zeronewb / clickhouse-test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Make sure that you have Git LFS installed.

git lfs clone


	event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),
	event_time DateTime,
	user_id Int32,
	site_id Int32
ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (event_time, user_id, site_id), 8192);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_visit_ip_str (
	event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),
	event_time DateTime,
	user_ip String,
	site_id Int32
ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (event_time, user_ip, site_id), 8192);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_visit_ip_num (
	event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),
	event_time DateTime,
	user_ip UInt32,
	site_id Int32
ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (event_time, user_ip, site_id), 8192);

Load dumps

cat dump_user_visit.tabs | clickhouse-client -q "INSERT INTO user_visit FORMAT TabSeparated"
cat dump_user_visit_ip_str.tabs | clickhouse-client -q "INSERT INTO user_visit_ip_str FORMAT TabSeparated"
cat dump_user_visit_ip_num.tabs | clickhouse-client -q "INSERT INTO user_visit_ip_num FORMAT TabSeparated"

Create dumps

clickhouse-client -q "SELECT * FROM user_visit FORMAT TabSeparated" > dump_user_visit.tabs
clickhouse-client -q "SELECT * FROM user_visit_ip_str FORMAT TabSeparated" > dump_user_visit_ip_str.tabs
clickhouse-client -q "SELECT * FROM user_visit_ip_num FORMAT TabSeparated" > dump_user_visit_ip_num.tabs


**CPU:**1 vCore **RAM:**768 MB **SWAP:**1 GB **Storage:**15 GB SSD **OS:**Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)


Chart result

Run time

Query int user id string user ip num user ip
select(distinct()) between all 1.214 3.840 4.351
select(group by) between all 0.323 10.353 0.792
uniqExact() between all 0.269 0.936 0.423
select(distinct()) between AND where 0.329 0.804 0.583
select(group by) between AND where 0.140 0.435 0.171
uniqExact() between AND where 0.103 0.343 0.123
select(distinct()) one date 0.039 0.050 0.031
select(group by) one date 0.019 0.043 0.015
uniqExact() one date 0.010 0.017 0.010
uniq() between all 0.100 0.582 0.118
uniq() between AND where 0.126 0.329 0.105
uniq() one date 0.013 0.024 0.015
uniqCombined() between all 0.186 0.621 0.202
uniqCombined() between AND where 0.104 0.296 0.102
uniqCombined() one date 0.011 0.020 0.012
group by date and time 0.019 0.037 0.027
group by days 0.062 0.060 0.062


SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12'));
-- 997533 rows - Elapsed: 1.214 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (4.94 million rows/s., 29.65 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT user_id FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') GROUP BY user_id);
-- 997533 rows - Elapsed: 0.323 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (18.60 million rows/s., 111.59 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 997533 rows - Elapsed: 0.269 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (22.28 million rows/s., 133.69 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4);
-- 451824 rows - Elapsed: 0.329 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (18.22 million rows/s., 182.15 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT user_id FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4 GROUP BY user_id);
-- 451824 rows - Elapsed: 0.140 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (42.74 million rows/s., 427.37 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 451824 rows - Elapsed: 0.103 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (58.44 million rows/s., 584.44 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10'));
-- 93427 rows - Elapsed: 0.039 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.36 MB (75.33 million rows/s., 162.37 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT user_id FROM user_visit WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10')  GROUP BY user_id);
-- 93427 rows - Elapsed: 0.019 sec. Processed 2.72 million rows, 5.91 MB (142.79 million rows/s., 309.63 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 93427 rows - Elapsed: 0.010 sec. Processed 2.72 million rows, 5.91 MB (275.24 million rows/s., 596.83 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 999616 rows - Elapsed: 0.100 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (59.79 million rows/s., 358.73 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 453801 rows - Elapsed: 0.126 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (47.76 million rows/s., 477.61 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 93265 rows - Elapsed: 0.013 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.36 MB (219.90 million rows/s., 473.98 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 998595 rows - Elapsed: 0.186 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (32.24 million rows/s., 193.45 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 451620 rows - Elapsed: 0.104 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (57.51 million rows/s., 575.13 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(user_id) FROM user_visit WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 93544 rows - Elapsed: 0.011 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.36 MB (279.21 million rows/s., 601.81 MB/s.)

SELECT toHour(event_time) as h, toMinute(event_time) as m, count() FROM user_visit WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-10-13') group by h,m ORDER BY h,m;
-- Elapsed: 0.019 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.36 MB (153.72 million rows/s., 331.34 MB/s.)

SELECT toDayOfMonth(event_time) as d, count() FROM user_visit WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-11-01') AND toDate('2016-11-30') group by d ORDER BY d;
-- 30 rows - Elapsed: 0.062 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 17.71 MB (47.47 million rows/s., 284.83 MB/s.)


SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12'));
-- 5995771 rows - Elapsed: 3.840 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 145.65 MB (1.56 million rows/s., 37.93 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT IPv4StringToNum(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') GROUP BY user_ip);
-- 5995771 rows - Elapsed: 10.353 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 145.65 MB (579.39 thousand rows/s., 14.06 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 5995771 rows - Elapsed: 0.936 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 145.65 MB (6.41 million rows/s., 155.54 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4);
-- 600554 rows - Elapsed: 0.804 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 169.65 MB (7.47 million rows/s., 211.09 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT IPv4StringToNum(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4  GROUP BY user_ip);
-- 600554 rows - Elapsed: 0.435 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 169.65 MB (13.78 million rows/s., 389.62 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 600554 rows - Elapsed: 0.343 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 169.65 MB (17.49 million rows/s., 494.49 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10'));
-- 98380 rows - Elapsed: 0.050 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 8.83 MB (58.93 million rows/s., 176.37 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT IPv4StringToNum(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10') GROUP BY user_ip);
-- 98380 rows - Elapsed: 0.043 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 8.28 MB (68.89 million rows/s., 193.15 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 98380 rows - Elapsed: 0.017 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 8.28 MB (171.93 million rows/s., 482.03 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 6021353 rows - Elapsed: 0.582 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 145.65 MB (10.32 million rows/s., 250.44 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 597905 rows - Elapsed: 0.329 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 169.65 MB (18.25 million rows/s., 515.87 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 98513 rows - Elapsed: 0.024 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 8.83 MB (123.08 million rows/s., 368.33 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 6003838 rows - Elapsed: 0.621 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 145.65 MB (9.66 million rows/s., 234.61 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 601209 rows - Elapsed: 0.296 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 169.65 MB (20.23 million rows/s., 572.09 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(IPv4StringToNum(user_ip)) FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 98196 rows - Elapsed: 0.020 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 8.83 MB (147.86 million rows/s., 442.52 MB/s.)

SELECT toHour(event_time) as h, toMinute(event_time) as m, count() FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-10-13') group by h,m ORDER BY h,m;
-- Elapsed: 0.037 sec. Processed 1.87 million rows, 4.23 MB (50.73 million rows/s., 114.81 MB/s.)

SELECT toDayOfMonth(event_time) as d, count() FROM user_visit_ip_str WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-11-01') AND toDate('2016-11-30') group by d ORDER BY d;
-- 30 rows - Elapsed: 0.060 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 17.71 MB (48.97 million rows/s., 293.85 MB/s.)


SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12'));
-- 5995848 rows - Elapsed: 4.351 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (1.38 million rows/s., 8.27 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT user_ip FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') GROUP BY user_ip);
-- 5995848 rows - Elapsed: 0.792 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (7.57 million rows/s., 45.44 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 5995848 rows - Elapsed: 0.423 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (14.18 million rows/s., 85.08 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4);
-- 600601 rows - Elapsed: 0.583 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (10.29 million rows/s., 102.88 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT user_ip FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4 GROUP BY user_ip);
-- 600601 rows - Elapsed: 0.171 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (35.13 million rows/s., 351.31 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 600601 rows - Elapsed: 0.123 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (48.83 million rows/s., 488.28 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT distinct(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10'));
-- 98917 rows - Elapsed: 0.031 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.43 MB (94.43 million rows/s., 205.90 MB/s.)

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT user_ip FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10') GROUP BY user_ip);
-- 98917 rows - Elapsed: 0.015 sec. Processed 2.72 million rows, 5.94 MB (184.69 million rows/s., 402.72 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqExact(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 98917 rows - Elapsed: 0.010 sec. Processed 2.72 million rows, 5.94 MB (280.45 million rows/s., 611.54 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 6033965 rows - Elapsed: 0.118 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (50.86 million rows/s., 305.14 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 600037 rows - Elapsed: 0.105 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (57.12 million rows/s., 571.21 MB/s.)

SELECT uniq(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 99260 rows Elapsed: 0.015 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.43 MB (190.89 million rows/s., 416.22 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12');
-- 5995942 rows - Elapsed: 0.202 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 36.00 MB (29.70 million rows/s., 178.23 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-10-13') AND toDate('2016-12-12') AND site_id=4;
-- 600463 rows - Elapsed: 0.102 sec. Processed 6.00 million rows, 60.00 MB (58.66 million rows/s., 586.60 MB/s.)

SELECT uniqCombined(user_ip) FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-11-10');
-- 98728 rows - Elapsed: 0.012 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 6.43 MB (252.62 million rows/s., 550.81 MB/s.)

SELECT toHour(event_time) as h, toMinute(event_time) as m, count() FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date = toDate('2016-10-13') group by h,m ORDER BY h,m;
-- Elapsed: 0.027 sec. Processed 1.87 million rows, 4.20 MB (68.27 million rows/s., 153.31 MB/s.)

SELECT toDayOfMonth(event_time) as d, count() FROM user_visit_ip_num WHERE event_date between toDate('2016-11-01') AND toDate('2016-11-30') group by d ORDER BY d;
-- 30 rows - Elapsed: 0.062 sec. Processed 2.95 million rows, 17.70 MB (47.72 million rows/s., 286.34 MB/s.)
