped confidence intervals for gridness over time (glm betas for an increase in grid score)
  • cell 5 - activation map examples. edit clus2plot to plot examples from different nClus conditions (see line 347-348)
  • cell 6 - commented out cells below require the 'muAll' variable which allows plotting some visualisations over time. Used to plot figure 1 spatial case

Plotting test phase Script: covering_map_batch_plot_testSet_perm.m

  • default: circle (uncomment line 18 or 19 for square or trapz)
  • set loadPerm on line 22. default is 0, so loads up all simulations, but not permutations (which is needed to load up and plot the proportion grid cells after permutation stats). if set to 1, fewer simulations are plot in cell 2.
  • edit clus2run (nClus conditions) - line 25 - if only loading a few conditions. Script was made for 10:30 (default in script), so plotting might not be perfect if using different numbers.
  • Cell 2 plots univariate scatterplots in figure 3 and 4 in the manuscript
  • Cell 3 plots examples of activation maps as show in figure 3 and 4, and in supplementary figures. edit clus2plot to plot examples from different nClus conditions (see line 509-511)
  • Cell 4 plot univariate scatterplots of the thresholds for 'grid cell like' activation maps, from the permutation method - NOTE: need to set loadPerm to 1
  • Cell 5 plots univariate scatterplots of square versus trapezoid gridscores, from figure 4.
  • in cells 2 & 5, set computeCIs to 1 to get bootstrapped confidence intervals reported in the manuscript (takes 10s of seconds to a minute compute)

Trapezoid learning and stats

Learning (or 'training') phase - learning cluster positions in a trapezoid after learning in a square Script: run_trapzKfrmSq_covering_map.m

  • this loads in the data from the data directory (corresponding nClus condition, with cluster positions learnt in square environment) and runs the learning algorithm in a new environment - a trapezoid
  • edit clus2run (nClus conditions) - line 41 - if only ran square on a few conditions and loading in those conditions

Test phase - fix cluster positions and compute activations and grid scores Script: run_gridnessTestDataPerm.m

  • uncomment line 20 to make dat = 'trapzKfrmSq1' - this should automatically set doPerm=0, and nIter=1000, since mainly we want activation maps and grid scores after learning in the trapz
  • edit clus2run (nClus conditions) - line 27 - if only ran square on a few conditions and loading in those conditions

Scripts and data index

Scripts: learning

covering_map_batch_run.m - main run script for running clustering algorithm and simulation

covering_map_batch_sim.m - called by main run script, covering_map_batch_run.m, - simulation script

run_gridnessTestDataPerm.m - run script for ‘test’ set - plotting cluster activations after learning, with option to perform shuffling/permutation tests for stats on grid score

gridnessTestData_Perm.m - called by run_gridnessTestDataPerm.m - test set plotting / permutation testing script

run_trapzKfrmSq_covering_map.m - loads up a square simulation then runs the clustering algorithm (more learning trials) on the trapezoid

covering_map_batch_sim_clusPosIn.m - called by run_trapzKfrmSq_covering_map.m - loads in an existing set of cluster positions and runs the clustering algorithm

Scripts: plotting





Data files for plotting


For each nClus condition, there are 10 files. here are 10 files for the nClus=10 condition.

Main learning results for circle and square environment:

  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_1000iters_circ_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_noActOverTime_annEps_101640.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_1000iters_square_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_noActOverTime_annEps_165924.mat

Main test results (clusters fixed - first 2 without permutation test, latter 2 with perm test)

  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_1000iters_circ_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_noActOverTime_annEps_trlsTest_noPerm_232126.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_1000iters_square_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_noActOverTime_annEps_trlsTest_noPerm_043400.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_200iters_circ_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_annEps_actNorm_perm_500permsOn200iters_160040.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_200iters_square_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_annEps_actNorm_perm_500permsOn200iters_053554.mat

Main learning results with activations and grid score saved over time (with fewer - 200 - iterations)

  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_200iters_circ_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_annEps_142357.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_1000ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_200iters_square_wActNorm_jointTrls_stepSiz_annEps_200530.mat


  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_250ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_1000iters_trapzKfrmSq1_wActNorm_epsMuTrapz_25_jointTrls_stepSiz_annEps_201604.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_10clus_250ktrls_eps250_batchSiz200_1000iters_trapzKfrmSq1_wActNorm_epsMuTrapz_25_jointTrls_stepSiz_annEps_trlsTest_noPerm_trapzKfrmSq1_184626.mat


For the manuscript, I ran 2 simulations for the concept structure example

  • covering_map_batch_dat_18clus_50ktrls_eps25_batchSiz10_50iters_catLearn_wActNorm_2cats_stoch0_c0_msExample_145757.mat
  • covering_map_batch_dat_20clus_50ktrls_eps25_batchSiz10_50iters_catLearn_wActNorm_2cats_stoch0_c0_msExample_144044.mat

Functions index

Functions for univariate scatterplots

From: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37105-plot-spread-points-beeswarm-plot

  • isEven.m
  • myErrorbar.m
  • plotSpread.m
  • repeatEntries.m

Functions for computing grid scores

Functions within directory: gridSCORE_packed

  • ndautoCORR.m - computes an autocorrelation or crosscorrelation across two arrays
  • gridSCORE.m - takes autocorrelation plot and computes grid score - can compute two grid scores, the one used in this project is the ’allen’ method
  • within gridSCORE_packed/gridSCORE_dependencies, these are from the geom2d toolbox: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7844-geom2d

Unused but could be used (kmeans+ initialisation)

  • kmplusInit.m


Code for grid / place cells clustering project

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:MATLAB 100.0%