zeeguu / Lineup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To clone this repository run the following:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/zeeguu-ecosystem/Lineup

Zeeguu container images

Prebuilt images for testing are already available on dockerhub.


Docker needs to be installed. Install it with:

sudo apt-get install docker.io -y


Each of the subprojects has it's own configuration file (core, api, web, teacherdash, etc.). A set of reasonable defaults is already present in the corresponding ./config/ folder for each of these projects. If you want to run zeeguu with these defaults, simply copy each of the folders to a corresponding file w/o the .default extension. if later you want to modify the config, you can modify these .cfg files which are now not under version control (and are actually actively ignored by the .gitignore file, such that you don't upload secrets by mistake).

Building automatically

Set the environment variables (that can be found at the top of config_vars.sh) with the API keys for the third party services.

Run the script setup_all.sh and wait for it to complete.

Building manually

The rest of the commands must be run from the Lineup folder:

cd Lineup

To build the zeeguu-mysql container image:

docker build -t zeeguu-mysql -f docker-files/zeeguu-mysql/Dockerfile .

To build the zeeguu-api-core container image:

docker build -t zeeguu-api-core -f docker-files/zeeguu-api-core/Dockerfile .

Note: To deploy the Flask-MonitoringDashboard with the API make sure that the corresponding lines are uncommented in docker-files/zeeguu-api-core/Dockerfile . Then make sure to pass the API_VERSION as a --build-arg. Something like:

docker build --build-arg API_VERSION=`cat .git/modules/Zeeguu-API/HEAD` -t zeeguu-api-core -f docker-files/zeeguu-api-core/Dockerfile .

To build the zeeguu-web container image (Make sure to replace with the url:port where your API can be reached from other clients.): Before building the zeeguu-web container image you must copy the apache-zeeguu.conf.default to docker-files/zeeguu-api-core/apache-zeeguu.conf and modify it accordingly.

docker build -t zeeguu-web --build-arg ZEEGUU_API__EXTERNAL=""  -f docker-files/zeeguu-web/Dockerfile .

To run the containers:

docker run --net=host -d --name=<container_name> <image_name>


docker run --net=host -d --name=zeeguu-mysql zeeguu-mysql
# Wait for a minute to allow the zeeguu mysql to complete initialization
# before starting Zeeguu API. You can check the status by running:
# docker logs zeeguu-mysql --follow
# If you see "mysqld: ready for connections" then you are ready to continue.
docker run --net=host -d --name=zeeguu-api-core zeeguu-api-core
docker run --net=host -d --name=zeeguu-web zeeguu-web

Extra environment variables for containers

For zeeguu-api-core you need to define the following API keys:


To pass the variable, add the -e flag to docker run command. Example:

docker run --net=host -d -e MICROSOFT_TRANSLATE_API_KEY='key' -e GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY='key' -e WORDNIK_API_KEY='key'  --name=zeeguu-api-core zeeguu-api-core

Storing MySQL data under a given directory on the system

To store the MySQL data under a given path, follow the steps:

  1. Create the data directory on the host system (e.g. /opt/mysql_datadir)

  2. Add the -v option to the MySQL container:

docker run --net=host -v /opt/mysql_datadir:/var/lib/mysql -d --name=zeeguu-mysql zeeguu-mysql

Adding articles for the reader

To add a new RSS feed for the reader, you have to run the following and follow the prompts:

docker exec -i zeeguu-api-core python /opt/Zeeguu-API/tools/add_rssfeed.py


$ docker exec -i zeeguu-api-core python /opt/Zeeguu-API/tools/add_rssfeed.py
ZEEGUU: Loaded Zeeguu-Core config from /opt/Zeeguu-Core/default_core.cfg
ZEEGUU: Linked model with: mysql://zeeguu_test:zeeguu_test@
Feed url:  http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition_world.rss
Found image url at: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/images/09/24/cnn.digital.png
Feed seems healthy: 28 items found.
Feed name (Enter for: CNN.com - RSS Channel - World):  CNN World RSS Feed
= CNN World RSS Feed
Icon name to be found in resources folder (e.g. 20min.png):  cnn.png
= cnn.png
Description (Enter for: CNN.com delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.): CNN World RSS Feed for news
= CNN World RSS Feed for news
Language code (e.g. en): en
= en
CNN World RSS Feed
CNN World RSS Feed for news

To fetch the articles from the RSS feed, run the following:

docker exec -i zeeguu-api-core python /opt/Zeeguu-Core/tools/feed_retrieval.py

RSS feed examples:



Language:Dockerfile 61.4%Language:Shell 38.6%