detect hackers
Event is a case class that contains UserId, Timestamp, X position, and Y position
10,000,000 events are simulated every millisecond
The normal X and Y positions are set to sample from Uniform(0.0, 100.0)
For about 1% of events, an additional 100 is added to X and Y.
For the simulation, which is a pure kafka producer, a Kafka-JSON library for scala was used: It transforms case class directly to JSON byte array.
For the flink-kafka consumer, a custom class (EventDeserializer) was implemented to extend org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.AbstractDeserializationSchema. In the derialize method, json4s was used to read byte array to the Event case class.
The main functionality was implemented in a RichFlatMapFunction: UpdateLoc.
It maintains a state of the last Event.
Whenever a new Event comes, the function checks if the travel speed is too fast. If it is, output the two events.