User code snippets for markdown
Use markdown shortcuts need to change settings: wiki and bilibili
| Names | Age | Cool |
| ----- | :-: | ---: |
| He | 18 | Yes |
# H1
# H1 {#head_1}
## H2
## H2 {#head_1}
### H3
### H3 {#head_1}
#### H4
#### H4 {#head_1}
##### H5
##### H5 {#head_1}
###### H6
###### H6 {#head_1}
> Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
> Captain Janeway
1. First ordered list item
2. Another item
3. And another item
- Unordered list can use asterisks
* Or minuses
- Or pluses
[link]( 'Link's title')
![alt text](http://Image's src 'Image's title')
![alt text](Image's src){:height='36px' width='36px'}
if (isAwesome){
return true
`var example = true`
- [ ] This is a complete item
\*[HTML]: HyperText Markup Language