zhangjinzhi / Sentiment-Analysis-based-on-Naive-Bayes-Adaboost

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Sentiment Analysis based on Naive Bayes & Adaboost

This topic aims at improving Naives Bayes algorithm by using feature-correlation-based weighting and improving the performance of Bayes classifier by using Adaboost.

Getting Started

These instructions will let you apply the project demo and running on your machine for development and testing purposes.


Following tools and packages are required to run this project demo.

Programming Language

Python 3

Import Packages


Installing on Windows 10

Python Installation

  1. Open the https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
  2. Download the correct installation package(32 or 64 bits) for Python 3 (Latest Python 3 Release is OK)
  3. Execute the installation package and finish the installation (remember to select the item "Add Python x.x to PATH")

Package Installation

For the re and random are included in original Python, we only need to install the Numpy, NLTK and TextBlob.

  1. Open the http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy
  2. Download the correct Numpy wheel for your Python version
  3. Go the path of the wheel in cmd and perform the installtion
>pip3 install numpy-x.xx.x+mkl-cpxx-cpxxm-win(32 or 64 bits).whl
>pip3 install nltk
>pip3 install textblob

Installing on Mac OS X

Python Installation

If there is no HomeBrew in your Mac, just install it in termianl.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

You can use the Homebrew to search and install Python 3 in terminal.

$ brew search python
$ brew install python3

Package Installation

For the re and random are included in original Python, we only need to install the Numpy, NLTK and TextBlob.

$ pip3 install numpy
$ pip3 install nltk
$ pip3 install textblob

Data Source (No need to run again in this demo)

For more details about twitter data crawling api, please refer to Twitter Developer Docs

Windows 10

>python get_tweets [user] [datatype] [nums_line] [nums_file] 

e.g. >python get_tweets Tom hist 100 3

which means use the auth key of Tom to get historical data, then write these data to the 3 files with 100 lines per file.

Mac OS X

$ python3 get_tweets [user] [datatype] [nums_line] [nums_file] 

e.g. $ python3 get_tweets Tom hist 100 3

which means use the auth key of Tom to get historical data, then write these data to the 3 files with 100 lines per file.

As the data has been prepared in the folder 'data', this step can be skip in this demo.

Data Preprocess (No need to run again in this demo)

Windows 10

>python data_transfer.py 
>python give_label.py 

Mac OS X

$ python3 data_transfer.py 
$ python3 give_label.py 

Please note the name and path of files in data_transfer.py. ( in Mac)

f_old = open('../data/TweetData_Original.txt','r')
f_new = open('../data/TweetData_Transfered.txt', 'w+')

Please note the name and path of files in give_label.py. (in Mac)

original_fileName = '../data/TweetData_Transfered.txt'
new_fileName = '../data/CleanedTweetData.txt'

Running the Demo

  1. The project uses 4 spaces per indent instead of tab.
  2. Pay attention to the label, which should match your training set and testing set.

​ As for CleanedTweetData.txt, they are 'pos' and 'neg'.

​ As for SMS.txt, they are 'ham' and 'spam'

def loadContentsLabels(fileName):
    f = open(fileName)
    labels = []  # the label for type,1 is for negtive content,0 is for positive content
    contents = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        linedatas = line.strip().split('\t')
        if linedatas[0] == 'pos':  # 'ham'
        elif linedatas[0] == 'neg': # 'spam'
        # process the original data, filter useless string
        words = process_data.cleanData(linedatas[1])
    return contents, labels

Running the Simple Bayes Model

You can perform the model by going the path of the folder SimpleBayes_TFIDF in terminal and running the main.py.

Windows 10

>cd X:\xxx\xxx\SimpleBayes_TFIDF
>python main.py

Mac OS X

$ cd /Users/xxx/xxx/SimpleBayes_TFIDF
$ python3 main.py

For the count of test set, you can change it by the variable testCount in trainningErrorRate function in main.py in Mac.

def trainningErrorRate():
    : test the error rate of classification
    : return errorCount and errorRate
    filename = '../data/CleanedTweetData.txt'
    contents, labels = load_save_data.loadContentsLabels(filename)

    # Cross-validation
    testWords = []
    testWordsType = []

    testCount = 1000


For the source of test set, you can change it by the variable filename in main.py. Take SMS.txt for an example in Mac.

def training():
    filename = '../data/SMS.txt'

def trainningErrorRate():
    filename = '../data/SMS.txt'

Running the AdaBoost Version Bayes Model

You can perform the model by going the path of the folder Adaboost_SimpleBayes_TFIDF in terminal and running the main.py.

Windows 10

>cd X:\xxx\xxx\Adaboost_SimpleBayes_TFIDF
>python main.py

Mac OS X

$ cd /Users/xxx/xxx/Adaboost_SimpleBayes_TFIDF
$ python3 main.py

For the count of test set, you can change it by the variable testCount in AdaboostTrainingWithDS function in main.py in Mac

def AdaboostTrainingWithDS(iterateNum):
    testing error rate of classification
    :param iterateNum:
    filename = '../data/CleanedTweetData.txt'
    contents, labels = load_save_data.loadContentsLabels(filename)

    # Cross-validation
    testWords = []
    testWordsType = []

    testCount = 1000


For the iteration times of the model, you can change it by the variable iterateNum in main function in main.py

if __name__ == '__main__':
    AdaboostTrainingWithDS(iterateNum = 40)

For the source of test set, you can change it by the variable filename in main.py. Take SMS.txt for an example in Mac.

def AdaboostTrainingWithDS(iterateNum):
    filename = '../data/SMS.txt'



Demo Video



Language:Python 100.0%