zarutian / ses-realm

Drafting SES realm proposal for ES7

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Draft Proposed Standard SES

This document specifies an API and accompanying language changes to incorporate SES -- Secure EcmaScript, an ocap secure subset of EcmaScript -- into the standard EcmaScript platform.


In a memory-safe object language, an object reference grants the right to invoke methods on the public interface of the object it designates. Such an invocation in turn grants to the called object the right to similarly make method invocations on any object references that are passed as arguments. In a system in which object references are unforgeable (that is, there is no way within the language for code to "manufacture" a reference to a pre-existing object) and that encapsulation is unbreakable (that is, objects may hold state -- including references to other objects -- that is totally inaccessible to code outside themselves), then we can guarantee that the only way for one object to come to possess a reference to a second object is for them to have been given that reference by somebody else, or for one of them to have been the creator of the other. In a language that has these properties, we can make strong, provable assertions about the ability of object references to propagate from one holder to another, and can thus reason reliably about the evolution of the object reference graph over time. EcmaScript (JavaScript) is a language with these properties.

With the additional restrictions that the only way for an object to cause effects on the world outside itself is by using references it already holds, and that no object has default or implicit access to any other objects (e.g., via language provided global variables) that are not already transitively immutable and powerless, then we have an object-capability (ocap) language. In an ocap language, granted references are the sole representation of permission.

Ocap languages enable us to program objects that are defensively consistent -- that is, they can defend their own invariants and provide correct service to their well behaved clients, despite arbitrary or malicious misbehavior by their other clients.

Although stock EcmaScript satisfies our first set of requirements for a strongly memory safe object language, it is not an ocap language. The runtime environment specified by the ECMA-262 standard mandates globally accessible powerful objects with mutable state. Moreover, typical implementations provide default access to additional powerful objects that can affect parts of the outside world, such as the browser DOM or the Internet. However, it is possible to transform EcmaScript into an ocap language by careful language subsetting combined with some fairly simple changes to the default execution environment.

SES -- Secure EcmaScript -- is such a subset.

SES turns a conventional ES5 or ES2015 environment into an ocap environment by imposing various restrictions prior to any code being allowed to run. Although programs are limited to a subset of the full EcmaScript language, SES will compatibly run nearly all ES5 or ES2015 code that follows recognized ES best practices. In fact, many features introduced in ES5 and ES2015 were put there specifically to enable this subsetting and restriction, so that we could realize a secure computing environment for JavaScript.

SES has a formal semantics supporting automated verification of some security properties of SES code. It was developed as part of the Google Caja project; you can read much more about SES specifically and Caja more generally on the Caja website.

See Glossary for supporting definitions.

Existing library implementation: SES5

SES is currently implemented in JavaScript as a bundle of preamble code that is run first on any SES-enabled web page. To turn a regular JavaScript environment into an ocap environment, SES must freeze all primordial objects -- objects like Array.prototype -- that are mandated to exist before any code starts running. The time it takes to individually walk and freeze each of these objects makes the initial page load expensive, which has inhibited SES adoption. Here, we will refer to this implementation as SES5, since it requires a platform compatible with at least ES5 and produces an ocap subset that includes all of ES5 but, currently, only small portions of ES2015.

With the advent of ES2015, the number of primordials has ballooned, making the current implementation strategy even more expensive. However, this large per-page expense can avoided by making SES a standard part of the platform, so that an appropriately adjusted execution environment can be provided directly, while any necessary preamble computation need only be done once per browser startup as part of the browser implementation. The mission of this document is to specify an API and a strategy for incorporating SES into the standard EcmaScript platform.


  1. Create a single shared proto-SES realm (global scope and set of primordial objects) in which all primordials are already transitively immutable and authority-free. Unlike the SES realms we define below, in this one shared proto-SES realm the global object itself is also transitively immutable and authority-free. These primordials include all the primordials defined as mandatory in ES2015 and all those defined by later ratified ECMAScript specs unless stated otherwise. These primordials must include no other objects or properties beyond those specified here. Specifically, it contains no host-specific objects. The global object is a plain object.

  2. As a consequence of the deep immutability of the proto-SES realm: When performed using the proto-SES realm's Date and Math, the expressions new Date(),, and Math.random() all throw a TypeError. (Would another error be more appropriate?)

  3. Add to all realms including the shared proto-SES realm a new builtin function Reflect.confine(src, endowments), which creates a new SES realm with its own fresh global object that inherits from the proto-global object. This fresh global is also a plain object.

    • This fresh global object is populated with overriding bindings for the evaluators with global names, eval and Function. It binds each of these names to fresh objects that inherit from the corresponding objects from the proto-SES realm.
    • It then copies the own enumerable properties from endowments onto this global,
    • evaluates src as if by freshGlobal.eval(src), and
    • returns the completion value. When src is an expression, the completion value is the value that the expression evaluates to.
  4. The evaluators of the proto-SES realm evaluate code in the global scope of the proto-SES realm, using the proto-SES realm's frozen global as their global object. The evaluators of a specific SES realm evaluate code in the global scope of that SES realm, using that realm's global object as their global object.

  5. The expression Reflect.confine('this', {}) therefore simply creates a fresh global for a new SES realm, populates it with its own overriding evaluators, but otherwise inherits the globals from the proto-SES realm's globals, and returns that new global. Thus, one can obtain and fully customize the global of a new SES realm before running confined code in that realm by freshGlobal.eval(src). This is illustrated in the Virtual Powers example below.

  6. A SES realm's initial eval inherits from proto-SES's eval. For each of the overriding constructors, their prototype is the same as the constructor they inherit from. Thus, a function foo from one SES realm passes the foo instanceof Function test using the Function constructor of another SES realm, etc. Among SES realms, instanceof on primordial types simply works.

Entire Fundamental API:

Reflect.confine(src, endowments)  // -> completion value

Further derived API may be called for, to aid some patterns of use. For now, we assume that such conveniences will first be user-level libraries before appearing in a later proposal. The following examples demonstrate the need for such conveniences.



By composing revocable membranes and confine, we can make compartments:

function makeCompartment(src, endowments) {
  const {wrapper,
         revoke} = makeMembrane(Reflect.confine);
  return {wrapper: wrapper(src, endowments),

// Obtain billSrc and joanSrc from untrusted clients
const {wrapper: bill,
       revoke: killBill} = makeCompartment(billSrc, endowments);
const {wrapper: joan,
       revoke: killJoan} = makeCompartment(joanSrc, endowments);

// ... introduce mutually suspicious Bill and Joan. Use both ...
// ... Bill is inaccessible to us and to Joan. GC can collect Bill ...

Virtualized Powers

We can make a confine-like function that first provides the missing functionality from our own Date and Math.random, to faithfully emulate full ES2015.

function confinePlus(src, endowments) {
  const freshGlobal = Reflect.confine('this', {});
  const {Date: SuperDate, Math: SuperMath} = freshGlobal;
  function SubDate(...args) {
    let OtherDate = SuperDate;
    if ( {
      if (args.length === 0) {
        OtherDate = Date;  // our own power
      return Reflect.construct(OtherDate, args,;
    } else {
      return OtherDate(...args);
  SubDate.__proto__ = SuperDate; = () =>;  // our own =;
  SubDate.prototype = SuperDate.prototype;  // so instanceof works =;
  freshGlobal.Date = SubDate;

  const SubMath = {
    __proto__: SuperMath,
    random() { return Math.random(); }  // our own
  SubMath.random.__proto__ = SuperMath.random;
  freshGlobal.Math = SubMath;

  // Do it separately last so it can overwrite what we wrote above
  Object.define(freshGlobal, endowments);
  return freshGlobal.eval(src);

We can likewise create patterns for endowing with virtualized emulations of expected host-provided globals, like window and document, possibly mapping into the caller's own or not.

Of course, the Compartments and Virtualized Powers patterns can be composed, enabling one to temporarily invite potentially malicious code onto one's page, endow it with a subtree of one's own DOM as its virtual document, and then permanently and fully evict it.

Mobile code

Map-Reduce frameworks vividly demonstrate the power of sending the code to the data, rather than the data to the code. Flexible distributed computing systems must be able to express both.

Now that Function.prototype.toString will give a reliably evaluable string that can be sent (TODO link), SES provides a safe way for the receiver to evaluate it, in order to reconsitute that function's call behavior in a safe manner.

class QPromise extends Promise {
  // ... api from
  // All we actually use below is fcall

class RemotePromise extends QPromise {
  // callback must be a closed function
  there(callback, errback = void 0) {
    const callbackSrc = Function.prototype.toString(callback);
    // Assume #farConfine is a remote promise for the Reflect.confine
    // of the realm that this promise's fulfillment will be in.
    // See
    const farCallback = #farConfine.fcall(callbackSrc,
    return farCallback.fcall(this).catch(errback);

The familiar expression Promise.resolve(p).then(callback) postpones the callback function to some future time after the promise p has been fulfilled. In like manner, the expression RemotePromise.resolve(r).there(callback) postpones and migrates the closed callback function to some future time and space, where the object that will be designated by the fulfilled remote promise r is located. This supports a federated form of the Asynchronous Partitioned Global Address Space concurrency model used by the X10 supercomputer language.

Annex B considerations

As of ES2015, most of the normative optionals of Annex B seem safe for inclusion as normative optionals of the proto SES realm. However, where Annex B states that these are normative mandatory in a web browser, there is no such requirement for SES. Even when run in a web browser, the SES environment, having no host specific globals, must be considered a non-browser environment. Note that some post-ES2015 APIs proposed for Annex B, such as the RegExp statics (TODO need link) and the Error.prototype.stack accessor property (TODO need link), are not safe for inclusion in SES and must be absent.

At this time, to maximize compatability with normal ECMAScript, we do not alter the evaluators to evaluate code in strict mode by default. However, we should consider doing so. Most of the code, including legacy code, that one would wish to run under SES is probably already compatible with strict mode. Omitting sloppy mode from SES would also make sections B.1.1, B.1.2, B.3.2, B.3.3, and B.3.4 non issues. It is unclear what SES should specify regarding the remaining normative optional syntax in section B.1, but the syntax accepted by SES, at least in strict mode, should probably be pinned down precisely by the spec.

Some of the elements of Annex B are safe and likely mandatory in practice, independent of host environment:

  • escape and unescape
  • Object.prototype.__proto__
  • String.prototype.substr
  • The String.prototype methods defined in terms of the internal CreateHTML: anchor, big, ..., sup
  • Date.prototype.getYear and Date.prototype.setYear
  • Date.prototype.toGMTString
  • __proto__ Property Names in Object Initializers

All but the last of these have been whitelisted in SES5 for a long time without problem. (The last bullet above is syntax and so not subject to the SES5 whitelisting mechanism.)

SES should probably mandate that RexExp.prototype.compile be absent, since the observable mutations it causes are confusing. Alternatively, in SES, perhaps it still exists to provide the implementation with optimization advice but without causing observable mutation.

I have no idea what B.3.5 is about.

How Deterministic?

We do not include any form of replay within the goals of SES, so this "How Deterministic" section is only important because of the punch line at the end of this section.

Given a deterministic spec, one could be sure that two computations, starting from the same state, run on two conforming implementations, fed the same inputs, will compute the same new states and outputs. The ECMAScript 5 and 6 specs come tantalizingly close to being deterministic. They have avoided some common but unnecessary sources of non-determinism like Java's Object.hashCode. But the EcmaScript specs fail for three reasons:

  • Genuine non-determinism, such as by Math.random().
  • Unspecified but unavoidable failure, such as out-of-memory.
  • Explicit underspecification, i.e. leaving some observable behavior up to the implementation.

The explicitly non-deterministic abilities to sense the current time (via Date() and or generate random numbers (via Math.random()) are disabled in the proto SES realm, and therefore by default in each SES realm. New source of non-determinism, like makeWeakRef and getStack will not be added to the proto SES realm or will be similarly disabled.

The EcmaScript specs to date have never admitted the possibility of failures such as out-of-memory. In theory this means that a conforming EcmaScript implementation requires an infinite memory machine. Unfortunately, these are in short supply ;) . Since JavaScript is an implicitly-allocating language, the out-of-memory condition could cause computation to fail at virtually any time. If these failures are reported in a recoverable manner without rollback, such as by a thrown exception (cite JVM), then defensive programming becomes impossible. This would be contrary to the goals of at least SES and indeed to much JavaScript code. (TODO link to SAB discussion of containing failure.) Thus, at least SES computation, and any synchronous computation it is entangled with, on unpredicatble errors, must either be preemptively aborted without running further user code (cite Erlang, Joe-E/Waterken) or roll back to a previous safe point (cite Noether). If repeated attempts to roll forward from a safe point fail, preemptive termination is inevitable.

Even if EcmaScript were otherwise deterministically replayable, these unpredicable preemptive failures would prevent it. We examine instead the weaker property of fail-stop determinism, where each replica either fails, or succeeds in an identical manner as every other non-failing replica.

Although they are few in number, there are a number of specification issues that are observably left to implementations, on which implementations differ. Some of these may eventually be closed by future TC39 agreement, such as enumeration order if objects are modified during enumeration (TODO link). Others, like the sort algorithm used by Array.prototype.sort are less likely. However, implementatiion-defined is not genuine non-determinism. On a given implementation, operations which are only implementation-defined will operate in the same manner. They should be fail-stop reproducible when run on the same implementation. To make use of this for replay, we would need to pin down what we mean by "same implementation", which seems difficult.

The punch line

However, even without pinning down the precise meaning of "implementation defined", a computation which is limited to fail-stop implementation-defined determinism cannot read covert channels and side channels that are not otherwise provided to it. Nothing can practically prevent signalling on covert channels and side channels, but approximations to determinism can practically prevent confined computations from perceiving these signals.

(TODO explain the anthropic side channel and how it differs from an information-flow termination channel.)


Because the proto SES realm is transitively immutable and authority-free, we can safely share it between JS programs that are otherwise fully isolated. This sharing gives them access to shared objects and shared identities, but no ability to communicate with each other or to affect any state outside themselves. We can even share proto-SES primordials between origins and between threads, since deep immutability at the specification level should make thread safety at the implementation level straightforward.

In a browser environment, a SES-based confined seamless iframe could be very lightweight, since it would avoid the need to create most per-frame primordials. Likewise, we could afford to place each web component (need link) into its own confinement box.

Today, to self-host builtins by writing them in JavaScript, one must practice safe meta programming techniques so that these builtins are properly defensive. This technique is difficult to get right, especially if such self hosting is opened to browser extension authors (TODO need link). Instead, these builtin could be defined in a SES realm, making defensiveness easier to achieve with higher confidence.

Because of the so-called "override mistake", for many or possibly all properties in this frozen state, primordial objects need to be frozen in a pattern we call "tamper proofing", which makes them less compliant with the current language standard. Alternatively, we could specify that the override mistake is fixed in the SES realm, making the problem go away. This diverges from the current standard in a different way, but we have some evidence that such divergence will break almost no existing code other than test code that specifically probes for standards compliance.

By the rules above, a SES realm's Function.prototype.constructor will be the proto-SES realm's Function constructor, i.e., identical to the SES realm's Function.__proto__. Alternatively, we could create a per-SES-realm Function.prototype that inherits from the proto realm's Function.prototype and overrides the constructor property to point back at its own Function. The price of this technique is that we lose the pleasant property that instanceof works transparently between SES realms.

In ES2015, the GeneratorFunction evaluator is not a named global, but rather an unnamed intrinsic. Upcoming evaluators are likely to include AsyncFunction and AsyncGeneratorFunction. These are likely to be specified as unnamed instrinsics as well. For all of these, the above name-based overriding of SES vs proto-SES is irrelevant and probably not needed anyway.

Because code within a SES realm is unable to cause any affects outside itself it is not given explicit access to, i.e., it is fully confined, Reflect.confine and the evaluators of SES realms should continue to operate even in environments in which CSP has forbidden normal evaluators. By analogy, CSP evaluator suppression does not suppress JSON.parse. There are few ways in which SES-confined code is more dangerous than JSON data. (TODO link to CSP discussions)

Other possible proposals, like private state and defensible const classes, are likely to aid the defensive programming that is especially powerful in the context of SES. But because the utility of such defensive programming support is not limited to SES, they should remain independent proposals. (TODO link to relevant proposals)

Currently, if the value of eval is anything other than the original value of eval, any use of it in the form of a direct-eval expression will actually have the semantics of an indirect eval, i.e., a simple function call to the current value of eval. If SES itself does not alter the behavior of the builtin evaluators to be strict by default, then any user customization that replaces a SES realm's global evaluators with strict-by-default wrappers will break their use for direct-eval. We need to do something about this, but it is not yet clear what.

For each of the upcoming proposed standard APIs that are not immutable and authority-free:

  • defaultLoader
  • global
  • makeWeakRef
  • getStack
  • getStackString

(TODO link to proposals) they must be absent from the proto-SES realm, or have their behavior grossly truncated into something safe. This spec will additionally need to say how they initially appear, if at all, in each individual SES realm. In particular, we expect a pattern to emerge for creating a fresh loader instance to be the default loader of a fresh SES realm. Once some proposed APIs are specced as being provided by import from builtin primordial modules, we will need to explain how they appear in SES. (TODO link to discussion of standardizing builtin modules)

Prior to standard builtin primordial modules,

Reflect.confine(src, endowments)

is the entirety of the new API proposed here. We believe it is all that is necessary. However, as we develop a better understanding of patterns of use, we may wish to add other conveniences as well.


Drafting SES realm proposal for ES7