zaczou / rnn_sent

Recurrent neural networks and Dynamic memory networks for sentiment classification

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Recurrent neural networks for sentence classification

implementation of LSTM for sentiment analysis from theano example. Based on this implementation

Implemented a weighted sum version of attention based on Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification and Feed-Forward Networks with Attention Can Solve Some Long-Term Memory Problems

Implemetation of a combination between Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing and Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering but only for sentiment classification. Specifically, following description as in Table 1 of Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering.

Module Specification
Input module GRU
attention attentionGRU
Mem update ReLU
Mem Weights Untied

attention GRU cell architecture is based on code from barronalex


the following hyperparameters can be changed inside

hyperparameter description
dat_directory Directory containing datasets (used by
load_last_checkpoint Path pointing to a directory containing tensorflow checkpoints (used only if eval is true)
eval Choose between building/training a model (False) or evaluating a saved model (True)
sst_finegrained Iff you want to use the finegrained version of SST set to True, otherwise False
classes_num The number of classes of your dataset
bidirectional Choose between having a bidirectional sentence encoder or not
GRU Choose between using an LSTM or a GRU cell inside the encoder (pay attention though as event if set at False i.e LSTM some encoders (DMN) still use a GRU)
pooling Choose between using avg pooling or fc layer on top of an lstm for sentence classification
pool_all_output Do avg pooling over all outputs of an RNN BROKEN DON'T USE
attention Choose between using tensorflows' attention wrapper for a cell or not (better not use it i.e set to False)
use_attention Use attention weights in the outputs of an RNN
attention_GRU For an RNN choose between using attention weights in a weighted sum of the outputs fashion or feeding the weights to a GRU like in Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering
split_dev Choose between feeding the dev set in small batches or as a whole tensor (usefull when dev set is quite big and initializing a whole tensor would require too much memory)
dev_minibatch Size of minibatches used for dev set
dim_proj Dimensionality of word embeddings to be used, it is also the number of units used by a rnn cell (i.e dimensionality of hidden states/output)
layers number of stacked layer to be used by an RNN encoder
batch_size batch size for training set
n_epochs Number of epochs over the whole dataset to be perfomrmed during training
n_words Dictionary size of the training set, initialize as None to be caclulated in training time
learning_rate learning rate of training
dropout_rate dropout value for softmax layers
clip_threshold Clipping threshold of RNN gradients
sentence_len max sentence length to be used, initialize as None to be caclulated in training time
keep_prob_inp Amount of dropout during training in the input of a cell of an RNN encoder
keep_prob_out Amount of dropout during training in the hidden state to be fed in the next cell of an RNN encoder
l2_norm_w Regularization term to be used on weights during optimization
dmn Choose between using a Dynamic memory network or a plain RNN
episodes_num Number of episodes, if using a DMN
evaluate_every evaluate on dev set every that many steps
checkpoint_every keep a checkpoint of the model being trained every that many steps
save_step save the word embeddings, to be fed, in tensorboard once after that many steps
save_step_dev_info A list containing at which steps to save some information about a model (i.e attention weights on train and dev and dataframe for plotting in bokeh)
std_dev std for word embedding initialization (currently cmmented out in code though) word embeddings are initialized in the interval (-1/(2d), 1/(2d))
train_embeddings list of booleans stating whether trainable is going to be set True or False for the word embeddings (currently support only using one type of word embedding i.e one of the supprted or random. If using pretrained list must have length 2 with second argument set to None)
word_vector_type list of types of pretrained word embeddings to be loaded or empty if using just random
pretrained_vectors list of paths for the pretrained vectors or and empty list if using only random


There is a possibility to produce a couple of different types of plots from the pickle files generated during training or evaluation.


based on attention figures at Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing one can generate similar images using like

alt text

for DMNs or RNNs using attention

magnitude of the dimensions of sentences

The mean of each dimension of sentences per class can be plotted using too

alt text

One can generate similar plots for all classes, max and mean values etc...

word similarities

Several benchmarks for measuring word similarity ( of the trained word vectors are supported. Code for measuring spearman correlation is based on this repo. Currently supported benchmarks:


  • update running info
  • tidy up model declaration code
  • make an automatic pipeline of generating images from pickles
  • remove clatter


Recurrent neural networks and Dynamic memory networks for sentiment classification


Language:Python 100.0%