zhanbei / Projects-and-Schedules

The management for networked projects with schedules; supported by interactive visualizations and editors.

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Projects and Schedules

The management for networked projects with schedules; supported by interactive visualizations and editors.


  • Mixed-Entry

    = Project | Module | Task | Step | Research | Solution

    Entries are treed structure, can be networked with dependencies.

Supported Sets

  • Project
    • Project
    • Partial Project
  • Module
    • Module
    • Partial Module
    • Session
  • Task
    • Task
    • Step
  • Others
    • Issue
    • Solution
    • Research


  • Progress
  • Tags
  • Dev-Terms
  • Members
  • Roles
  • Comments
  • Subscribers


Current relations are one of [ "Has" | "Depends" ].

It may be nonsense to classify entries strictly as Projects, Modules, or Tasks, since people with different backgrounds tend to call the same thing differently, like your so-called projects may often be modules of other projects. Still it is needed to distinguish the differences, as for different principles stand for different amount to resources(time) needed -- expectations are attached along with the entities. Projects are treated importantly, than modules, and hence the same way, modules are relatively important than tasks.

  • Project

    A Project has its life-cycles by default [ Research / Schedules / etc ], which should be fulfilled with project being enriched gradually.

    • Has Mixed-Entries
    • Depends on other Projects? or Nothing?
  • Module

    Same as Project

  • Task

    • Has Sub Tasks / Steps
    • Has Possible Solutions
    • Depends on other Mixed-Entries
  • Step

    Steps are ordered Tasks.

  • Solution

    • Has Mixed-Entries
    • Depends on Other Mixed-Entries
  • Research

    • Has Mixed-Entries
    • Depends on Other Mixed-Entries




  • Entry Type
    • Set = Project
      • Bold and Big Name
    • Set = Module
      • Bold and Big Name
  • Indexed Names
    • Set = Step
      • Name = (index+1) + '. ' + name
  • Colored Circle
    • By Projects
    • Task Types = [ Research | Development | Testing ]
    • Task Status = [ Alarm | Warning | Normal | Good | Great ] Colored Circle or Text
  • Task Importance
    • Bold Text
    • Colored Text or Circle
  • Progress
    • Use Number in Circle
    • Use Half-filled Color
    • Use Icon Filled


  • Entry Editor
    • Scheduling
    • Comments
    • Commitment
  • Filtering By
    • Projects
    • Members
    • Development Terms



Researches are to be navigated on, first or later, on specific purposes.

  • Pre-researches Necessary first
    • Design and Enrich the Structure
    • Planning and Scheduling
  • Better Solutions
    • Current solution is okay but there are better ones.
  • Potential or Future Problems
  • References
    • Refer others and find potential solutions.
  • Related Topics for Inspirations
    • Search around and find potential features.
Comparisons Time Purposes
Pre-researches Necessary first 1. Enrich the designs
2. Confirm the schedules
Inspirations Marked later or when being free 1. Refine the designs.


  • Name
  • Description
  • Content
  • Draft
  • Attachments
  • Parent
  • Category
  • Milestones / Iterations / Development Term
  • Priority
  • Optionality
  • Assignees
  • Estimated Start Date
  • Estimated Due Date
  • Credential
  • Closed
  • Labels/Tags


Treed Categories

  • Name
  • Parent


  • Name
  • Description
  • Start Date
  • Due Date


  • Referred Issues
    • Unstarted
    • Ongoing
    • Completed
  • Referred Pull Requests
    • ...


  • Upload with Markdown URL


  • Name
  • Description
  • Color

Scheduling & Controlling

  • Priority
  • Optionality
  • Urgency / Time
  • Progress
  • Schedules


  • Label
  • Value [0-100]


What's the differences between the importance and optionality(, and urgency)?

  • Required == Important !== urgent
  • Optional(Nice to Have) == Unimportant


Deadline is used to represent the urgency of the specific task.

Progress(Done or Not)

  • Not(0)
  • Started(10)
  • Partial(30)
  • Half(50)
  • Most(70)
  • Almost(90)
  • Done(100)

Rating Values @see https://material-ui.com/components/rating/

  • [ 0/1 - 5 ] => 3[1, 3, 5], 5/6
    • Stars range from 0/1 to 5.
  • [ -5 - 5 ] => 3[-5, 0, 5], 11
  • [ 0, 1 - 9, 10 ] => 3[0/1, 5, 9/10], 4[2, 4, 6, 8], 5[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], 9, 11
    • Stars range from 0, 0.5 to 4.5, 5.
  • [ 0 - 100 ] => 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 99, 100, 101
    • Like percentage, support percentage of numbers.
  • [ 10000 - 20000 ] => [0.00% - 100.00%]
    • Like percentage, support float numbers.
  • 85.5 => any
    • Store float value directly.
  • "85.5%" => any
    • Store string value directly.

With clear goals, a task can be marked as done or not, or partially done with a progress.

While there is no clear goals, often for kinds of researches, a task cannot be simply marked done or not; hence practices are needed to evaluate the results and consider whether to push forward. (BTW, at least two members may be better scheduled for fuzzy tasks, to make the results trustful.)

Basic Schedule

Tasks can be accomplished through discontinuous hours during discontinuous days. Hence the total duration is not the same with the to - from.


  • Estimated time needed to accomplished the target task, in hours or in days.
  • For a regular task, if several days may be required, it is better to have steps, which in counted in hours.
  • In hours, the value may be 2h;


  • The Product/Project Managers or the principals do care about the deadline.
  • Tasks with estimated time or not are scheduled in particular orders, and hence the deadlines are estimated with reasons or not.
  • Tasks are often overdue because of the scheduling and controlling.
    • As the tasks involved got enriched, extra works will be involved as well.
      • Experiences as well as infrastructures can sometimes help this kind of similar cases.
    • Tasks important or urgent may be scheduled first, postponing others behind.
  • A specific task may be scheduled in a particular time

Time Range

The real scheduled time: when the task are estimated to start

  • From
  • Duration
    • How long does the tasks last(, counting the work hours from workdays only).
  • To


No update are permitted, use actions instead.

A complete schedule are not allowed to be modified, or even enriched, because these operations reduce information, which tracks the target task. Appending and overriding will be used on the back-end, while latest actions will be emphasized on the front-end.


The time of the target schedule being created.


Who made this action(, and when/Created-Time)?


Predicted Deadline > Deadline

Tasks may be ranked to be accomplished in orders, without actually schedule the real time. The latter tasks, however, are risky to be postponed or overdue, because the risks are superimposed.

FIX-ME Development Patterns are to be Researched Steps Further.

  • Predicted predicted

    Predicted schedule with predicted deadline.

    • Simple Schedule
  • Real real

    Real schedules with real deadline.

    • Simple Schedule
  • Historically Predicted Times predictions

    • Simple Schedules
  • Historically Real Times reals histories

    A task may be developed during several development terms, or there is no allocated development terms at all.

    Records of real historical developments times.

    • Simple Schedules
  • Deadline deadline

    • Real Deadline
  • Importance importance

    • [1-10]

Progress and Deadline

  • Exceeded and Undone > Behind Schedule > Normal > Ahead of Schedule > Done Ahead of Schedule
  • Alarm > Warning > Normal > Good > Great
  • Sad > Considering > Smile
Status Started Half Close Exceeded
Started Normal Warning Alarm Alarm
Half Good Normal Warning Alarm
Done Great Great Good Warning



The management for networked projects with schedules; supported by interactive visualizations and editors.


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