zhangboyang / AIMv6

Cross-platform operating system for teaching purposes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AIMv6 project builds an operating system for teaching purposes. This system should seperate kernel logic from platform-dependent implementation, thus should work across platforms.

Supported platforms

  • ARMv7A
    • Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC (2x Cortex A9)
  • IA32
    • QEMU
  • MIPS32
    • MSIM
    • Note that we are only supporting 256MB RAM for all MIPS32 machines.
  • MIPS64
    • Loongson 3A

Building AIMv6


AIMv6 builds in UNIX-like environments, and have the following requirements:

  • A proper toolchain. Cross-compiling toolchains works for all platforms. For IA32 targets, native toolchains are usable as well. See doc/toolchain.md for details.

    • The C compiler MUST support C11 standard.

    • The C compiler MUST support plan9 extensions.

  • A sh-compatible shell.

  • make

  • A full set of GNU autotools if building in maintainer mode (when this source tree comes from a source repository instead of a tarball).

    • autoconf-archive must be present. It can be installed from your distribution's software repository.

      • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install autoconf-archive
      • Fedora: dnf install autoconf-archive as root.

Normal mode

If you receive this source tree in the form of a tarball, or if the configure script is present, AIMv6 can be built in normal mode.

Following steps should be taken to build AIMv6.

  1. Run ./configure, with parameters and environment variables according to your need.

  2. Run make

AIMv6 does not come with any test suites right now.

AIMv6 can install built object under given prefix, but this feature is not finished yet.

Maintainer mode

If AIMv6 cannot be built in normal mode, a lot of generated scripts are not present yet. To keep the reporsitory clean, generated files SHOULD NOT be included in commits.

Before you can build the source, run autoreconf --install --force to generate the configure scripts as well as other helper files. Then, follow the normal mode steps above.

Ultimate Maintainer mode

Usually maintainer mode would suffice for all development in this project, However, if you are willing to try the latest autotools features such as AC_PROG_CC_C11, you can build a set from source as follows:

  1. Grab autoconf source from [git://git.sv.gnu.org/autoconf.git].

  2. Run autoreconf --install at the root of the autoconf source. Note that you are building autoconf in maintainer mode as well, so a working set of GNU autotools is required. The autoconf binary version requirement is 2.60.

  3. Configure and install autoconf. Installation under $HOME is highly recommended. Do not overwrite the installed version unless you are on LFS or YOU ABSOLUTELY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. AIMv6 team is not responsible for any possible damage to your system. If you are building a custom toolchain, you SHOULD choose a different prefix for autoconf.

  4. Add the bin folder under your installation prefix BEFORE your $PATH variable. You may want to add this to your ~/.profile. You should limit this effect to the unprivileged user you are currently using, as this version of autoconf is highly experimental. Also, make sure there's no other programs (not included in the autoconf install) under the same directory, unless you clearly know what you are doing and really mean it.

Running AIMv6


MSIM configuration

A suggested configuration is

./configure --host=mips64el-n64-linux-uclibc \
            --without-pic \
            --enable-static \
            --disable-shared \
            --with-kern-start=0x80300000 \
            --with-mem-size=0x10000000 \

Replace mips64el-n64-linux-uclibc to the prefix of any available toolchain. For example, if you have a MIPS GCC compiler named mips64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc, the host argument should be mips64-unknown-linux-gnu.

You can also define smaller or larger memory sizes by replacing --with-mem-size argument with what you need.

Preparing disk image

MSIM needs a disk image to simulate hard disks.

A sample configuration

May be changed later.


dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1024 count=1000000

to create a 1000000K blank disk image.

Then, use fdisk(8) to make DOS partitions:

fdisk disk.img

Copy the bootloader into the first 446 bytes in the first sector:

dd if=boot/arch/mips/msim/boot.bin of=disk.img bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc

Use kpartx(8) to mount the partitions in disk image (probably as root):

kpartx -av disk.img

If successful, you may see the following messages:

add map loop0p1 (253:3): 0 204800 linear /dev/loop0 2048
add map loop0p2 (253:4): 0 40960 linear /dev/loop0 206848
add map loop0p3 (253:5): 0 1024000 linear /dev/loop0 247808
add map loop0p4 (253:6): 0 776768 linear /dev/loop0 1271808

Copy the kernel image to the second partition on disk image (probably as root):

dd if=kern/arch/mips/kernel.elf of=/dev/mapper/loop0p2 conv=notrunc

Run MSIM to bring up the operating system.

Loongson 3A

You should prepare a SATA-to-USB converter or something to enable you to upload your kernel image into the hard disk inside Loongson 3A box.

Replace the boot/vmlinux file with the kernel image you compiled, and you're done.

ARM on qemu

Below is an example on how to test AIMv6: (A lot of work needed here)

qemu-system-arm -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -m 512 -serial null -serial stdio \
	-kernel firmware/arch/armv7a/firmware.elf -s -S

The -s -S option will enable gdb support on port 1234. You can then run gdb firmware/arch/armv7a/firmware.elf with needed options and connect to the emulator via target remote:1234 in its command line.

i386 on qemu


A sample compiling configuration:

$ env ARCH=i386 MACH=generic ./configure \
> --enable-static --disable-shared --without-pic \
> --with-kern-start=0x100000 --with-mem-size=0x20000000
$ make clean
$ make

where --with-kern-start specifies the starting address kernel will be loaded at.

Creating a blank disk image

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1M count=500

creates a 500M disk image.

Making partitions

$ fdisk disk.img

to interactively make partitions.

You can also use sfdisk(8) to manipulate disk partitions in a script-oriented manner.

Mounting disk image partitions

You would probably have to run as root.

# kpartx -av disk.img

The partitions are mounted as /dev/mapper/loop0pX in Fedora, where X corresponds to partition ID.

TODO: add running cases in Ubuntu etc.

Installing bootloader

$ dd if=boot/arch/i386/boot.bin of=disk.img conv=notrunc

Take extra care to ensure that boot.bin never exceeds 446 bytes, or partition entries may be overwritten.

Installing kernel onto 2nd partition

On Fedora:

# dd if=kern/vmaim.elf of=/dev/mapper/loop0p2

TODO: add running cases in Ubuntu etc.

Running QEMU

$ qemu-system-i386 -serial mon:stdio -hda i386.img -smp 4 -m 512

Running QEMU and debug with GDB

$ qemu-system-i386 -serial mon:stdio -hda i386.img -smp 4 -m 512 \
> -S -gdb tcp::1234

Then run GDB and enter the following:

(gdb) target remote :1234

Debugging with GDB

If you are going to debug your kernel, you probably want to disable optimization so that your C code matches the disassembly exactly. To do so, you will have to reconfigure and rebuild the project with a new CFLAGS:

$ env ARCH=i386 MACH=generic CFLAGS='-g -O0' ./configure \
> --enable-static --disable-shared --without-pic \
> --with-kern-start=0x100000 --with-mem-size=0x20000000
$ make clean
$ make

Step to next instruction:

(gdb) si

Switching layout:

(gdb) help layout

to see usage of layout command. You can view disassembly/sources there.

Set breakpoint at address:

(gdb) b *0x7c00

to add a breakpoint at bootloader entry.

Loading debugging symbols:

(gdb) symbol kern/vmaim.elf

to enable C code debugging after QEMU stepped into kernel.

Contributing to AIMv6

Read doc/patterns.md for code styles and design patterns adopted in our project. It is highly recommended to follow the guidelines there.


Feel free to add features here


  • Device driver subsystem
  • Page allocator
  • Arbitrary size allocator
  • Trap handler

Work in progress

  • User memory mapping
  • Scheduler
  • File system
  • SMP

Currently skipping

These features may be moved to "work in progress" section as soon as we begin to work on them.

  • kmmap subsystem
    • As a consequence, we are assuming that the physical memory can be covered by fixed kernel linear mapping.


These features may be put into the "work in progress" section, or "currently skipping" section.

  • User-side exceptions as signals
  • I/O scheduler
  • Multiple-user
  • Access control

Not considering

These features have a fairly low chance to be moved to "planned" section as they are often quite complicated.

  • Implicit dynamic linking
  • Explicit dynamic loading
  • Signal handler registration



Cross-platform operating system for teaching purposes.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 77.4%Language:Assembly 8.4%Language:Makefile 8.3%Language:M4 3.8%Language:C++ 2.0%Language:Perl 0.2%