zealtv / bop-legacy-starter

A starter pure data template for a new bop sketch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🦉 Note : This has been superseded by a new, much better version of bop here: https://github.com/zealtv/bop


bop starter sketch01.pd

What is bop?

bop is a suite of digital music making modules for Purr Data and Pure Data. It makes computerised things musical 💻+🐦=🎷.

What are Purr Data and Pure Data?

Pure Data, or PD, is visual programming environment for sound and music. It is old, open-source, and rad. Purr Data is a variant of Pure Data that includes many additional features including a modern, java-script based frontend. I recommend Purr Data in most cases unless you are a current or aspiring pd ninja.

Step 1

Obtain a windows, mac, or linux computer with an audio output and install Purr Data on it. If you know what you are doing, instead install Pure Data and use Deken to install cyclone, iemguts, and freeverb.

Step 2

Download the latest bop-starter zip from the release tab and unzip it to the destination of your choice.

Open sketch001.pd in Purr Data (or pd vanilla + cyclone, iemguts & freeverb libraries)

this is all pretty fresh. expect gremlins and dubious vanilla compatability.

If you would rather clone this repository...

git clone https://github.com/zealtv/bop-legacy-starter

This starter makes use of samples by Ian McCurdy(CC-A2.0).


A starter pure data template for a new bop sketch