zgrossbart / HelloSpiffyL10N

This project takes the Hello Spiffy Ant project and shows how to localize the application in French

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Spiffy UI Framework - GWT made simple

Hello Spiffy L10N is a sample application using the Spiffy UI Framework which builds a simple REST application with Apache Ant and shows you how to localize your Spiffy UI application.

Building and Running Hello Spiffy L10N

Hello Spiffy L10N is built with Apache Ant using Apache Ivy. Once you've installed Ant go to your HelloSpiffyL10N working copy and run this command:

    <ANT HOME>/ant

This will download Apache Ivy and the other the required libraries, build the Hello Spiffy L10N project, and run it with an embedded Jetty web server. It will then provide instructions for accessing the running application once the build is completed.

How It Works

This application was created with the Spiffy UI project builder and then edited to support French as well as English. You can see it work by setting your preferred locale to French in your browser. To make this work I made the following changes in my project:

Added localization support to my GWT module

To support localization in GWT you have to enable it in your GWT module file. In this project, that file is src/main/java/org/spiffyui/hellospiffylocalization/index.gwt.xml.

The first step is to import the localization module:

    <inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.I18N"/>

Then we need to specify which languages we want to support:

    <extend-property name="locale" values="fr" />

We'll add French and we get English by default. Adding this locale causes the GWT compiler to create output for French as well as English.

Created a locale filter

GWT can figure out the correct language based on the browser's installed locale, but not the preferred locale. That means you would have to installed Mozilla in French instead of just specifying French in your preferences. This is especially problematic because your browser can send one locale to the server and another one to GWT resulting an in application that's half one language and half another. It isn't GWT's fault -- there just isn't a good way to get correct locale information in JavaScript.

The solution is a locale filter. Spiffy UI comes with a set of servlet filters which inject the correct HTML meta tags for determining the locale for GWT. The easiest one is GWTLocaleBundleFilter. This filter figures out the supported locales by looking at the properties files in your application and then finds the best match between the locales your application supports and the ones the browser requests. We extend it with a one-line filter named LocaleFilter.java:

    public class LocaleFilter extends GWTLocaleBundleFilter
        protected String getResourcePath()
            return "/WEB-INF/classes/org/spiffyui/hellospiffylocalization/client";

This filter tells the GWTLocaleBundleFilter where our properties files are, and it makes sure we send the correct localized strings to the browser. Now we just need those strings.

Added localized strings

This application has user visible strings in two places. The first is src/main/java/org/spiffyui/hellospiffylocalization/client/MainPanel.html. This HTML file has most of the strings in our UI. We can localize it by creating a new file: src/main/java/org/spiffyui/hellospiffylocalization/client/MainPanel_fr.html.

This new file has the same structure as our English file, but all the content is in French. It still has the same HTML placeholders for our controls, they are just surrounded by French. For example, the English string:

    Enter your name: <span id="nameField"></span> <span id="submitButton"></span>

becomes the French string:

    Entrez votre nom: <span id="nameField"></span> <span id="submitButton"></span>

Once we've translated the entire file we make sure to save it in UTF-8 format so the French characters will be encoded correctly.

The rest of the strings for our application are located in src/main/java/org/spiffyui/hellospiffylocalization/client/Index.java. These are just a few strings that are used with dynamic content. For these strings we create a GWT Messages class.

Our Messages class is src/main/java/org/spiffyui/hellospiffylocalization/client/ProjStrings.java. It is a simple interface with one method for each localized string. For example:

    public interface ProjStrings extends Messages
        public String hello();

Each string is in a properties file with a property of the same name as the method name. For example in ProjStrings.properties:

    hello = Hello Spiffy Localization!

We then create a second file with the French strings named ProjStrings_fr.properties. The property names stay the same and the strings are in French:

    hello = Salut Spiffy Localisation!

Once we've created this ProjStrings class and properties files we can call it from inside Index.java like it was a first-class Java object. For example:

    ProjStrings PROJ_STRINGS = (ProjStrings) GWT.create(ProjStrings.class);

Putting it all together

That's all we need to support French in our application. When you compile it you'll see 12 permutations from the GWT compiler, one for each combination of supported browser and locale. When this page is run, the filter will find the best matching locale and inject the header in the index.html file which will allow GWT to select the correct language for your page.

Your application can support as many languages you want. You can send your properties files to a real localization company and you won't have to live with my horrible French.


Hello Spiffy L10N is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


This project takes the Hello Spiffy Ant project and shows how to localize the application in French


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%