zacharyyz / GSAP-Presentation

Presentation on Web Animation with GSAP

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Javascript Web Animations

Making user interface fun again with Javascript Web Animations.

Since the introduction of CSS3 Animations, the internet is blooming with beautifully illustrated websites that not only provides great look but also amazing interactivity.

The browsing experience were significantly improved when a website is not just plain and dull without any animiations


Today we will be talking about Animation Libraries, what are they and how to use them.

As time is constrained, I would only be introducting one of JS Animation Libraries out there, and it is

  • GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)

With a brief introduction for the library itself.

GSAP is one the of the most used professional grade animating libraries out there.

It consists of many different libraries for its own uses, however we would be using GSAP's TweenMax bundle to tween our web elements in the demo.

TweenMax is the largest bundle as it includes many other GSAP Plugins in one, with the trade off is its bundle size


GSAP offers wide variety of modules for how you want your HTML elements to animate about, down to ever like Timeline, Easing, Staggering etc.


Using NPM

Install GSAP as NPM package

npm install gsap

Import in JavaScript file

// Typical Import
import { TweenMax } from 'gsap/all';

// or get the parts that aren't included inside TweenMax
import Draggable from 'gsap/Draggable';
import ScrollToPlugin from 'gsap/ScrollToPlugin';

More can be read here

Using CDN

<script src=""></script>

In my example, I would be using a CDN for a quick and easy setup 😄

Concepts of Animation

Animations are always breakdown into 4 parts

  1. Starting Position
  2. Ending Position
  3. Duration of Animation
  4. Timing Function

The Starting Position can be defined in your stylesheet (CSS) or by using GSAP's in-built method .set().

The Ending Position is where you would like the element to be after the animation has been played. It can be defined in your stylesheet (CSS) or by using GSAP's in-built method .set().

The Duration defines how long the transition between Starting Position and Ending Position should be.

The Timing function defines the motion of an animation, it is usually defined in a Cubic Beizer Curve or by using EasePack provided by GSAP.

How to use TweenMax

TweenMax consist of a few dozens of Tweening Methods that can be found in their API Docs

However for this showcase I would only explain a few of them and following methods are the most commonly used for tweening

  • .from()
  • .fromTo()
  • .to()
  • .staggerTo()
  • .staggerFrom()
  • .staggerFromTo()

The .from() method was usually used to define the starting position of an animation, in this case the end position would be your position in the CSS

TweenMax.from(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object)

The .to() method was usually used to define the ending position of an animation, in this case the starting position would be your position in the CSS, duration:Number, vars:Object, position:*) :

The .fromTo() method was usually used to define BOTH the starting and ending position of the animation, in the case any styling pre-defined in your CSS would be temporarily overwritten after the animation playback has started.

TweenMax.fromTo(target:Object, duration:Number, fromVars:Object, toVars:Object, position:*)

For the .staggerTo(), .staggerFrom() and .staggerFromTo() they work similarly as .to(), .from() and .fromTo(). However they accept an additional staggerDuration args after vars as they are mostly used for an Array of DOM Elements, like its name defines, it staggers the animation 1 by 1 throughout the list of DOM Elements.

Note: The stagger methods are also exclusive to TweenMax bundle only.


There are several demonstrations in the project folder, you can get started quicky by following the steps below.

  1. Clone repository using git clone

  2. Open demo-1.html.

  3. Relative logic of animations are in js/ folder.



Presentation on Web Animation with GSAP


Language:HTML 60.5%Language:JavaScript 25.9%Language:CSS 13.6%