zhangxiann / TPAMI_Gait_Identification

Repo for "Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks"

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This is the code for the paper Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks by Yanxiang Wang, Xian Zhang, Yiran Shen*, Bowen Du, Guangrong Zhao, Lizhen Cui, Hongkai Wen.

note: torch version==1.8.0, if you use other versions, some incompatible errors may occur!

The paper can be found here.


In this paper, We propose new event-based gait recognition approaches basing on two different representations of the event-stream, i.e., graph and image-like representations, and use Graph-based Convolutional Network (GCN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) respectively to recognize gait from the event-streams. The two approaches are termed as EV-Gait-3DGraph and EV-Gait-IMG. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches, we collect two event-based gait datasets, one from real-world experiments and the other by converting the publicly available RGB gait recognition benchmark CASIA-B.

If you use any of this code or data, please cite the following publication:

  title={EV-gait: Event-based robust gait recognition using dynamic vision sensors},
  author={Wang, Yanxiang and Du, Bowen and Shen, Yiran and Wu, Kai and Zhao, Guangrong and Sun, Jianguo and Wen, Hongkai},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
 title={Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks},
    author={Wang, Yanxiang and Zhang, Xian and Shen, Yiran and Du, Bowen and Zhao,     Guangrong and Lizhen, Lizhen Cui Cui and Wen, Hongkai},
   journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},


  • Python 3.x
  • Conda
  • cuda
  • PyTorch
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • PyTorch Geometric
    • torch-cluster 1.5.9
    • torch-geometric 1.7.0
    • torch-scatter 2.0.6
    • torch-sparse 0.6.9
    • torch-spline-conv 1.2.1
  • TensorFlow
  • Matlab (with Computer Vision Toolbox and Image Processing Toolbox for nonuniform grid downsample)



We use both data collected in real-world experiments(called DVS128-Gait) and converted from publicly available RGB gait databases(called EV-CASIA-B). Here we offer the code and data for the DVS128-Gait.


we use a DVS128 Dynamic Vision Sensor from iniVation operating at 128*128 pixel resolution.

we collect two dataset: DVS128-Gait-Day and DVS128-Gait-Night, which were collected under day and night lighting condition respectively.

For each lighting condition, we recruited 20 volunteers to contribute their data in two experiment sessions spanning over a few days. In each session, the participants were asked to repeat walking in front of the DVS128 sensor for 100 times.

Run EV-Gait-3DGraph

  • download DVS128-Gait-Day dataset, you will get DVS128-Gait-Day folder which contains train and test data, place DVS128-Gait-Day folder to the data/ folder.

    The file structure should look like:

    ├── origin
    │   ├── train
    │   │   ├── 0
    │   │   ├── 1
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── test
    │   │   ├── 0
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── ...
    ├── downsample
    │   ├── train
    │   │   ├── 0
    │   │   ├── 1
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── test
    │   │   ├── 0
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── ...
    └── graph
        ├── train
        │   ├── 0
        │   ├── 1
        │   └── ...
        ├── test
        │   ├── 0
        │   └── ...
        └── ...
  • event downsample using matlab:

    • In Windows:
      1. open Matlab
      2. go to matlab_downsample
      3. run main.m. This will generate the data/DVS128-Gait-Day/downsample folder which contains the non-uniform octreeGrid filtering data .
    • In Linux, you can use this command: matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "main, exit()".
  • or directly download the downsampled data from this link:

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OKKvrhid929DakSxsjT7XA , extraction code: ceb1

    Then unzip it to the data/DVS128-Gait-Day/downsample folder.

  • generate graph representation for event, the graph data will be generated in data/DVS128-Gait-Day/graph folder:

    cd generate_graph
    python mat2graph.py
  • Download the pretrained model to the trained_model folder:

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1X7eytUDWAtKS4bk0rjbs6g , extraction code: b7z7

  • run EV-Gait-3DGraph model with the pretrained model:

    cd EV-Gait-3DGraph
    python test_3d_graph.py --model_name EV_Gait_3DGraph.pkl

    The parameter--model_name refers to the downloaded pretrained model name.

  • train EV-Gait-3DGraph from scratch:

    cd EV-Gait-3DGraph
    nohup python -u train_3d_graph.py --epoch 110 --cuda 0 > train_3d_graph.log 2>&1 &

    the traning log would be created at log/train.log.

    parameters of train_3d_graph.py

    • --batch_size: default 16
    • --epoch: number of iterations, default 150
    • --cuda: specify the cuda device to use, default 0

Run EV-Gait-IMG

  • generate the image-like representation

    cd EV-Gait-IMG
    python make_hdf5.py
  • Download the pretrained model to the trained_model folder:

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xNbYUYYVPTwwjXeQABjmUw , extraction code: g5k2

    we provide four well trained model for four image-like representations presented in the paper.

    • EV_Gait_IMG_four_channel.pkl
    • EV_Gait_IMG_counts_only_two_channel.pkl
    • EV_Gait_IMG_time_only_two_channel.pkl
    • EV_Gait_IMG_counts_and_time_two_channel.pkl
  • run EV-Gait-IMG model with the pretrained model:

    We provide four options for --img_type to correctly test the corresponding image-like representation

    • four_channel : All four channels are considered, which is the original setup of the image-like representation

      python test_gait_cnn.py --img_type four_channel --model_name EV_Gait_IMG_four_channel.pkl
    • counts_only_two_channel : Only the two channels accommodating the counts of positive or negative events are kept

      python test_gait_cnn.py --img_type counts_only_two_channel --model_name EV_Gait_IMG_counts_only_two_channel.pkl
    • time_only_two_channel : Only the two channels holding temporal characteristics are kept

      python test_gait_cnn.py --img_type time_only_two_channel --model_name EV_Gait_IMG_time_only_two_channel.pkl
    • counts_and_time_two_channel : The polarity of the events is removed

      python test_gait_cnn.py --img_type counts_and_time_two_channel --model_name EV_Gait_IMG_counts_and_time_two_channel.pkl

    The parameter --model_name refers to the downloaded pretrained model name.

  • train EV-Gait-IMG from scratch:

    nohup python -u train_gait_cnn.py --img_type counts_only_two_channel --epoch 50 --cuda 1 --batch_size 128 > counts_only_two_channel.log 2>&1 &

    parameters of test_gait_cnn.py

    • --batch_size: default 128
    • --epoch: number of iterations, default 50
    • --cuda: specify the cuda device to use, default 0
    • --img_type: specify the type of image-like representation to train the cnn. Four options are provided according to the paper.
      • four_channel : All four channels are considered, which is the original setup of the image-like representation
      • counts_only_two_channel : Only the two channels accommodating the counts of positive or negative events are kept.
      • time_only_two_channel : Only the two channels holding temporal characteristics are kept.
      • counts_and_time_two_channel : The polarity of the events is removed.


CASIA-B contains data from 124 subjects, each of which has 66 video clips recorded by RGB camera from 11 different view angles (0 to 180), i.e., 6 clips for each angle. The view angle is the relative angle between the view of the camera and walking direction of the subjects. To convert the CASIA-B dataset to event format, we use a similar approach as in and use a DVS128 sensor to record the playbacks of the video clips on screen. In particular, we use a Dell 23 inch monitor with resolution 1920X1080 at 60Hz.


Repo for "Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks"


Language:Python 91.5%Language:MATLAB 6.1%Language:Shell 2.4%