zannen / pssh

Run ssh commands on multiple servers in parallel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pssh is a utility for parallel execution of commands over ssh.

It parallelises the initial connection, and the command(s) specified in each -command argument. If any of the commands exit with non-zero code, no further commands are run.

Consider the difference between:

  • -command xx -command yy

    This will parallelise xx, check that exit codes from all nodes were zero, then parallelise yy, then check that exit codes from all nodes were zero.

  • -command 'xx ; yy'

    This will parallelise xx ; yy, thus ignoring the exit code of xx and only acting on the exit codes of yy.

  • -command 'xx && yy'

    Standard shell rules apply. e.g. (if using bash) yy will only be run if xx exited with code zero.


pssh \
    -user remote_username \
    -key ~/.ssh/id_rsa \
    -hosts 'node0[1-3]' \
    -command hostname \
    -command 'echo "More commands"'


  • -command (string(s)) See below.
  • -colour (boolean) Produce colour output
  • -hosts(string) List of hosts for ssh connections
    • Use "a;b;c" to specify three hosts, a, b and c
    • Use "node[0-2,5]" to specify,, and
    • Use "{london,paris,berlin}" to specify, and
    • The above can be combined to a limited extent, e.g. use "aaa;pre{bbb[1-3],ccc[5,8]}post;zzz" to specify:
      • aaa
      • prebbb1post, prebbb2post, prebbb3post
      • preccc5post, preccc8post
      • zzz
  • -key (string) Name of private key file, e.g. $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
  • -timeout (int) Timeout (in seconds) of the initial ssh connections
  • -user (string) User name for ssh connections
  • -verbose (boolean) Produce verbose output


  • Check for file contents, and abort if contents do not exist on all hosts:

    pssh -user username -key /path/to/id_rsa \
        -hosts 'node0[0-9]' \
        -command 'grep localhost /etc/hosts' \
        -command 'echo "Found localhost in /etc/hosts"'
  • Check for file contents, and continue even if contents do not exist on all hosts:

    pssh -user username -key /path/to/id_rsa \
        -hosts 'node0[0-9]' \
        -command 'grep localhost /etc/hosts ; /bin/true' \
        -command 'echo "localhost may or may not be in /etc/hosts"'
  • Complex scriptlet

    pssh -user username -key /path/to/id_rsa \
        -hosts 'node0[0-9]' \
        -command 'echo "Your scriptlet here" | grep script ; echo "Multiple commands are ok."'


Run ssh commands on multiple servers in parallel


Language:Go 98.9%Language:Makefile 1.1%