zbjob / EIRES

Efficient Integration of Remote Data in Event Stream Processing

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EIRES: Efficient Integration of Remote Data in Event Stream Processing

This work has been accepted by SIGMOD'21. An extended version of the paper can be found here.

Prerequisites to run the code

  • The compiler needs to support C++11 or higher. In Makefiles, the default compiler is set as g++.
  • Bushfire detection code requires boost library, especially geometry, to compute intersections of polygons among others. That is to compute overlap of geography boundaries over satellite event streams. To run bushfire detection code, please configure a boost lib, https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_72_0.html. Edit EIRES/src/EIRES_bushfire/Makefile, update flags BOOST and BOOSTLD with the path in your machine.
  • All running/configuration scripts are written for linux OS. Windows OS users need to change the paths accordingly (replace "/" with "\").
  • We build parsers to parse query workloads from files. We define query workloads in files ending with .eql. run/synthetic.eql, run/bf-7.7_14.16.eql and google_cluster.eql are query workloads for synthetic, day-time bushfire detection and google cluster monitoring respectively.

Download code and data

We also provide compressed archive file for directly downloading. Please find the link here.

The size of the archive file, EIRES.tar.gz, is around 1.1GB. The unzipped repo is around 8.7GB.


Source code is in src. Separate directories are built for synthetic data, bushfire detection and google cluster monitoring.

Parameters and their semantics are listed as below:

parameter semantics
-c query workload file
-q specific query name
-F stream source file
-g set greedy selection (event consumption policy)
-b configure CEP engine as naive baseline (without caching and fetching)
-A configure prefetch (PFetch) to CEP engine
-B configure lazy evaluation (LzEval) to CEP engine
-D the number of events to process
-C cache capacity
-f number of fetch worker threads
-L transmission latency
-u utility updating frequency
-X utility estimation noise
-Y partial match relax ratio for LzEval
-Z prefetching probability
-p throughput dumping file name
-n latency dumping file name
-s appending timestamps for discarded matches


Directories, EIRES_cost_cache and EIRES_LRU_cache are EIRES codebase combined with cost-based cache and LRU cache respectively. They have similar code structures. Entry points, main functions, are defined in EIRES_cost_cache/cep_match/cep_match.cpp and EIRES_LRU_cache/cep_match/cep_match.cpp.

Bushfire detection

Bushfire detection code is in EIRES_bushfire. The entry point, main function is defined in EIRES_bushfire/cep/cep_match.cpp.

Cluster monitoring

Google cluster monitoring code is in EIRES_google_cluster_monitoring. The main function is defined in EIRES_google_cluster_monitoring/cep_match/cep_match.cpp


All datasets are in data directory. We build separate directories for synthetic datasets, bushfire detection datasets and google cluster monitoring datasets.

Synthetic datasets

They are in data/synthetic_datasets/ with two synthetic data generators implemented by Uniform_generator.cpp and Zipf_generator.cpp. As their names suggest, they generate payload value of event streams based on uniform and Zipf distributions respectively. The number of events is configurable. Due to limited capacity, we pushed two sample stream files composed of 500K events, data/synthetic_datasets/Stream_uniform_500K.csv and data/synthetic_datasets/Stream_Zipf_500K.csv.

Bushfire detection datasets

They are in data/bushfire_datasets/.

Raw satellite data

Imagery information is obtained from the satellite data streams available on Amazon AWS. http://tiny.cc/drt2oz

The data samples are generated by the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) of GOES-16 satellite, which captures Earth’s radiance in 16 spectral bands via a variety of radiance detectors. Basically, they are digital maps of outgoing radiance values at the top of Earth’s atmosphere at visible, infrared, and near-infrared wavelengths. Then, the samples are compressed, packetized, and sent to the ground station, in which they are converted to geo-located and calibrated pixels, covering the whole America continent. The raw image pixels are kept in Network Common Data Form (netCDF) format, which is descriptive, flexible, standardized among large research projects. Each band/channel of an image sample is kept in a separate netCDF file. Detailed information about each band can be found in this figure.

weather data

Weather datasets are crawled from https://www.wunderground.com

Data pre-processing

To leverage GOES-16 satellite, we need pre-processing and generate event streams. In a nutshell, we cluster GOES-16 radiation levels per channel using kMeans and represent each cluster as a Polygon data type (using boost library). The process can be found in this figure.

Several visualized results can be found here.

There are four generated stream files.


Google cluster monitoring datasets

Google cluster monitoring traces are very well defined. Full datasets and descriptions are publicly available at https://github.com/google/cluster-data/blob/master/ClusterData2011_2.md. Due to limited capacity, we pushed a small sample, data/google_cluster_monitoring_datasets/sample_event_stream.dat.gz.

Running scripts

configure boost lib

wget https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.72.0/source/boost_1_72_0.tar.gz
tar zxvf boost_1_72_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_72_0

Edit EIRES/src/EIRES_bushfire/Makefile, update flags BOOST and BOOSTLD with the path in your machine. Assuming the EIRES is in $HOME, set

BOOST = -I $HOME/EIRES/boost_1_72_0
BOOSTLD = -L $HOME/EIRES/boost_1_72_0/stage/lib


sh compile.sh


we prepared scripts to run experiments of synhetic setting, bushfire detection and google cluster monitoring respectively. Each script runs Baseline1, Baseline2, PFetch, FzEval and Hybrid for related queries and streams for 20 times. Latency and throughput measurement are monitored and dumped to files for later post analysis.

cd run
sh run_all.sh
run synthetic code and datasets
sh run_synthetic.sh
run bushfire detection code and datasets
sh run_bushfire.sh
run google cluster monitoring code and datasets
sh run_google_cluster.sh

Post analysis scripts

We analyse 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 95th percentiles latency and throughput. They are realized by run/process-latency.py and run/process-throughput.py We prepare scripts to perform all the post analysis. After running the evaluations.

cd run
sh analyse_all.sh

sh analyse_synthetic.sh
sh analyse_bushfire.sh
sh analyse_google_cluster.sh

Following files will be generated. File names are self-explained. They cover latency and throughput for synthetic, bushfire and google cluster monitoring datasets

cd run
ls -l *.dat






Efficient Integration of Remote Data in Event Stream Processing


Language:C++ 75.4%Language:C 13.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 4.5%Language:Python 2.4%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Gnuplot 1.4%Language:NASL 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Lex 0.2%Language:PowerShell 0.0%