zerai / EventSauceBundle

Bundle to integrate EventSauce into Symfony

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This bundle integrates EventSauce and it's doctrine message repository into your symfony application.

It's strongly advised to know how EventSauce works or read up on the offical website (https://eventsauce.io) before you install this bundle.


Use composer to install the bundle into your symfony project.

$ composer require jphooiveld/eventsauce-bundle

If you want to use symfony messenger as dispatcher instead of the default dispatcher you must install the composer package symfony/messenger.

$ composer require symfony/messenger

If you want to use the console command to generate the database table for you, you must install the composer package symfony/console.

$ composer require symfony/console

Normally symfony should be able to register the bundle automatically. If not you will need to add it to the bundles.php in your config directory

return [
    Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\SecurityBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Jphooiveld\Bundle\EventSauceBundle\JphooiveldEventSauceBundle::class => ['all' => true],


        # The timezone to use for recorded messages, defaults to PHP ini setting.
        timezone: UTC
        # Use symfony messenger instead of EventSauce's default dispatcher (needs package symfony/messenger installed).
        enabled: false
        # The name of the messenger command bus service to use.
        service_bus: messenger.bus.events
        # Override if you don't want to use the default doctrine message repository but your own implementation. 
        # If doctrine is enabled this will be ignored.
        service: jphooiveld_eventsauce.message_repository.doctrine
            # Use doctrine as default message repository. If you turn this off you must provide your own service.
            enabled: true
            # Service that implements a doctrine connection. We assume doctrine bundle default here.
            connection: doctrine.dbal.default_connection
            # The table name in the database to store the messages.
            table: event
        # Autoconfigure aggregate roots to use the default repository implemtations as created by the bundle. 
        # Turn this off if you want to create your own implementation.
        autoconfigure_aggregates: true

Configuration Detail


By default the synchronous message dispatcher from EventSauce is used. If you enable symfony messenger and provide the service id of the event bus all messages will be handled by the messenger component.

Message repository

The doctrine message component is automatically installed as dependency. Otherwise there would be a non functioning application. But if you want to install another type of repository or create your own it's easy to reference it in the service parameter. If doctrine is enabled (and it's by default) this will be ignored.

Autoconfiguring aggregates is an easy way to bind your aggregates to a the doctrine message repository with default EventSauce services. A compiler pass created the services automatically internally so you can bind them to parameters in your services.yaml.

Let's for example assume you have an aggregate root called Order


namespace App\Domain;

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRoot;

class Order implements AggregateRoot
    // code

A compiler pass will automatically create a service called jphooiveld_eventsauce.aggregate_repository.order. After that you can bind it to a default parameter in your services yaml so you can inject it into your own services.

        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true
            EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRootRepository $orderRepository: '@jphooiveld_eventsauce.aggregate_repository.order'

Let's say we have a command handles that is responsible for persisting the order aggregate. We can now inject the order repository automatically for further use.


namespace App\CommandHandler;

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRootRepository;

class AddOrderHandler
    private $orderRepository;

    public function __construct(AggregateRootRepository $orderRepository)
        $this->orderRepository = $orderRepository;
    // other code

If you don't want to autoconfigure your repositories you can turn this off and take care of it yourself.

Auto configuration

EventSauce has a number of interfaces that are auto configured when this bundle is installed to make your life a lot easier.


Consumers are responsible for handling events from the aggregates. The message dispatcher is responsible for delegating the events to the consumers. Every class that you create and implements EventSauce\EventSourcing\Consumer will automatically receive events from the message dispatcher. However if you intent to use Symfony messenger you must implement the __invoke method. To overcome this limitation you can use the ConsumableTrait provided in the bundle. This will make sure it will work with the default message dispatcher from EventSauce as wel as the symfony messenger component. The trait will also let consumer's handler the events the same way as the aggregate repository does. It will look for methods that start with apply and after that the name of the event. Let's say we have a OrderCreated class which is an event that indicated ther order was created. Now we want to sent an email notifcation. For example we can create a listener as follows:


namespace App\Service;

use App\Event\OrderCreated;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Consumer;
use Jphooiveld\Bundle\EventSauceBundle\ConsumableTrait;

class SendMailNotification implements Consumer
        use ConsumableTrait;
        private $mailer;
        public function __construct(\Swift_Mailer $mailer) 
            $this->mailer = $mailer;
        protected function applyOrderCreated(OrderCreated $event)
            $message = new \Swift_Message(); 
            // other code

Whenever an order is created the method applyOrderCreated will be called.

Message decorators

Message decorators allow you to add extra headers to a message. Every class that you create and implements EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDecorator will automatically add the headers that you define to the persisted message.


Upcasters can transform messages in case events change. Every class that you create and implements EventSauce\EventSourcing\Upcasting\DelegatableUpcaster will automatically be used.

Overriding default services

All services used in the bundles are actually aliases to real implementations. If you want to override services all you have to do is create your own services and override the aliases in the build method in your Kernel.

Beware that if you start to override services stuff can and will break because auto configuration uses a lot of the default implementations.

Alias Interface Breaks auto configuration
jphooiveld_eventsauce.clock EventSauce\EventSourcing\Time\Clock no
jphooiveld_eventsauce.event_serializer EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\EventSerializer no
jphooiveld_eventsauce.message_serializer EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\MessageSerializer no
jphooiveld_eventsauce.upcaster EventSauce\EventSourcing\Upcasting\Upcaster yes
jphooiveld_eventsauce.inflector EventSauce\EventSourcing\ClassNameInflector no
jphooiveld_eventsauce.message_decorator EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDecorator yes
jphooiveld_eventsauce.message_dispatcher EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDispatcher yes

Let's say you want to create your own class inflector called App\EventSourcing\UnderscoreInflector that implements interface EventSauce\EventSourcing\ClassNameInflector. The only thing you need to do is set the alias in your kernel's build method and other dependent services will automatically use it.


namespace App;

use App\EventSourcing\UnderscoreInflector;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel as BaseKernel;

class Kernel extends BaseKernel
    protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $container->setAlias('jphooiveld_eventsauce.inflector', UnderscoreInflector::class);
    // other code


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle.


Bundle to integrate EventSauce into Symfony

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%