yzhao321 / Scarab-infra

Dockerfiles to run/simpoint/trace/simulate data center workloads

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Dockerfiles of docker images running data center workloads and run Scarab simulation

Docker setup

Install Docker based on the instructions from official docker docs.


To run scarab_ll non-public branches in a docker container, the host machine should have ssh private key ~/.ssh/id_rsa permitted to clone 'scarab_ll' github repository. Only use this for images that are private and will always be! The private key will be visible in the container.

To run the SPEC2017 benchmarks, the host machine should have the image cpu2017-1_0_5.iso under SPEC2017/.

To access traces and simpoints already residing in UCSC LDAP (allbench_traces), you need a BSOE account.

Build a Docker image and run a container of a built image

By using a script


Usage: ./run.sh [ -h | --help ]
                [ -o | --outdir ]
                [ -b | --build]
                [ -t | --trace]
                [ -s | --scarab ]
                [ -e | --experiment ]
                [ -c | --cleanup]

!! Modify 'apps.list' and '<experiment_name>.json' to specify the apps to build and Scarab parameters before run !!
The entire process of simulating a data center workload is the following.
1) application setup by building a docker image (each directory represents an application group)
2) collect traces with different simpoint workflows for trace-based simulation
3) run Scarab simulation in different modes
To perform the later step, the previous steps must be performed first, meaning all the necessary options should be set at the same time. However, you can only run earlier step(s) by unsetting the later steps for debugging purposes.
h     Print this Help.
o     Absolute path to the directory for scarab repo, pin, traces, simpoints, and simulation results. scarab and pin will be installed if they don't exist in the given path. The directory will be mounted as home directory of a container e.g) -o /soe/user/testbench_container_home
b     Build a docker image with application setup. 0: Run a container of existing docker image 1: Build cached image and run a container of the cached image, 2: Build a new image from the beginning and overwrite whatever image with the same name. e.g) -b 2
t     Collect traces with different SimPoint workflows. 0: Do not collect traces, 1: Only collect traces without simpoint clustering, 2: Collect traces based on SimPoint workflow - post-processing (trace, collect fingerprints, do simpoint clustering). e.g) -t 2
s     Scarab simulation mode. 0: No simulation 1: execution-driven simulation w/o SimPoint 2: trace-based simulation w/o SimPoint (-t should be 1 if no traces exist already in the container). 3: execution-driven simulation w/ SimPoint 4: trace-based simulation w/ SimPoint e.g) -s 4
e     Experiment name. e.g.) -e exp2
c     Clean up all the containers/volumes after run. 0: No clean up 2: Clean up e.g) -c 1

There are four ways to run Scarab: 1) execution-driven w/o SimPoint (-s 1) 2) trace-based w/o SimPoint (-s 2) 3) execution-driven w/ SimPoint (-s 3) 4) trace-based w/ SimPoint (-s 4). The execution-driven simulation runs the application binary directly without using traces while the trace-based simulation needs collected traces to run the application. SimPoints are used for fast-forwarding on the execution-driven run and for collecting traces/simulating on the trace-based run. You need to provide the list of the applications you want to build images for them in 'apps.list' file, and the list of the Scarab parameters to generate parameter descriptor file in '<experiment_name>.json'. Please refer to the 'apps.list' and 'exp2.json' files for the examples.

  1. Run a container to run Scarab simulations with already-collected traces with simpoints (Should have access to UCSC NFS)

Build the image where all the traces/simpoints are available and ready to run Scarab)

./run.sh -o /soe/$USER/allbench_home -b 2

Run Scarab simulations by using a descriptor file

First, modify .json file to provide all the simulationscenarios to run Scarab Run the following command with name for -e.

./run.sh -o /soe/$USER/allbench_home -s 4 -e exp2
  1. Run containers to set up applications for running/tracing/simulating

Build the image from the beginning and run the application with trace-base mode by collecting the traces without simpoint methodology. Copy the collected traces and the simulation results to host after the run.

./run.sh -o /soe/$USER/example_home -b 2 -s 0 -t 1 -s 2

Step-by-step on an interactive attachment

Build an image

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker build . -f ./example/Dockerfile --no-cache -t example:latest


./run.sh -b 2 -o /home/$USER/example_home


export APPNAME="example"
export BUILD=2
source ./setup_apps.sh

Check the built image

docker images
REPOSITORY                   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
example                      latest    1dd7a6097ef0   3 hours ago    6.66GB

Run a container of the image

'docker run' will stop the container after it runs the given command. Run with -v to create a volume and keep the updates inside the container remain. 'docker start' after the run will start the container again. You can run other commands inside the container by running 'docker exec'

export LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER)
export LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER)
export USER_ID=${LOCAL_UID:-9001}
export GROUP_ID=${LOCAL_GID:-9001}
docker run -e user_id=$USER_ID -e group_id=$GROUP_ID -e username=$USER -dit --privileged --name example_$USER --mount type=bind,source=/home/$USER/example_home example:latest /bin/bash
docker start example_$USER
docker exec --privileged example_$USER /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/common_entrypoint.sh"
docker exec --user=$USER --workdir=/home/$USER --privileged example_$USER /bin/bash -c "cd /home/$USER/scarab/src && make"

Run simpoint workflow and collect traces on an existing container

./run.sh -o /home/$USER/example_home -b 0 -s 1 -t 1 -s 0

Run simulation with already collected simpoint traces on an existing container

./run.sh -o /home/$USER/example_home -b 0 -s 0 -t 0 -s 4


When you add an application support of a docker image, please expand 'setup_apps.sh' script and 'run.sh' if needed so that the memtraces and Scarab results can be provided by running a single script. The rule of thumb is 1) to try to build a simple image where the basic essential packages are installed on a proper Ubuntu version (the first version of Dockerfile), 2) to run a container of the image, 3) to run the application, 4) to run the application with DynamoRIO (if 3) works), 5) to run Scarab with memtrace frontend feeding the collected traces from 4). If all 1) to 5) steps are working, you can add the processes you added after 1) to the Dockerfile and expand the script. Make sure that running the script provides the same environment and results as 1~5 steps.

An example commit for adding xgboost : https://github.com/5surim/dcworkloads-dockerfiles/commit/3a22b2ebc4620027a1c475a1ef33b67aa85376d8

An example commit for adding mongo-perf : https://github.com/5surim/dcworkloads-dockerfiles/commit/80f7f9003f8f198eadcb16bc890a2be3ba8619a5


  • DaCapo (cassandra, kafka, tomcat) - DynamoRIO, Scarab, and applications are successfully running, but DynamoRIO doesn't support jvm applications. memtraces cannot be collected. Only execution-driven simulation available.
  • Renaissance (chirper, http)
  • HHVM OSS (drupal7, mediawiki, wordpress) - Scarab complilation failed.
  • SPEC2017 - only 502.gcc_r has been added. The SimPoint flow fixes the input size to train and the segment size to 100000000.
  • Verilator - setup based on https://github.com/efeslab/ispy-ripple. Clustering aborted due to out of memory.


  author = {Oh, Surim and Xu, Mingsheng and Khan, Tanvir Ahmed and Kasikci, Baris and Litz, Heiner},
  title = {UDP: Utility-Driven Fetch Directed Instruction Prefetching},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 51st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)},
  series = {ISCA 2024},
  year = {2024},
  month = jun,


Dockerfiles to run/simpoint/trace/simulate data center workloads


Language:Python 43.3%Language:Shell 36.0%Language:C++ 11.9%Language:Dockerfile 8.6%Language:CMake 0.2%