zfoo-project / zfoo-sdk-typescript-javascript-cocos-web-h5

zfoo sdk of typescript and javascript for coscos and web

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

zfoo sdk typescript javascript cocos web h5

zfoo sdk of typescript and javascript for coscos and web

support TypeScript in web

support JavaScript in web

support TypeScript in Cocos

Start Server

Start Client

  • ask and await usage
var response: WebsocketHelloResponse = await asyncAsk(request);
  • send packet
  • install

If you are running it in idea, you need to install the plug-in first, Run Configuration for TypeScript

The test environment of nodejs needs to modify the ByteBuffer to use the util.Text Encoder of nodejs


zfoo sdk of typescript and javascript for coscos and web


Language:TypeScript 100.0%