z-shell / zsh

📦 ❮ ZI ❯ Package - Zsh

Home Page:https://z.digitalclouds.dev

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ZI Logo ❮ ZI ❯ Package - Zsh

Builds and installs the newest/selected zsh version

Package source: Source Tarball Binary Git Node Gem
Status: ✔️ (default)

zi package zsh

Available pack'' invocations

# Install the newest zsh
zi pack for zsh

# Install the selected zsh version
zi pack"5.9" for zsh
zi pack"5.8.1" for zsh
zi pack"5.8" for zsh
zi pack"5.7.1" for zsh
zi pack"5.6.2" for zsh
zi pack"5.5.1" for zsh
zi pack"5.4.2" for zsh
zi pack"5.3.1" for zsh
zi pack"5.2.4" for zsh
zi pack"5.1.1" for zsh

Default Profile

The ZI command that'll be run will be equivalent to:

zi ice as"null" lucid atclone'./.preconfig; print -P %F{208}Building \
  Zsh...%f; CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include" CFLAGS="-g \
  -O2 -Wall" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/libs -L/usr/local/libs" \
  ./configure --prefix="$ZPFX" --enable-shared >/dev/null && make install.bin install.fns \
  install.modules >/dev/null && sudo rm -f /bin/zsh && sudo cp -vf \
  Src/zsh /bin/zsh && print -P %F{208}The build succeeded.%f || print \
  -P %F{160}The build failed.%f'
    atpull"%atclone" nocompile countdown git for \

It copies the zsh binary onto /bin/zsh.

ZI Completions Control

Package: system-completions

Moves the stock Zsh completions under the control of ZI (optional)

zi pack for system-completions

# Utilize Turbo
zi wait pack for system-completions

# Utilize Turbo and initialize the completion system
zi wait pack atload=+"zicompinit; zicdreplay" for system-completions

Selectively enable and disable the completions with cenable and cdisable.

This repository compatible with ZI

The zsh-users/zsh zsh package that uses the zsh-string-lib to automatically:

  • get the plugin's Git repository OR release-package URL,
  • get the list of the recommended ices for the plugin,
    • there can be multiple lists of ices,
    • the ice lists are stored in profiles; there's at least one profile, default,
    • the ices can be selectively overridden.


📦 ❮ ZI ❯ Package - Zsh


License:MIT License