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If you are tech and gadget savvy, then you must be aware of QR codes. You will find it everywhere these days – in blogs, websites and even in some public places. This is very popular in mobile apps, where you scan the QR code using a QR Code scanner app and it will show you the text or redirect you to the web page if it’s URL. I came across this recently and found it very interesting. If you want to know about QR Code, you can find a lot of useful information at Wikipedia QR Code Page. When I found these kind of images in so many websites then I started looking how to generate it using Java Code. I looked into some APIs available as open source in the market and found zxing to be the simplest and best to use. Here is the program you can use to create QR Code image with zxing API.



Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/android-amazing-listview



Put URl of downloading File in main of DownloadFile.java and run.



Only Fetch Href From HTML



Java Programming 6th Edition II Exercise Solutions



a. Implement a servlet that presents a new user with a form containing fields for entering a user name and password (the latter should use an appropriate type of input element). The form should also contain a checkbox, initially unchecked, labeled “Check to log in automatically in the future.” If the user checks the box and successfully logs in (that is, the username and password are both “CSisCoolStuff”), then the user name and password should be stored in two cookies (you may assume that cookies are ena bled on the client). After successfully logging in, the user s hould see a page that says “Logged In Successfully.” An unsuccessful attempt to log in should return the user to a page with an error message followed by the original log - in form, with the checkbox checke d if it was checked on the previous form and unchecked otherwise. On subsequent visits, the servlet should attempt to log the user in using cookie information, if available. If this fails, the user should see the original log - in form, without any error mes sage. If it succeeds, the user should see a “Welcome Back” page. Set the cookies to expire after six months. b. Extend the program in (a) so that if it tries to store the user name and password in cookies but fails, it will display a message on the “Logged In Successfully” page informing the user that cookies must be enabled in order to automatically log in.



Retail Application Java CODE
