zconger / workshop-graphql-testing-1

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Workshop Guidebook: Automated GraphQL Security Testing

This workshop shows you how to scan a GraphQL application with StackHawk, and automate that scan in GitHub Actions.

You can find the slide deck for this workshop here.

Not attending our workshop right now? Watch it on your own schedule.


To get the most out of this workshop, make sure you have the following prerequisites.

  • Discord - Find us in #oct11-gql-security-testing under the 🧩 RADV FREE WORKSHOPS category
  • Docker -- Get the latest version
  • HawkScan -- docker pull stackhawk/hawkscan

Step 1: Fork the Test Application

Fork the vuln-graphql-api app:


Then clone your fork to your workstation:

git clone git@github.com:<YOUR-GITHUB-ORG>/vuln-graphql-api

Enter your cloned project directory:

cd vuln-graphql-api

Prepare the vuln-graphql-api project directory for the workshop:


Step 2: Run the Test App

Build and run the test app:

docker compose up --build --detach

Browse to the test app:


Step 3: Your First HawkScan

Sign up for a StackHawk Developer Account. Create an API Key, App ID, Environment, and HawkScan initial configuration file in the Getting Started flow.

Follow the guidance to save your StackHawk API key to ~/.hawk/hawk.rc

Copy the intial HawkScan configuration file, stackhawk.yml, to the base of your project directory:

# ./stackhawk.yml
  applicationId: <YOUR-APP-ID>
  env: Development
  host: http://localhost:3000

☝️ Replace <YOUR-APP-ID> with the App ID you created in the StackHawk platform.

Scan vuln-graphql-api:

source ~/.hawk/hawk.rc
docker run -e API_KEY=${HAWK_API_KEY} --rm -v $(pwd):/hawk:rw -it --network host stackhawk/hawkscan:latest

Step 4: Tune for GraphQL

Update your stackhawk.yml configuration file:

# ./stackhawk.yml
  applicationId: <YOUR-APP-ID>
  env: Development
  host: http://localhost:3000
    enabled: true
  autoPolicy: true
  autoInputVectors: true
    base: false

Scan again:

docker run -t -e API_KEY=${HAWK_API_KEY} -v $(pwd):/hawk --network host stackhawk/hawkscan:latest

Step 5: Automate in GitHub Actions

Add your StackHawk API key as a GitHub Secret. Go to your repository in GitHub, and under the Settings section, find Secrets in the left-hand pane.

Enter your StackHawk API key as a secret named HAWK_API_KEY.

Create the workflow, .github/workflows/build-and-scan.yml:

# .github/workflows/build-and-scan.yml
name: Build and Scan
    name: Build and Scan
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - name: Clone repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Build and run vuln-graphql-api
        run: docker-compose up --build --detach
      - name: Run HawkScan
        uses: stackhawk/hawkscan-action@v1.3.1
          apiKey: ${{ secrets.HAWK_API_KEY }}

Push your changes to GitHub:

git add .
git commit -m "add HawkScan to the build workflow"
git push

Check your workflow in GitHub Actions, and your scan results on StackHawk.

Workshop Complete

You just automated DAST GraphQL scanning in a build pipeline!

Here are some additional resources for further tuning StackHawk for your applications.
