zemse / zk-static-call

prove eth_call result

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


proves result of eth_call

modified dependencies

the following repositories are forked and this repo uses the zk-eth-call branch from those fork. but specific commit is tagged in the Cargo.toml of this project to enable easier rollbacking.


to trigger the proving, just copy paste the following sample call. it executes the prove binary that generates traces from local block on anvil (see inputs_builder.rs) and submits that to zkevm-circuits (see prove.rs).

cargo run --release --bin prove -- --to 0x35c6ace6404d8fd1cEe19026B3D56D0C9627a646 --calldata 0x20965255 --block 4363656 --rpc https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/<ALCHEMY_KEY> --mock


to change code in dependencies, clone them in the directory where this project is cloned. and uncomment the "for local development only" part in the Cargo.toml.

- parent directory
    - zk-eth-call (this project)
        - README.md (this file)
    - axiom-eth
    - zkevm-circuits

summary of modifications

  • add return data to the public inputs
  • use axiom-eth for proving init state


prove eth_call result


Language:Rust 100.0%