JSONQuery provides a comprehensive set of data querying tools including filtering, recursive search, sorting, mapping, range selection, and flexible expressions with wildcard string comparisons and various operators. Quick Example: var data = {customers:[ {name:"Susan", purchases:29}, {name:"Kim", purchases:150}, {name:"Jake", purchases:27} ]}; var results = JSONQuery("$.customers[?purchases > 21 & name='Jake'][\\purchases]",data); returns customers sorted by higest number of purchases to lowest. For more information on JSONQuery, see: http://docs.persvr.org/documentation/jsonquery http://groups.google.com/group/json-query http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2008/07/16/jsonquery-data-querying-beyond-jsonpath/ JSONQuery is a superset of JSONPath: http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ Testing ------- To run the test suite, simply open test/test.html in your browser. To run the test suite in a server-side CommonJS environment, simply run the 'test/test.js' JavaScript file. Currently only available in NodeJS: $ node test/test.js