zaccone / shell-workshop

Materials from my Strange Loop 2014 workshop, Let's Build a Shell!

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Let's build a shell!


Most of us use a shell, at least once in a while. Some spend most of their time in one. Often we take it for granted, not knowing or caring how it does what it does. In this workshop, we'll delve a little into that by building our very own shell!

Focus of the workshop

Shells have many different functions. This workshop will be focused on how processes are launched, and how their IO can be controlled with pipes. We'll be leaving things like environment variable expansion, signal handling and other things out, but I will give some examples of other directions to go at the end.

Rule 0. In particular, we have zero interest in dealing with a whole bunch of messy details, including but not limited to:

  • memory management
  • parsing and tokenising and other text processing
  • ‘proper’ error handling

0. Getting started

Download the workshop skeleton code and utility functions. TODO link

I highly recommend using a version control system and making frequent commits.

1. Name your shell and read input

The most important thing to start with is picking a name for your shell, and its prompt. I went with heee> while I was putting this workshop together, so a typical interaction looks like this:

heeee> ls
shell   shell.c

So, let's get started!

Exercise 1: Set up the main function of your shell to repeatedly prompt the user for a line. For now, we'll just print that line back out. Our shell is a slightly glorified cat, just more personalised!

Here's a little snippet to read a line in C into a variable line:

char *line = NULL;
int capacity = 0;
getline(&line, &capacity, stdin);

2. System calls

So now we can read in a user's command. Next up is to actually run it. To do this, we need some help from the kernel, which is in charge of most things related to processes—among many other things.

The way our programs talk to the kernel is through system calls. These are operations we can tell the kernel to do on our behalf. Examples include:

  • opening files (open)
  • reading and writing to them (read, write)
  • sending and receiving data over the network. (sendto, recvfrom)
  • starting programs (execve)

In fact, more or less everything that involves our programs interacting with the ‘real world’ involves system calls.

Right now, we're interested in executing a program. That uses the execve system call, and we'll use a wrapper function called execvp. Not confusing at all, right?

3. Running a program

Before we run a program, we need to understand how program arguments get passed.

When a program is run, it gets an array of arguments passed in by the user, traditionally called argv. By convention, the first of these is the name of the program. So, when we run something like ls -l /tmp, the argv that ls receives consists of { "ls", "-l", "/tmp" }.

So the call looks like execvp('ls', ['ls', '-l', '/tmp']), except that C doesn't let you write the array directly like that.

Now we're ready to run a program. Parsing ls -l /tmp into an array of arguments is annoying in C (and not very instructive), so I've written a parse_command function that you can use.

Exercise 2. Modify your shell so that after it has read a line from stdin, it executes the command with its arguments.

Try that out. Anything unexpected happen?

4. Forking a new process

In the last exercise, once the program you ran terminated, you didn't go back to your prompt, but got dumped right back to your regular shell. The exec call transforms the current process into the command we specify. So our shell's process is replaced by ls or whatever we chose to run. Once that program is done, the process exits—no more shell.

To avoid this happening, we want the command to run as a new process. We create processes with the fork system call. This creates a new process that is a clone of the existing one, right down to the point in the program that's executing. We can then call exec in the newly created child process, leaving our shell's process around for future interaction.

The return value of fork tells us if we're in the child or the parent: it returns 0 for the child, and the id of the new process in the parent.

Exercies 3. Modify your shell to call fork, and then exec in the child.

Congratulations! Your shell is now mildly useful. There's still a niggle though: when you run a command, your prompt is probably printing out before the command's output.

5. Waiting for children

Looking at your code, you'll see that the parent goes right back to the prompt. To wait for the child process, there's a well-named wait system call. For our purposes, we can just call it with a NULL argument: wait(NULL);.

Exercise 4. Make your shell wait on the child process before going back to the prompt.

Now it's starting to act like a real shell! Try out a few of your favourite commands. I'm a fan of cowsay, but don't let me stop you from running ls or cat!

5. Builtins

What happens if we try to run cd? There's a program at /bin/cd that should let us change directories, so try out this sequence:

heeee> pwd
heeee> cd ..
heeee> pwd
[something... unexpected?]
heeee> cd /tmp
heeee> pwd
[something... unexpected?]
heeee> echo HEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!

That last little sequence of commands probably surprised you a bit. To understand just why we couldn't change directory, we need to find out a bit about how processes work.

Every process has

  • its own memory (where all the global and local variables, the stack and heap)
  • extra metadata that the kernel manages, but that the process can't change directly. It can change these with system calls.
    • user id (setuid)
    • group id (setgid)
    • priority (setpriority)
    • working directory (chdir)

So let's imagine that we fork and exec the /bin/cd process.

1) parent: pid 1000, working directory /tmp
---- fork ----
2) parent: pid 1000, working directory /tmp
   child: pid 2000, working directory /tmp
---- exec `/bin/cd /home/awesome` in child ----
3) parent: pid 1000, working directory /tmp
   child: pid 2000, working directory /tmp/awesome
---- child exits ----
4) parent: pid 1000, working directory /tmp

A process can only use system calls to modify its own state, so the parent shell process still has the same working directory it started with: /tmp.

To change the shell's working directory, the shell itself needs to call the chdir system call. So the shell has to treat a cd command specially: if the command is cd, then call chdir instead of the usual fork / exec. The handling of cd is then built in to our shell—it's a builtin!

Exercise 6. Add a cd builtin to your shell.

cd isn't the only builtin in your regular shell. Take a look at man builtin to see what else is there. Note that not all of them need to be builtins. For example echo works just fine as an external command, but many shells have it as a builtin. Some of these are builtin for efficiency, since creating a new process has some performance overhead.

6. Pipelines

Next up we're going to implement pipelines. Try running ls | wc in your shell. What happens?

heeee> ls | wc
ls: cannot access |: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access wc: No such file or directory

Right now it doesn't know that | has any special meaning, and so tries to list the files | and wc. Before we fix that, we need to understand better how pipes work.

Files on Unix-like systems are managed using file descriptors. If you're using Linux, you can see all the file descriptors for a process using ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd. File descriptors are positive integers (0 is stdin, 1 is stdout, 2 is stderr, and 3 and up are any other files the process has open).

The pipe system call creates two new file descriptors with a special property.

int pipe_fds[2];
pipe(pipe_fds);  // puts returns [4, 5] in pipe_fds

If pipe returns [4, 5], then any data written to 5 can be read out of 4. What this means is that we need to set ls's stdout to be 5 and wc's stdin to be 4. The way to change which file descriptor a file points to is with the dup2 system call. In this example, we'd need to run dup2(5, 1) for ls and dup2(4, 0) for wc.

To recap, to create a pipe ls | wc, we need to:

  1. create a pipe with pipe. Imagine that this creates file descriptors 4 and 5.
  2. fork twice (once for ls and once for wc).
parent: pid 1000, stdin: terminal, stdout, terminal
---- fork twice ----
parent: pid 1000, stdin: terminal, stdout: terminal
child 1: pid 2000, stdin: terminal, stdout: terminal (for `ls`)
child 2: pid 3000, stdin: terminak, stdout: terminal (for `wc`)
  1. In child 1, run dup2(pipe_fds[1], 1) and exec ls
  2. In child 2, run dup2(pipe_fds[0], 0) and exec wc
  3. Close both ends of the pipe in the parent process.

That's it!

TODO ps | grep shows up grep

Exercise 7: Write a fork_and_exec_with_io(cmd* cmd, int stdout_fd, int stdin_fd) that forks and execs the specified command and changes its stdin and stdout as needed

Exercise 8: Use fork_and_exec_with_io to implement pipes with 2 elements.

7. What next?

There are a few directions to go in once you've completed the exercises here. I've split these into things that are fairly clear progression from what we've done, and things that are exploring other areas of shell features.

Natural progresions

1. Longer pipelines

We got a single pipe set up, but longer pipelines are much more useful. The parse_line function can return any number of piped commands, it's up to you to make it go!

2. IO redirection to/from files

If you run grep shel /usr/share/dict/words > /tmp/shel_words in your regular shell, the list of words containing shel will end up in /tmp/shel_words. To do this, you'll have to extend the parsing code to pick up these redirections. Once done, the redirection itself won't be too different from how pipe was handled. You'll just have to use open instead of pipe to get the file descriptor to read from or write to.

3. Redirecting other file descriptors

If you run some-command 2>/tmp/errors in your regular shell, you are instructing it to redirect stderr (fd 2) to /tmp/errors. This is useful to capture log output when a command writes it to stderr. This is a generalisation of the previous extension.

4. Redirecting to other file descriptors

If you run some-command 2>&1 in your regular shell, data written by some-command to its stderr (fd 2) will go to the same place as its stdout (fd 1). This is a further extension of redirection.

Other directions

1. Environment variable expansion

Compare the output of echo $HOME in your shell to your regular shell. Your regular shell treats tokens beginning with $ specially: it looks them up by name in the environment, and substitutes them in the command. The getenv function looks up a variable in the environment. This can be handled during or after parsing a command.

2. Setting environment variables on child processes

In your regular shell, compare the output of date and TZ=Pacific/Samoa date. The date command uses the TZ environment variable to decide how to display the time. Prefixing a command with a string like VAR=value sets VAR to value in the child's environment. The setenv function sets the value of an environment variable. This will require modifying the parser to find these prefixes.

3. Another built-in: export

In bash, export lets us change an environment variable's value in the shell itself. As with cd, because a child cannot modify its parent's environment, export must be a builtin.

4. Signal handling

Compare what happens when you hit ^C (control-C) between your shell and your regular shell. ^C sends a signal to your process, in this case SIGINT. Signals interrupt the normal execution of your program. By default, this aborts the process. To prevent that, we can register a signal handler function to be called when SIGINT is received, or decide to ignore it.

5. Globbing

Compare the output of wc -c * between your shell and your regular shell. Expanding the wildcard * is done by the shell before passing arguments to the child. The glob function in the <glob.h> standard header will be useful.

6. Running a command in the background

In your regular shell, if you end a command with &, it runs in the background. The command will run, but the shell will not block while it does. Ie, it does not wait on the child process.

7. Job control



Materials from my Strange Loop 2014 workshop, Let's Build a Shell!



Language:C 96.0%Language:Makefile 4.0%