zachallaun / secd

A simple implementation of the SECD abstract machine (

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A silly implementation of the SECD machine, adapted from The Architecture of Symbolic Computers.


Examples and exercises using the Clojure SECD

A Guide to SECD

The SECD machine is a virtual machine created by Peter Landin (of Next 700 Langs fame) a long, long time ago. The machine targets functional languages, and has a small and (relatively) simple instruction set. Implementing and understanding the SECD machine is an interesting exercise, and while it doesn't represent a "production-ready" compilation target, it will force you to think differently, and is damn fun to have around.

SECD stands for Stack, Environment, Code, and Dump, the four registers of the machine. Traditionally, each register points to the head of a linked list in memory.

Stack: The stack is used for ephemeral storage. Functions will take arguments from the stack and return values to the stack.

Environment: The environment contains arguments passed to functions, as well other values within the scope of that function.

Code: The code (or control) registerm contains instructions to the machine. Executing one of these instructions can change any of the four registers — including the code register itself. The instruction on the top of the code register is the next to be executed, and execution continues until the STOP instruction is reached.

Dump: The dump is used to persist copies of the registers, which, as we'll see, allows us to create JUMP-like instructions without "losing our place" in execution.

Axiomatic Semantics

Axiomatic Semantics is an approach to describing programs in terms of changes in state — not in terms of implementation. SECD instructions are defined axiomatically, which gives implementors total control over the way instructions work under the hood. (For instance, my implementation of the SECD machine is largely functional, and does not rely on linked-lists. Values and registers are, for the most part, immutable.)

An Axiomatic Notation for SECD

I will borrow Kogge's notation. Given a machine state, the next state of the machine can be described in terms of transformations to the registers.

s e c d => s' e' c' d'

where s, e, c, and d represent the initial state of each register, and the primes represent the new states.

TODO: Formalize list dot notation

While the single letter s is taken to represent any possible configuration of the stack register, we also need a way to match on more specific states. Since each register is a list, we can destructure registers to match on internal components.

(123.s) matches the configuration where the top item of the stack is the value 123.

(x y.s) e (ADD.c) d matches the register configuration where the ADD instruction is on the top of the code register, and at least two items, x and y, are on the stack.

Note that the . (period) inside of a list can be read as, "and the rest," such that (x y.s) can be read as, "any x, any y, and the rest of the stack."

Given this, an instruction FOO can be described axiomatically using something similar to the following:

(x.s) e (FOO.c) d => (bar.s) e c d

The Instruction Set

For reference, the instructions we will cover are as follows:

Basic instructions:
NIL    - Nil
LDC    - Load constant
LD     - Load (from environment)

CAR, CDR, ATOM, et al. -  Unary built-in operations
ADD, SUB, CONS, et al. -  Binary built-in operations

Branching instructions:
SEL    - Select
JOIN   - Join

Non-recursive function instructions:
LDF    - Load function
AP     - Apply
RTN    - Return

Recursive function instructions:
DUM    - Dummy
RAP    - Recursive apply

Auxiliary instructions:
READC  - Read character
WRITEC - Write character
STOP   - Stop execution

Basic Instructions


s e (NIL.c) d => (nil.s) e c d

NIL is the simplest SECD instruction. It pushes nil onto the stack. In SECD-land, nil is also the empty list. We'll use NIL before we have to build up an argument list, for example, and then CONS elements onto it. Stay tuned.

LDC — Load constant:

s e (LDC x.c) d => (x.s) e c d

LDC loads the next value from the code register onto the stack. For instance, s e (LDC 1 . c) d would load the value 1 onto the stack. s e (LDC (1 2 3).c) d would load the list (1 2 3).

LD — Load from environment:

s e (LD [y x].c) d => (locate([y x], e).s) e c d

LD loads a value from the current environment. I think now is a good time for a quick aside about the environment register.

Like the other registers, the environment is a list. In fact, it's a list of lists, and each list contained represents a scope. A possible environment, for instance, may look like this:

((0  1  2)
 (10 11 12)
 (20 21 22)
 (30 31 32))

The earlier in the environment a list of values appears, the "closer" it is in scope. During the execution of a function, arguments to that function will be at the top of the environment. If that function is inside another function, the arguments to that enclosing function will be at index 1, and so on and so forth.

The locate function used in LD, then, suddenly makes sense: it accepts a pair of coordinates and indexes into the 2-dimensional environment. If we called the previous example environment e, locate([2 1], e) would return the number 21.

TODO: More clear explanation


Like all virtual machines, the SECD machine assumes a number of built-in operations which take their arguments from the stack.

TODO: Expand?


(x.s) e (OP.c) d => (OP(x).s) e c d

Unary built-ins take one argument from the stack, evaluate the built-in with that argument, and push the return value back on. (Notice that the original argument as "disappeared" from the stack, and been replaced with the result of the operation.)

Examples of unary built-ins:

ATOM - Returns true if its argument isn't a composite value (like a list), else false
NULL - Returns true if its argument is nil or the empty list, else false
CAR  - Returns the head of a list
CDR  - Returns the tail of a list

Note: in the original SECD machine, the boolean values true and false where represented as 1 and 0, respectively. I've chosen to instead use Clojure's true and false for clarity and simplicity.


(x y.s) e (OP.c) d => (OP(x,y).s) e c d

Binary built-ins are exactly like their unary counterparts, except that they take two arguments from the stack.

Examples of binary built-ins:

CONS - Prepend an item onto a list, returning the list
ADD  - Addition
SUB  - Subtraction
MTY  - Multiplication
DIV  - Division
EQ   - Equality of atoms
GT   - Greater than
LT   - Less than
GTE  - Greater than or equal to
LTE  - Less than or equal to

Some Simple Examples

Some simple SECD examples using what we've learned, in Clojure:

;; do-secd accepts a vector representing the code register, and
;; recursively evaluates instructions until none are left. The value at
;; the top of the stack is returned.

(do-secd [NIL])
;;=> nil

(do-secd [LDC 1337])
;;=> 1337

;; (cons 1337 nil)
(do-secd [NIL LDC 1337 CONS])
;;=> (1337)

;; (cons 2448 (cons 1337 nil))
(do-secd [NIL
          LDC 1337 CONS
          LDC 2448 CONS])
;;=> (2448 1337)

;; (car (cons 2448 (cons 1337 nil)))
(do-secd [NIL
          LDC 1337 CONS
          LDC 2448 CONS
;;=> 2448

;; (+ 5 5)
(do-secd [LDC 5 LDC 5 ADD])
;;=> 10

;; (- 20 (+ 5 5))
(do-secd [LDC 5 LDC 5 ADD
          LDC 20
;;=> 10

;; (atom 1)
(do-secd [LDC 1 ATOM])
;;=> true

Branching Instructions

Now that we know how to use some simple instructions, let's take a look at some useful instructions: SEL and JOIN, which together give us something akin to if-then-else.

SEL — Select branch:

(x.s) e (SEL ct cf.c) d => s e c? (c.d)
where c? is (if (not= x false) ct cf)

SEL expects to be followed by two other code lists representing the then and else branches of the statement (here seen as ct and cf). SEL then checks the top item on the stack, replacing the code register with ct if that item is not false and with cf if it is. The remainder of the code register following the two branches, c, is pushed onto the dump, where it can be recovered later.

JOIN — Join with main control:

s e (JOIN.c) (c'.d) => s e c' d

JOIN is used to return control to the code register saved during the SEL. It is expected, then, that the ct and cf code lists seen above end with JOIN.

Trivial branching examples:

;; (if (= 0 (- 1 1)) true false)
(do-secd [LDC 1 LDC 1 SUB   ;; (- 1 1)
          LDC 0 EQ          ;; (= 0 0)
          [LDC true JOIN]   ;; then-branch
          [LDC false JOIN]] ;; else-branch
;;=> true

;; (+ 10 (if (nil? nil) 10 20))
(do-secd [NIL NULL
          [LDC 10 JOIN]
          [LDC 20 JOIN]
          LDC 10 ADD]
;;=> 20

Non-recursive Function Instructions

A function closure is a function that retains references to variables in-scope during that functions definition, even after the function has left that scope. Consider the following Clojure example:

(defn alwaysfn [x]
  (fn [] x))

(def always-five (alwaysfn 5))

;;=> 5

In this example, alwaysfn establishes a closure around x — the function returned from it "remembers" x's value, even though x is no longer in scope. Because of this, we can say that the returned function is closed over x.

This is a useful construct, and the SECD machine supports it. Since local variables and function arguments are accessible through the environment register, we can easily create closures by simply packing up functions with the environment in which they were defined into a [function context] pair.

LDF — Load function:

s e (LDF f.c) => ([f e].s) e c d

LDF is used to create the [function context] closure, packing up some function f (just a list of instructions) and the current environment into a pair, and pushing it onto the stack.

AP — Apply function:

([f e'] v.s) e (AP.c) d => nil (v.e') f (s e c.d)

AP does the dirty work, transferring control to the function instructions and "installing" that functions arguments and context into the environment register. The remaining stack, environment and code registers are also pushed onto the dump so that execution can continue after the function has executed.

TODO: More in depth here, specifically re: function args

RTN — Return control:

(x.z) e' (RTN.q) (s e c.d) => (x.s) e c d

A RTN instruction is expected at the end of any function list, and is used to return a value. When the RTN is encountered, the top value of the stack (x) is saved, registers are restored from the dump, and that saved value is pushed onto the restored stack.

Recursive Function Instructions

DUM — Dummy environment:

s e (DUM.c) d => s (nil.e) c d

nil is replaced by an atom in the Clojure implementation

RAP — Apply recursive function:

([f (nil.e)] v.s) (nil.e) (RAP.c) d
nil (rplaca((nil.e), v).e) f (s e c.d)

Auxiliary Instructions


Writing Simple SECD Programs

The SECD "Hello, world" — Recursion

In many modern languages, Hello, world is basically the simplest a program can get. In SECD-land, this is not so. We don't have a println — we only have WRITEC — so we have to define our own println first!

The function is quite simple, really. It will accept one argument, a list of integers (our model of characters), print the first character from the list, and recurse with the tail. Once the sequence is empty, we'll print a newline character.

TODO: Explain general recursive pattern

;; This is obviously not hello world, but it should be
(def hello-world [72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33])

(do-secd [NIL DUM
          LDF [LD [0 0] NULL
               TEST [LDC 10 WRITEC RTN]
               LD [0 0] CAR WRITEC
               NIL LD [0 0] CDR CONS
               LD [1 0] AP
          LDF [NIL LDC hello-world CONS
               LD [0 0] AP RTN]
;; prints "Hello, world!"

Optimizations — Extending the Instruction Set


Means of Abstraction

As mentioned earlier, the SECD machine is particularly well suited to support functional programming languages. It is no surprise, then, that common abstractions in such languages can be modeled. One such common abstraction is reduce, or fold.

reduce abstracts over recursion

recursion seems abstract in imperative languages, but can be seen as relatively "low level" in functional languages

this is because reduce requires a manual handling of a base-case, in the same way that a while loop would. Handling it poorly leads to infinite recursion.

reduce happens to be a particularly powerful function, and other common functions, like map and filter, can be trivially defined in terms of reduce.

Defining map and filter in terms of reduce in Clojure:

(defn reduce' [f acc sequence]
  (if (seq sequence)
    (recur f (f acc (first sequence)) (rest sequence))

(reduce' + 0 [0 1 2 3 4])
;;=> 10

(defn map' [f sequence]
  (reduce' #(conj %1 (f %2)) [] sequence))

(map' inc [0 1 2 3 4])
;;=> [1 2 3 4 5]

(defn filter' [condition sequence]
  (reduce' #(if (condition %2) (conj %1 %2) %1) [] sequence))

(filter' even? [0 1 2 3 4])
;;=> [0 2 4]

Doing the same, but in SECD:

(def secd-reduce          ;; fn args: [f acc sequence]
  [LD [0 2] NULL          ;; load sequence, check if null
   TEST [LD [0 1] RTN]    ;; if null, load acc and return
   NIL                    ;; build args for recur
   LD [0 2] CDR CONS      ;; cons (rest sequence) onto recur argslist
   NIL                    ;; build args for calling f
   LD [0 2] CAR CONS      ;; cons first(sequence) onto f argslist
   LD [0 1] CONS          ;; cons acc onto f argslist
   LD [0 0] AP            ;; load f and apply
   CONS                   ;; cons result onto recur argslist
   LD [0 0] CONS          ;; cons f onto recur argslist
   LD [1 0] DAP           ;; load recursive fn and apply

(def secd-add [LD [0 1] LD [0 0] ADD RTN])

(do-secd [DUM NIL
          LDF secd-reduce CONS
          LDF [NIL
               LDC [0 1 2 3 4] CONS
               LDC 0 CONS
               LDF secd-add CONS
               LD [0 0] AP RTN]
;;=> 10

(def secd-reverse
   LDF secd-reduce CONS
        LD [1 0] CONS
        NIL CONS
        LDF [LD [0 0]
             LD [0 1]
        LD [0 0] DAP RTN]

(do-secd [NIL LDC [0 1 2 3 4] CONS
          LDF secd-reverse AP])

;; TODO: Shouldn't have to reverse result?
(def secd-map                   ;; fn args: [f sequence]
   LDF secd-reduce CONS         ;; load recursive reduce
   LDF [NIL                     ;; nil to be used for reverse call
        NIL                     ;; build args for reduce call
        LD [1 1] CONS           ;; cons sequence onto args
        NIL CONS                ;; cons nil onto args
        LDF [LD [0 0]           ;; in fn to reduce, load accumulator
             NIL LD [0 1] CONS  ;; cons reduce item onto args for f
             LD [2 0] AP        ;; apply f
             CONS               ;; cons result onto accumulator
        CONS                    ;; cons reduce fn onto reduce args
        LD [0 0] AP             ;; load reduce and apply
        CONS                    ;; cons reduce value onto list
        LDF secd-reverse AP     ;; reverse

(def secd-inc [LDC 1 LD [0 0] ADD RTN])

(do-secd [NIL
          LDC [0 1 2 3 4] CONS
          LDF secd-inc CONS
          LDF secd-map AP])
;;=> (1 2 3 4 5)

(def secd-filter
   LDF secd-reduce CONS
        LD [1 1] CONS
        NIL CONS
        LDF [NIL LD [0 1] CONS ;; load reduce item and cons onto
                               ;; args for condition
             LD [2 0] AP       ;; load condition and apply
             TEST [LD [0 0]
                   LD [0 1]
                   CONS RTN]
             LD [0 0] RTN]
        LD [0 0] AP
        LDF secd-reverse AP

(def secd-even? [LDC 0
                 LDC 2 LD [0 0] MOD
                 EQ RTN])

(do-secd [NIL
          LDC [0 1 2 3 4] CONS
          LDF secd-even? CONS
          LDF secd-filter AP])
;;=> (0 2 4)

SECD as a Compilation Target


Kogge, Peter M. 1991. The Architecture of Symbolic Computers.


Copyright © 2012 Zach Allaun

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A simple implementation of the SECD abstract machine (


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