z-m-k / ScanGO

Scan nearby pokemons and get notified with push notifications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hard to find pokemons on Pokemon GO? This apps allows you to scan your area for nearby pokemons! The pokemons found are shown on map and you will get notified when they are close to you with push notifications! The push notification works in background so you don't need to keep the app on screen to receive them! You can choose to see just the pokemons you want!.


This App allows to scan the surrounding area to find all nearby pokemons and show them on map in real-time.

It doesn't require login and it doesn't access to Niantic servers, so it won't get you banned. It uses third party services.

Receive notifications when a pokemon on map is closer than a certain distance set by you!.

The notification system runs in background so it is not necessary to keep the app in foreground to receive notifications.

Furthermore it is possible to filter pokemons to just receive notification for those we are interested. So for example, if we don't want to recive notifications for the ubiquitous Zubats, we simply have to uncheck the corresponding box.

So to reassume, this app:

  • scans the area to find Pokemons
  • sends push notifications when a Pokemon is close to you
  • runs in background!
  • allows navigator instructions to reach pokemon on map
  • filter your preferred pokemons!
  • customizable parameters

Download Last APK

You can find last APK HERE. Download the file named app-release.apk and install it on device.


to contact me you can send me a private message on github, use the issues section or send an e-mail to pokemongofinder.dev@gmail.com


Scan nearby pokemons and get notified with push notifications