zbjornson / bson-to-json

Fast BSON to JSON string transcoder

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node.js CI

Directly and quickly converts a BSON buffer to a JSON string stored in a Buffer. Useful for sending MongoDB database query results to a client over JSON+HTTP.

Benchmark with a ~2500-element array of medium objects (9MB BSON):

Method Time (ms)
JSON.stringify(BSON.deserialize(arr))1 226.0
this, JS 39.7
this, portable C++ 20.6
this, SSE2 15.2
this, SSE4.2 11.5
this, AVX2 10.6

1 BSON.deserialize is the official MongoDB js-bson implementation.


The C++ implementations require a C++ compiler. See instructions here. If you do not have a C++ compiler, the slower JS version will be used.

yarn add zbjornson/bson-to-json
# or
npm install zbjornson/bson-to-json



const {bsonToJson} = require("bson-to-json");
bsonToJson(bson: Uint8Array, isArray?: boolean = true): Buffer
// (note that Buffers extend Uint8Arrays, so `bson` can be a Buffer)

Transcodes a BSON document to a JSON string stored in a Buffer.

isArray specifies if the input is an array or not. BSON doesn't differentiate between arrays and objects at the top level, so this must be provided if bson is an array.

The output should be identical to JSON.stringify(BSON.deserialize(v)), with two exceptions:

  1. This module writes full-precision (64-bit signed) BSON Longs to the JSON buffer. This is valid because JSON does not specify a maximum numeric precision, but js-bson instead writes an object with low and high bits.
  2. This module does more/better input bounds checking than js-bson, so this module may throw different errors. (js-bson seems to rely, intentionally or not, on indexing past the end of a typed array returning undefined.)


const {send} = require("bson-to-json");
send(cursor: MongoDbCursor, ostr: Stream.Writable): Promise<void>

Efficiently sends the contents of a MongoDB cursor to a writable stream (e.g. an HTTP response). The returned Promise resolves when the cursor is drained, or rejects in case of an error.

Example usage in an HTTP handler

const {send} = require("bson-to-json");
async function (req, res) {
  const cursor = await db.collection("mycol").find({name: "Zach"}, {raw: true});
  res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
  await send(cursor, res);

This is the fastest way to transfer results from MongoDB to a client. MongoDB's cursor.forEach or for await (const doc of cursor) both have much higher CPU and memory overhead.


const {ISE} = require("bson-to-json");
ISE: string

A constant indicating what instruction set extension was used (based on your CPU's available features). One of "AVX512", "AVX2", "SSE4.2", "SSE2", "Baseline" (portable C) or "JavaScript".

Performance notes

Major reasons it's fast

  • Direct UTF8 to JSON-escaped string transcoding.
  • No waste temporary objects created for the GC to clean up.
  • SSE2, SSE4.2 or AVX2-accelerated JSON string escaping.
  • AVX2-accelerated ObjectId hex string encoding, using the technique from zbjornson/fast-hex.
  • Fast integer encoding, using the method from fmtlib/fmt.
  • Fast double encoding, using the same double-conversion library used in v8.
  • Skips decoding array keys (which BSON stores as ASCII numbers) and instead advances by the known number of bytes in the key.
  • The send method has a tight call stack and avoids allocating a Promise for each document (compared to for await...of).

Benchmarks by BSON type (ops/sec):

Type js-bson this, JS this, CPP (AVX2)
long 1,760 1,236 28,031
int 1,503 1,371 17,264
ObjectId 1,048 13,322 37,079
date 445 663 10,686
number 730 1,228 1,929
boolean 444 4,839 9,283
null 482 7,487 14,709
string<len=1000, esc=0.00>1 12,304 781 55,502
string<len=1000, esc=0.01> 12,720 748 56,145
string<len=1000, esc=0.05> 12,320 756 43,867

1String transcoding performance depends on the length of the string (len) and the number of characters that must be escaped in the JSON output (esc, a fraction from 0 to 1).

Future Plans

  • Iterator-based (streaming) interface. It's mostly working in the C++ version, but crashes on gc. See documentation in the iterator branch. I also experimented with C++20 coroutines in the coroutines branch.
  • Drop long dependency when Node 10 support is dropped.
  • Consider adding an option to prepend a comma to the output so it can be used with MongoDB cursors more efficiently.


Fast BSON to JSON string transcoder

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 58.9%Language:JavaScript 38.6%Language:Python 2.5%