cpgf library cpgf library is a cross platform C++ library for reflection, callback, script binding. It's written in standard C++ and doesn't require any preprocess or tools. Version: 1.5.6 Libraries: cpgf reflection -- a library to add reflection feature to C++. cpgf serialization -- a library to save C++ data and objects to persistent storage and then load back. It's based on the reflection library. cpgf script binding -- a script binding engine to bind Lua (5.2 and 5.1), Google V8 JavaScript, Python (2.7.3), and Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript to C++. It's based on the reflection library. cpgf callback -- a callback library to implement signal/slot or callback in C++. It's the primary library for other libraries. cpgf meta data collection -- a library with built-in meta data support. Now there are meta data for C++ STL, OpenGL, OpenGLU, OpenGLUT, Box2D physical engine, SFML graphics and multimedia engine and Irrlicht 3D render engine. cpgf meta data generator tool -- a tool writen in Java to automatically generate meta data from Doxygen XML files. cpgf tweening -- a library to implement ease animation in C++. License: Apache License, Version 2.0 You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Author and owner: Wang Qi, in Beijing, China Website: http://www.cpgf.org/ Learning the library: Though there are some documentations on the website, they are far from good. You may understand that developers like coding much more than documenting. The fastest way to get start with the library is to read the sample code in the folder "samples". The samples cover most features so it's a good kick off. If you want to read more sample code, read the code in the folder "test". They are for unit test. They are much more difficult to read and use a lot of macros. However, they cover much more functions than the sample code. Using the library: 1, In the project setting, add an include path pointing to "cpgf/include". 2, Link the source code or link the library in your project. 3, All classes, functions and APIs are in the namespace "cpgf". Link the source code: To using the library, the easiest way is to just link all .cpp source code under the src and sub folder. However, a build script is also provide to build the code as static library. Build the library: The library uses CMake as the build system. A makefile is provided to wrap the CMake build. To build the library, open command line terminal, go to folder "build", The library requires C++ exception and RTTI are enabled. make PLATFORM PLATFORM can be one of nmake mingw linux vc05 vc08 vc10 cb_mingw cb_nmake cb_linux xcode For detailed PLATFORM information, run "make" without parameter to see the help. If you are using MSVC, run "nmake" instead of "make". To build with Lua binding, you must change the variable HAS_LUA and LUA_DIR in build.config.txt to point to the source code of Lua. To build with Google V8 Javascript binding, you must change the variable HAS_V8 and V8_DIR in build.config.txt to point to the source code of V8. To build with Python binding, you must change the variable HAS_PYTHON and PYTHON_DIR in build.config.txt to point to the source code of Python. To build with Mozilla SpiderMonkey binding, you must change the variable HAS_SPIDERMONKEY and SPIDERMONKEY_DIR in build.config.txt to point to the source code of Mozilla SpiderMonkey. To build the unit test and sample code, feed a second parameter make PLATFORM TARGET=TheTarget TheTarget can be, TARGET=lib Build the library. This is the default if TARGET is omitted. TARGET=tutorials Build the tutorials. TARGET=test Build the unit test. TARGET=samplereflection Build the reflection sample application. TARGET=sampleserialization Build the serialization sample application. TARGET=samplelua Build the Lua binding sample application. TARGET=sampleopengl Build the Opengl binding sample application. TARGET=samplebox2d Build the Box2D binding sample application. TARGET=samplesfml Build the SFML binding sample application. TARGET=sampleirrlicht Build the Irrlicht binding sample application. Compatibility -- Tested compilers and OSes: Windows XP, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Professional Windows XP, MingW GCC 3.4.2, 4.4.0 and 4.5.2 Windows XP, Embarcadero C++ Builder 2010 Linux (Ubuntu 11.04 in VirtualBox), GCC 4.5.2 Linux (Ubuntu 11.04 in VirtualBox), Intel C++ Compiler Composer XE Mac 10.6.8, GCC 4.4.0 Required third party library -- None for the major libraries. Doesn't require C++0X and TR1 features. For Lua binding, Lua library is required. For Google V8 binding, V8 library is required. For Python binding, Python library is required. For Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Mozilla SpiderMonkey is required. If you want to run the unit test, UnitTest++ is required. But usually you don't need to do that. Contribute to the library: If you like the library and want to contribute to it, here are some most desired work to do 1, Help with the documentation. I'm not a native English speaker, and I also don't like to write documentation. 2, Test the library on more compilers and platforms. What does cpgf mean? The original cpgf means Cross Platform Game Framework. It was intended to be game framework that can work on PC and smart phone. But later the author decided to add more fun but non-game features to the library. So now the library is neither for game nor a framework. It's a cross platform library.