zadam / trilium-web-clipper

Save web clippings to Trilium Notes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

(feature request) Screenshot Entire Page

cwilliams5 opened this issue · comments

Currently we have the option to screenshot an area (great!). OneNote has an additional option to screenshot entire page - this makes a single .png screenshot of the entire page regardless of how long it is. This would be a lovely feature in Trilium.

Now using screenshot the whole page does not capture the entire web page, just captures the current screen. Is it possible to take a screenshot of the entire page using CaptureTab.


Capturing the whole web page has no support in webextension (although there is some proposal for that) and extensions doing that need to use a fragile mechanism of scrolling, screenshotting and then joining all those partial screenshots together.

Not sure if it's better to wait for webextension support or implement it using the fragile approach ...