zdevito / single_controller

Repository from Github https://github.comzdevito/single_controllerRepository from Github https://github.comzdevito/single_controller

Getting Started With Examples

Install the package:

pip install -e .

For supervisor

Run the example_train application, which simulates training. There is some stuff commented out which can be enabled to inject failures.

python example_train/launch.py

The other files in the folder are the different parts of the job (health_check, train, supervisor script).

For single_controller tensors

Run the tests (kinda noisy at this point)

python test/simple.py

Prepare data for nanoGPT example:

cd nanoGPT
python data/shakespeare_char/prepare.py

Run the nanoGPT example:

cd nanoGPT
python train.py config/train_shakespeare_char.py

See flags in single_controller/config.py for changing behaviors.



Language:Python 100.0%