zakare0 / tb-gcp

Tranquility Base - The cloud landing zone

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Tranquility Base

Hi, and welcome to Tranquility Base - the open source multi-cloud infrastructure-as-code Landing Zone together with a self-service portal for automating the provisioning of a set of DevOps-ready reference architectures. For further description of Tranquility Base, please head over to

The current version is feature complete for this release but we are aware there will be bugs to be fixed and patches to be made. For example there will be security improvements to be made and we are working to identify and update the codebase to address them. Please review the issues list for an idea of the enhancements and fixes we're planning to implement. If you want to help us with this or contribute to Tranquility Base in general please contact us on []

There are 2 ways to deploy Tranquility base:

  1. Deploy using Market Place
  2. Manual process

Deploying using Google Marketplace:

Follow the instructions in the file of the tb-marketplace directory.

Manual Deployment instructions

The following instructions assume the following requisites are met:

  • a project exists to host a service account and GCE images which will be used to deploy Tranquility Base;
  • an organization exists as well as a folder under it. Tranquility Base's folder structure and projects will be created under this organization or folder;
  • a billing account has been previously setup and can be used for all projects created by Tranquility Base;
  • terraform ~0.12 is installed;
  • packer ~1.4 is installed.

Initial setup:

  • Setup environment variables to help through the deployment process:

Create Tranquility Base Folder

  • Create a folder to contain the tranquility base deployment:
gcloud resource-manager folders create --display-name="${TBASE_FOLDER_NAME}" --folder="${PARENT_FOLDER_ID}"
  • Get the folder ID and set as another environment variable:

Service Account Creation

  • Create a service account which will be used during the initial deployment process:
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} iam service-accounts create tb-bootstrap-builder
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} iam service-accounts keys create tb-bootstrap-builder.json --iam-account tb-bootstrap-builder@${PROJECT_ID}

Grant permissions to manage billling

  • Give the new service account the ability to link projects to the billing account.
gcloud beta billing accounts get-iam-policy ${BILLING_ACCOUNT} > billing.yaml
  • Edit billing.yaml and add the following entry to the existing bindings (replace PROJECT_ID below before saving):
role: roles/billing.admin
  • Deploy the new IAM binding:
gcloud beta billing accounts set-iam-policy ${BILLING_ACCOUNT} billing.yaml

Grant permissions to Share VPCs

  • Give the service account the ability to share VPCs among projects:
gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding ${FOLDER_ID} --member=serviceAccount:tb-bootstrap-builder@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/compute.xpnAdmin

Grant permissions to manage the folder

  • Give the service account the ability to create new folders and manage their IAM policies:
gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding ${FOLDER_ID} --member=serviceAccount:tb-bootstrap-builder@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin

Grant permissions to create new projects

  • Give the service account the ability to create new project under the new folder structure:
gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding ${FOLDER_ID} --member=serviceAccount:tb-bootstrap-builder@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator

Grant permissions to create GCE instances and images

  • Give the service account the ability to create and use GCE disk images:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:tb-bootstrap-builder@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/compute.instanceAdmin.v1

Activate essential APIs

gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} services enable
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} services enable
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} services enable
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} services enable
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} services enable
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} services enable

Start using the service account:

  • Authenticate gcloud with the new service account:
gcloud auth activate-service-account tb-bootstrap-builder@${PROJECT_ID} --key-file=tb-bootstrap-builder.json
  • Setup the environment for Terraform:
export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS="$(pwd)/tb-bootstrap-builder.json"

Build Tranquility Base terraform-server GCE image

  • Clone the repository:
git clone
cd tb-gcp

NOTE: If the cloning operation fails, make sure you have an SSH key added to your GitHub profile or just use the https URL [] instead.

  • Use packer to create a GCE for the terraform-server:

    Note: Use packer-no-itop.json instead of packer.json in order to disable iTop.

cd tb-gcp-deploy/pack/
packer build -var "project_id=${PROJECT_ID}" packer.json
cd ../../

Deploy Tranquility Base's bootstrap project

cd tb-gcp-tr/bootstrap/
  • Edit your setup's specific variables on input.tfvars. There's a enable_itop variable, set it to false to disable iTop and true to enable it.
vim input.tfvars
  • Run terraform to deploy Tranquility Base's bootstrap.
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=input.tfvars

Note: Tranquility Base's bootstrap deployment (phase 1) is followed automatically by a landingZone deployment (phase 2) which is run from the terraform-server hosted under a bootstrap- project under the folder ID stated on the input.tfvars.

Follow the landingZone deployment

  • The landingZone deployment's progress can be followed by inspecting the terraform-server's Stackdriver logs.

Note: All resources are deployed under the folder ID stated on the input.tfvars file.

Note: Tranquility Base deploys under a two tier folder hierarchy under the folder ID stated stated on the input.tfvars file.

Wrap-up tasks

  1. After the bootstrap deployment, you may want to disable the tb-bootstrap-builder service account;
  2. An initial password for the itop user used to access the Cloud SQL instance on the shared-itsm- project, this password is displayed on the terraform-server logs and should be reset as soon as possible;
  3. vault: root token should be surfaced from the vault terraform module to the root terraform module and changed as soon as possible.

Inspec tests

Attributes can be defined in tb-test/attributes.yml

The actual tests are defined in tb-test/controls/example.rb

  1. Download inspec
  2. Create a service account with permissions to view the resources you wish to test, and set an environment variable to point to the location of the service account key
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='/Users/me/Downloads/myservice-account-key.json'
  1. Run the tests
cd tb-test
inspec exec . -t gcp:// --input-file=attributes.yml

Inspec is documented quite well


Tranquility Base - The cloud landing zone

License:Apache License 2.0


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