zenoxs / lindo-poc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lindo POC


This project is a rewrite of the Lindo application with the latest technologies under React, Typescript, Vite and electron and security in mind. It will also featuring dynamic plugin integration with systemJS and rollup. It also provide an easy way to share the application state across the browsers and the electron process with mobx and a synchronisation with IPC (heavely inspired by electron-vite-boilerplate ).

Run the arm64 mac os version for M1/M2 processors

Issue with arm64 build

  • Drop the Lindo.app into your /Applications folder
  • Then open the Terminal application and run the following command:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Lindo.app

Quick start



Directory structure

Once dev or build npm-script is executed, the dist folder will be generated. It has the same structure as the packages folder, the purpose of this design is to ensure the correct path calculation.

├── build                     Resources for the production build
|   ├── icon.icns             Icon for the application on macOS
|   ├── icon.ico              Icon for the application
|   ├── installerIcon.ico     Icon for the application installer
|   └── uninstallerIcon.ico   Icon for the application uninstaller
├── dist                      Generated after build according to the "packages" directory
|   ├── main
|   ├── preload
|   └── renderer
├── release                   Generated after production build, contains executables
|   └──{version}
|       ├── win-unpacked      Contains unpacked application executable
|       └── Setup.exe         Installer for the application
├── scripts
|   ├── build.mjs             Develop script -> npm run build
|   └── watch.mjs             Develop script -> npm run dev
├── packages
|   ├── main                  Main-process source code
|   |   └── vite.config.ts
|   ├── preload               Preload-script source code
|   |   └── vite.config.ts
|   └── renderer              Renderer-process source code
|       └── vite.config.ts

dependencies vs devDependencies

  • First, you need to know if your dependencies are needed after the application is packaged.

  • Like serialport, sqlite3 they are node-native modules and should be placed in dependencies. In addition, Vite will not build them, but treat them as external modules.

  • Dependencies like Vue and React, which are pure javascript modules that can be built with Vite, can be placed in devDependencies. This reduces the size of the application.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 99.3%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:SCSS 0.2%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:NSIS 0.1%