zhangchiqing / rpdebugger

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ramda + bluebird-promisell + repl

A repl that includes the following global variables for debugging in a repl:

R: Ramda

P: bluebird-promisell

rerequire: reload a module at certain path. Useful to change code and reload the module without losing session data.

_store: log the promise, extract the resolved data to _store.data or rejected error to _store.error

_save: save a session data into .session.json

_load : load the session data from .session.json


  1. Copy the index.js file to the root path of your node project. cp rpdebugger/index.js ~/nodeapp/debugger.js

  2. Launch with node node debugger.js

  3. Or launch with chrome debugger node --inspect debugger.js



Language:JavaScript 100.0%