zainsadaqat / graphql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Apollo Client
  • NodeJS

Server Side

● Type Definitions ● Resolvers ● Query Definitions ● Mutation Definitions ● Composition ● Schema

Client Side

● Queries ● Mutations ● Fragments

Creating a Schema

● Using Schema Definition Language (SDL) ● Programmatically Creating a Schema using language constructs

Basic parts

● Types - a construct defining a shape with fields

● Fields - keys on a Type that have a name and a value type

● Scalars - primitive value type built into GraphQL

● Query - type that defines how clients can access data

● Mutation- type that defines how clients can modify or create data

What is a Query?

A Type on a Schema that defines operations clients can perform to access data that resembles the shape of the other Types in the Schema

Creating Queries

● Create Query Type in the Schema using SDL

● Add fields to the Query Type

● Create Resolvers that for the fields

GraphQL is a strongly typed Query Language if any condition doesn't satisfy. It's gonna break.

After creating a Type, the next step is to create a query like how can someone access this query.
