zanhsieh / docker-storage-centos7-face-off

Docker 1.9.1 file IO testing raw vs loop lvm vs direct lvm

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Docker Storage Centos 7 Face-off

Docker 1.9.1 file IO testing raw vs loop lvm vs direct lvm


  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2623 v3 @ 3.00GHz x2
  • 16GB RAM
  • 3 TB HDD
  • LVM 10GB
  • CentOS 7.1.1503
  • Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5
  • iozone: 3.434 (Stable; go to -> click "Stable tarball" under "Download Source")

How did I test

Raw machine test:

  1. CentOS yum update
  2. Yum install gcc, make
  3. Follow this instruction ( download iozone current stable version and make the test (./iozone -a -b raw_data.xls)

Docker loopback / thin-lvm test:

  1. Install Docker as official document ( instructed

  2. Modify daemon (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service) to work around build image issue (moby/moby#17653; look at crosbymichael comment on Nov 11, 2015) and start docker daemon

  3. Build c7perf image ("docker build -t c7perf --rm=true .") based on Note that Dockerfile should be place next to iozone_3_434 directory (see Dockerfile enclosed)

  4. Create /results directory, run c7perf docker image, and do test:

     # mkdir -p /results
     # chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /results
     # docker run -it -v /results:/results c7perf bash
     # cd /root/src/current
     # ./iozone -a -b /results/loop_data.xls

Docker direct LVM test:

  1. Dump the image we just build (c7perf and centos) with Docker save ( to tar file, and save to somewhere

  2. Stop docker service

  3. Follow instruction on docker official site ( to make the change

  4. For change daemon part, the line should look like this:

     ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon --storage-driver=devicemapper --storage-opt dm.datadev=/dev/vg-docker/data --storage-opt dm.metadatadev=/dev/vg-docker/metadata -H fd://
  5. Start Docker daemon and load images back (

  6. Repeat Docker loopback section to test:

     # docker run -it -v /results:/results c7perf bash
     # cd /root/src/current
     # ./iozone -a -b /results/directlvm_data.xls

Test Result

See the excel file in this project


No straightforward conclusion. It depends on the scenario you use Docker.


Docker 1.9.1 file IO testing raw vs loop lvm vs direct lvm