zeunie / company_cluster

company clustering with K-means/GMM and visualization with PCA, t-SNE, using SSAN relation extraction

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RE results graph visualization and company clustering

Winter Intern Project at KAIST Applied Artificial Intelligence Lab
Junhyeok Jung(KAIST), Kwanghyeon Lee(KAIST), Jiwoo Shin(KAIST), Jieun Han(HUFS)


  1. pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. python -m nltk.downloader stopwords

  3. python3.7 main.py

1. Paragraph-Level Relation Extraction using rule-based and SSAN

|- df4rule.py

  • Prerequiste

    • You need csv files that are generated with finiancial_news_api
    • Those files should be located in "visualization_code/rule_base_datasets/*.csv"
  • This code extracts relations with rule-based patterns.

    • (S + V + O) -> (head: S, relation: V, tail: O )

|- df4ssan.py

  • Prerequiste
    • We recommend you run SSAN independently, and make sure all relation extraction.json file from SSAN code saved in "output/*/SSAN_result_all_relation.json"
  • This code convert json file to dataframe and concat all the dataframes from various companies.

2. Graph visualization by degree and betweeness centrality using networkx

|- visualize_cent.py

  • output
    • degree_centrality: "./graph_png/degree.png"
    • betweenness_centrality: "./graph_png/between.png"

3. Get embedding vector with Node2vec Company clustering with K-means and GMM

|- node.py


  • output
    • consine similarity: "./similarity_result/consine_similarity.csv"
    • l2 norm: "./similarity_result/l2_norm.csv"

|- company_cluster.py

  • GMM (soft clustering) k: number of clusters

    main.py company_clustering(com_list, com_vec, 4, 'gmm')

  • K-means (hard clustering)

    main.py company_clustering(com_list, com_vec, 4, 'kmeans')

4. Visualize with PCA and TSNE


  • output
    • PCA: "./graph_png/company_cluster_pca.png"
    • TSNE: "./graph_png/company_cluster_tsne.png"


  • degree_centrality: "./graph_png/degree.png"
  • betweenness_centrality: "./graph_png/between.png"
  • consine similarity: "./similarity_result/consine_similarity.csv"
  • l2 norm: "./similarity_result/l2_norm.csv"
  • PCA: "./graph_png/company_cluster_pca.png"
  • TSNE: "./graph_png/company_cluster_tsne.png"


company clustering with K-means/GMM and visualization with PCA, t-SNE, using SSAN relation extraction


Language:Python 100.0%