zareefcoach / sevenweekssevendbs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Seven Databases in Seven Weeks

  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
  • Query Language: SQL
  • Notable Features: ACID-compliant, support for advanced data types, full-text search, spatial data support with PostGIS extension, extensibility
  • Use Cases: Web applications, data warehousing, geospatial data storage, enterprise applications
  • Type: Wide-column NoSQL Database
  • Query Language: HBase Shell, Java API, REST API
  • Notable Features: Linear and modular scalability, strong consistency, automatic sharding, built on top of Hadoop's HDFS
  • Use Cases: Big data analytics, real-time read/write access, time-series data storage, large-scale data processing
  • Type: Document-oriented NoSQL Database
  • Query Language: MongoDB Query Language (MQL)
  • Notable Features: BSON data format, horizontal scalability, automatic sharding, rich query language, high availability with replica sets
  • Use Cases: Web applications, mobile applications, content management, Internet of Things (IoT), real-time analytics
  • Type: Document-oriented NoSQL Database
  • Query Language: JavaScript MapReduce, Mango Query Language
  • Notable Features: JSON data format, master-master replication, ACID-compliant, RESTful API, offline-first design
  • Use Cases: Web applications, mobile applications, distributed systems, data synchronization, offline-first applications
  • Type: Graph Database
  • Query Language: Cypher
  • Notable Features: Native graph storage, ACID-compliant, high-performance graph traversal, support for graph algorithms
  • Use Cases: Social networks, recommendation systems, fraud detection, knowledge graphs, network and IT operations
  • Type: Managed NoSQL Key-Value and Document Database (AWS)
  • Query Language: DynamoDB API
  • Notable Features: Fully managed, serverless, low-latency, high availability, automatic scaling, global secondary indexes
  • Use Cases: Serverless applications, gaming, ad-tech, IoT, time-series data storage
  • Type: In-memory Key-Value Database
  • Query Language: Redis commands
  • Notable Features: In-memory data storage, support for various data structures, high-performance, replication, persistence options, Lua scripting
  • Use Cases: Caching, session management, real-time analytics, message queues, leaderboards
