zh54321 / hashcat_rule_gen

Genereate Hashcat rules file based on permutation of input files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rule Generator For Hashcat

Generate Hashcat rules file based on permutation of input files. Useful in combination with small/custom wordlist.

Rule Components

The script uses the following components in the rule generation:

  • %Word Case Operator%: Example "l" which uses the word from the wordlist in lowercase
  • %Number or common chars%: Numbers like "123", "007", or common patterns like "aaa", "abc"
  • %Specialchar%: The common ".","!", or "?" which people use in their password
  • %Character replacement%: Replace "a" with an "@" or "s" with a "$"

Position Matters

Example the "!" could be at the end (Summer2023!), in the middle (Summer!2023) or even at the start (!Summer2023). But it could be 2023Summer!, 2023!Summer, !2023Summer, Summer2023, 2023Summer, Summer!, !Summer, Summer as well... To cover all those cases the script will generate the rules for it.

Example Content and Generated Rules

The script reads the content of the file with the correct Hashcat rule syntax and generates various combinations.

Example Content: Use input files with the correct Hashcat rule syntax. Example:

  • prefix.txt: c
  • numbers_append.txt: $1
  • numbers_prepend.txt: ^1
  • special_append.txt: $!
  • special_prepend.txt: ^!
  • charrep.txt: sa@

This will generate:

c $1
c $1 $!
c $! $1
c $1 $! sa@
c $! $1 sa@
c $1 ^!
c $1 ^! sa@
c ^1
c $! ^1
c ^1 $! sa@
c ^!
c ^! sa@
c $!
c $! sa@

It is possible to leave files empty (for example to not prepend special characters).


Place the files in the same folder as the script and run it.


Genereate Hashcat rules file based on permutation of input files.


Language:PowerShell 100.0%