zadam / trilium-web-clipper

Save web clippings to Trilium Notes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature Request]add a capture way : just save text only mode without images.

leeyaunlong opened this issue · comments

For some cases, I just want to save selected text to trillum, like ctrl+c , then ctrl+shift+v to paste the text to trilium.


Hi, can't you do it exactly like you mention - "ctrl+c , then ctrl+shift+v" - that will paste as plain text.

Hi, can't you do it exactly like you mention - "ctrl+c , then ctrl+shift+v" - that will paste as plain text.

if I use system clipborad to paste , the url cannot be capture to label pageUrl.


So you mean web clipper?

So you mean web clipper?
yes. in chrome ctrl+c , then ctrl+shift+p in the tilium ,it can not paste the attribute pageUrl.