zenotech / SPH-EXA

Home Page:https://hpc.dmi.unibas.ch/en/research/pasc-sph-exa2/

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The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique is a purely Lagrangian method. SPH discretizes a fluid in a series of interpolation points (SPH particles) whose distribution follows the mass density of the fluid and their evolution relies on a weighted interpolation over close neighboring particles.

SPH simulations represent computationally demanding calculations. Therefore, trade-offs are made between temporal and spatial scales, resolution, dimensionality (3-D or 2-D), and approximated versions of the physics involved. The parallelization of SPH codes is not trivial due to their boundless nature and the absence of a structured grid. SPHYNX, ChaNGa, and SPH-flow are the three SPH codes selected in the PASC SPH-EXA project to act as parent and reference codes to SPH-EXA. The performance of these three codes is negatively impacted by factors such as imbalanced multi-scale physics, individual time-stepping, halos exchange, and long-range forces. Therefore, the goal is to extrapolate their common basic SPH features, and consolidate them in a fully optimized, Exascale-ready, MPI+X, SPH code: SPH-EXA.


SPH-EXA is a C++17 simulation code, parallelized with MPI, OpenMP, CUDA and HIP.

Check our wiki for more details

Folder structure

├── README.md
├── docs
├── domain                           - Cornerstone library: octree building and domain decomposition
│   ├── include
│   │   └── cstone
│   │       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │       ├── cuda
│   │       ├── domain
│   │       ├── findneighbors.hpp
│   │       ├── halos
│   │       ├── primitives
│   │       ├── sfc
│   │       ├── tree
│   │       └── util
│   └── test                        - Cornerstone unit- performance-
│       ├── integration_mpi           and integration tests
│       ├── performance
│       ├── unit
│       └── unit_cuda
├── ryoanji                         - Ryoanji: N-body solver for gravity
│   ├─── src
│   └─── test                       - demonstrator app and unit tests
├── sph                             - SPH implementation
│   ├─── include
│   │    └── sph
│   └─── test                       - SPH kernel unit tests
└── src
    ├── init                        - initial conditions for test cases
    ├── io                          - file output functionality
    └── sphexa                      - SPH main application front-end


Use the following commands to compile the main SPH-EXA application:

Minimal CMake configuration:

mkdir build
cd build

Recommended CMake configuration on Piz Daint, using the (default) Cray Clang compiler for CPU code (.cpp) and nvcc/g++ for GPU code (.cu):

module load daint-gpu
module load cudatoolkit/11.2.0_3.39-2.1__gf93aa1c # or newer
module load CMake/3.22.1               # or newer
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
module load gcc/9.3.0                  # nvcc uses gcc as the default host compiler,
                                       # but the system version is too old
export GCC_X86_64=/opt/gcc/9.3.0/snos  # system header versions are too old, applies to cray-clang too

mkdir build
cd build
  • Build everything: make -j

Running the main application

The main sphexa application can either start a simulation by reading initial conditions from a file or generate an initial configuration for a named test case. Self-gravity will be activated automatically based on named test-case choice or if the HDF5 initial configuration file has an HDF5 attribute with a non-zero value for the gravitational constant.


  • --init CASE/FILE : sedov for simulation the Sedov blast wave, noh for the Noh implosion, evrard for the Evrard collapse or provide an HDF5 file with valid input data
  • -n NUM : Run the simulation with NUM^3 (NUM to the cube) number of particles (for named test cases)
  • -s NUM : Run the simulation with NUM of iterations (time-steps)
  • -w NUM : Dump particle data every NUM iterations (time-steps)
  • -f FIELDS: Comma separated list of particle fields for file output dumps
  • --quiet : Don't print any output to stdout

Example usage:

  • OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./sphexa --init sedov -n 100 -s 1000 -w 10 -f x,y,z,rho,p Runs Sedov with 100^3 particles for 1000 iterations (time-steps) with 4 OpenMP threads and dumps particle xyz-coordinates, density and pressure data every 10 iterations
  • OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./sphexa-cuda --init -n 100 -s 1000 -w 10 -f x,y,z,rho,p Runs Sedov with 100^3 million particles for 1000 iterations (time-steps) with 4 OpenMP threads. Uses the GPU for most of the compute work.
  • OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 mpiexec -np 2 ./sphexa --init noh -n 100 -s 1000 -w 10 Runs Noh with 100^3 million particles for 1000 iterations (time-steps) with 2 MPI ranks of 4 OpenMP threads each. Works when using MPICH. For OpenMPI, use mpirun instead.
  • OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 srun -Cgpu -A<your account> -n<nnodes> -c12 ./sphexa-cuda --init sedov -n 100 -s 1000 -w 10 Optimal runtime configuration on Piz Daint for nnodes GPU compute nodes. Launches 1 MPI rank with 12 OpenMP threads per node.
  • ./sphexa-cuda --init evrard.h5 -s 2000 -w 100 -f x,y,z,rho,p,vx,vy,vz Run SPH-EXA, initializing particle data from an input file (e.g. for the Evrard collapse). Includes gravitational forces between particles. The angle dependent accuracy parameter theta can be specificed with --theta <value>, the default is 0.5.

Running the unit, integration and regression tests

Cornerstone octree and domain unit tests:


GPU-enabled unit tests:


MPI-enabled integration and regression tests:

mpiexec -np 2 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/domain_2ranks
mpiexec -np 2 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/exchange_focus
mpiexec -np 2 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/exchange_halos
mpiexec -np 2 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/globaloctree

mpiexec -np 5 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/domain_nranks
mpiexec -np 5 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/exchange_domain
mpiexec -np 5 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/exchange_keys
mpiexec -np 5 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/focus_tree
mpiexec -np 5 ./domain/test/integration_mpi/treedomain

SPH-kernel unit tests:


Input data

Some tests require input data. For example, the Evrard test case will check that a Test3DEvrardRel.bin file exists and can be read at the beginning of the job. This file can be downloaded from zenodo.org.

Ryoanji GPU N-body solver

Ryoanji is a high-performance GPU N-body solver for gravity. It relies on the cornerstone octree framework for tree construction, EXAFMM multipole kernels, and a warp-aware tree-traversal inspired by the Bonsai GPU tree-code.

Running the demonstrator app

./test/ryoanji <log2(numParticles)> <computeDirectReference:yes=1,no=0>

Running the unit tests


Authors (in alphabetical order)

  • Ruben Cabezon
  • Aurelien Cavelan
  • Florina Ciorba
  • Michal Grabarczyk
  • Danilo Guerrera
  • David Imbert
  • Sebastian Keller
  • Lucio Mayer
  • Ali Mohammed
  • Jg Piccinali
  • Tom Quinn
  • Darren Reed

Paper references

Cavelan, A., Cabezon, R. M., Grabarczyk, M., Ciorba, F. M. (2020). A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Mini-App for Exascale. Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC '20). Association for Computing Machinery. DOI: 10.1145/3394277.3401855


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details




License:MIT License


Language:C++ 79.9%Language:Cuda 14.9%Language:Python 2.6%Language:CMake 2.5%Language:Shell 0.1%