zachcristol / TwitterClone

Simple Twitter Clone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Twitter Clone

This project mimicks some of the twitter functionality and is in development

Getting Started

Local development workflow: : Client Folder For my workflow, I have the node module live-server serving up the client files. I run this server by running live-server in the client directory. : Server Folder To startup the server for development, execute npm run dev in the server folder. The dev script utilizes nodemon which auto reloads server whenever changes are made to it.


  • live-server
  • nodemon
Give examples of instillation


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system


  • Add delete route to tweet
  • Add delete button to tweets
  • Add date and display it
  • Show date
  • Push to heroku
  • Use cloud mongo
  • Add comments
  • Hashtag search


Simple Twitter Clone


Language:JavaScript 55.8%Language:HTML 27.6%Language:CSS 16.6%