zeyu2001 / OSCP

Here's an archive of the boxes I did to prepare for the OSCP.

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Here's an archive of the boxes I did to prepare for the OSCP.

Zeyu's OSCP Writeups

~# ls -la

Name Type
My OSCP Journey: How I Tried Harder Blog Post
Proving Grounds - Offensive Security Challenge Writeups
Hack the Box Challenge Writeups

~# cd proving_grounds

Offensive Security Proving Grounds (PG) are a modern network for practicing penetration testing skills on exploitable, real-world vectors.

Warm Up (10)

Machine OS Description
Pebbles Linux Not your average pebble in a pond - a pretty pebble.
Twiggy Linux An easy machine, but a tad sneaky.
Bratarina Linux Bratarina is not the nicest lady in town.
Internal Windows Quick and simple way to learn the Brazilian dance.
ClamAV Linux Retired exam machine to help you prepare.

Get to Work (20)

Machine OS Description
Nibbles Linux This machine will highlight why we have hardening guidelines.
Nickel Windows We require more minerals.
WebCal Linux Enumeration is key. Also, don't follow where it leads you...
Authby Windows Enumeratation and pillaging like bandits in the old country.
Pelican Linux Let's hope to see one at the zoo.
Jacko Windows A machine best paired with a nice cup of coffee.
Medjed Windows Medjed - The Smiter, who belongs to the House of Osiris, who shoots with his eye, yet is unseen.
XposedAPI Linux Don't get exposed.

Try Harder (25)

Machine OS Description
Meathead Windows Teaches basic pillaging and chaining principals.

~# cd hack_the_box

Hack The Box is a massive, online cyber security training platform, allowing individuals, companies, universities and all kinds of organizations around the world to level up their hacking skills.


Machine OS
ScriptKiddie Linux
Delivery Linux
Laboratory Linux
Academy Linux
Sense Linux


Machine OS
Cronos Linux
Jeeves Windows


Here's an archive of the boxes I did to prepare for the OSCP.


License:MIT License